Grants available for civil society organisations in Sri Lanka

Civil society organisations from Sri Lanka and other eligible Commonwealth countries can now apply for funding and a unique partnership opportunity

The Commonwealth Foundation has announced the opening of its annual grants call.

Grants of up to £50,000 are available in support of projects that seek to strengthen the ability of civil society organisations to engage with governments so they can improve governance and development outcomes through their active participation.

Successful applicants will also be given monitoring and evaluation training in a week long workshop that takes place in London.

Grants awarded after the last call are supporting Commonwealth citizens to engage with institutions on issues that affect them and their communities. Groups supported include street children, rural women farm dwellers, stateless persons, and those subject to gender-based violence and discrimination. Other projects focus on improving women’s political representation and helping fishing communities secure co-management of fisheries resources.

Director-General of the Commonwealth Foundation, Anne Therese Gallagher, said: ‘Our grant-making recognises the fundamental importance of genuinely inclusive governance. Our focus is on less-heard voices so that institutions and policies truly leave no one behind.’

The Commonwealth Foundation’s grants programme manager, Comfort Osilaja said: ‘Over the past eight years, the Commonwealth Foundation has awarded over 80 grants to civil society organisations across the Commonwealth, strengthening citizen’s participation in governance at local, national, and regional level.

‘This work will continue with the new grants call, enabling more civic voices to engage in governance, and promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development.’

Applicants must be registered not-for-profit civil society organisations, have an annual income of less than £3 million, and be applying for a maximum of £50,000 per annum for up to four years.

Applicants are encouraged to sign up to the grants mailing list for alerts and find updates and full eligibility criteria on the following web page:

The deadline for preliminary applications is on 9 January 2020 at 5pm Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).