Bank of Boris

The jingo, perhaps lingo, in London today is, FU EU 2021

by Victor Cherubim

There are of course, some situations where showing your emotions may not serve you well. But that is not the case in UK after the euphoria of Brexit on 31 January 2020.

We have London house prices rebound in the “Boris Bounce”. House prices enjoyed a 2.3 % rise to £484,000 after a 2019 full of falls, according to the Office of National Statistics.

Is it Mojo or Bojo, as the property market has turned a corner and is shaking off its post-EU referendum anxieties, with first time buyers either going for flat share or playing the “Game of Zones, “choosing their London Underground enviable Zones wisely.

We had on 20 February 2020, a brand new “feel plasticy”£20 Note, issued by the Bank of England with two brand new identity features, one a hologram “image change” which shows the “words change” between Twenty and Pounds, as you tilt the note from side to side and the second, with a see-through window as you check the foil. “Blue and Gold” on the front of the note and “Silver” on the back. The only other paper note that remains is the £50.00 Pound Note in circulation since 2 November 2011.It will be also replaced by a new polymer by the end of 2021.

Cashless, who says?

Whilst Sweden and some of the Scandinavian countries are going cashless with four out of five purchases made electronically or by debit card, with even public toilets going digital, the picture is very different in Southern Europe.

Italy for example, three fourths of all consumer purchases are still paid for in “hard cash”. They like the feel of cash in their pockets. This perhaps, is due to the low confidence in the authorities and the banking system. But a cash free society would lead to increased security and would cut cash handling costs.

A struggle is also taking place in Europe?

Amid all the uncertainties in banks and money, we hear of the “Frugal Four” of Europe, Denmark, Austria, Sweden and the Netherlands, have dug their heels over the next European Budget running from 2021 to 2027, “insisting they want a limit of 1% of economic output”, refusing to pay more to make up for the loss of Britain’s fees “to leave,” while their less developed nations want to keep generous aid flowing.

Whilst the EU is no closer to a deal after Thursday all night session, a feature in Europe trying to bridge divisions between the richer and poorer nations over what to spend, the “Bank of Boris” however, is confidently assuring the world that the UK Budget will take place on 11 March 2020 as planned even with a change of Chancellors.

Talking about cash, has the EU lost its marbles?

We were also told that after three years of impressive focus in its Brexit negotiations, Brussels is now “cherry picking” in its demand for return of the “Elgin Marbles” which was “lawfully or unlawfully” removed from the Parthenon during the then Ottoman government in Athens. Perhaps, this is a quid pro quo for a future trade deal with Britain, which according to government reports will not be part of the negotiations? Who knows?

Bouncing Ball Britain?

What nobody shouts about is that the Europeans are investing in Britain in a big way. We hear of Polish Billionaire Dominika Kulczyk has splashed out £57.5 m for a mansion in Knightsbridge near Harrods.

The new rules on immigration published days ago by Home Secretary, Priti Patel, who admitted that her parents would not have been allowed to settle in UK, under her own rules, are based on the Australian points system. These job offers to migrants will be restricted but will attract the world’s skilled. This happens to be Boris’ bouncing ball. Is it getting immigrants to do his job? Why not is a lesson for Sri Lanka?

Ola, London! Ride the Change

An advert by O Ola, the newest Car support system in London, in competition states, that no one will ever get into the wrong car with their security start code.

This echoes the confidence to tackle anything and everything in UK today.