Sri Lanka: Wearing Niqab is our right - ACJU Boss Rizvi

ACJU, President Rizvi stressed that wearing face cover was compulsory, or, in other words, wajib

Muslim MPs, yesterday, endorsed the stand taken by the Muslim clergy body, All Ceylon Jamiyathul Ulma (ACJU) that there should be no division among the community in taking future decisions. They are expected to take a final decision on the proposed Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act (MMDA) with scholarly and legal inputs with the blessings of Islamic scholars.

The most powerful man in the Islam community in Sri Lanka 
MPs including Sri Lanka Muslim Congress leader Rauff Hakeem, Sri Lanka Makkal Congress Rishad Bathiudeen and several others, yesterday, pledged solidarity at an event under the theme, ‘Safeguarding the Rights of the Muslims’ held at the Muhiyyadeen Mosque in Dehiwela. The event had been organised by the Colombo District Masjid Federation.

Speaking at the event, ACJU, President Ash Sheik M.I.M.Rizvi stressed that wearing face cover was compulsory, or, in other words, wajib.

"Wearing Niqab is our right and we must fight for it without causing disharmony," he told the gathering which consisted of religious leaders, scholars and parliamentarians.

He said that only a few countries had banned Niqab.

ACJU Chief stressed that some people were fighting for their rights to wear revealign dresses and same sex marriages and, therefore, the Muslims had to fight for safeguarding their customs.