Captured Indian pilot releases

 Indian media always stretches the truth - Captured Indian Pilot 

New video statement of uniformed Wg Cdr Abhinandan released

Indian Air Force Wing Commander Abhinandan captured by Pakistan authority for violating the Line of Control between two countries, finally handed over to India, a short while ago.

Meanwhile, a new videotaped statement of Indian Air Force Wing Commander Abhinandan has been broadcast on national television, which shows him in his uniform.

The statement recounts his ingress into Pakistani airspace in search of a target, being shot down, being accosted by an angry mob and subsequent rescue by Pakistan Army officials, and his experience in Pakistani custody.

"My name is Wing Commander Abhinandan," he states for the record.

"I am a fighter pilot in the Indian Air Force. I was in search of the target when your [Pakistan] Air Force shot me down. I had to eject the plane which had sustained damage. As soon as I ejected and when my parachute opened and when I fell down, I had a pistol with me."

"There were many people. I had only one way to save myself: I dropped my pistol and tried to run," he is heard saying in the video.

"People chased me, their emotions were running high. Just then, two Pakistani Army officials came and saved me. Pakistani army captains saved from the people and did not let any harm come to me. They took me to their unit where I was administered first aid and then I was taken to the hospital where I further underwent a medical exam and received more aid," he says.

"The Pakistan Army is a very professional service. I see peace in it. I have spent time with the Pakistan Army [and] I am very impressed."

"Indian media always stretches the truth," he regrets. "The smallest of things are presented in a very incendiary manner and people get misled."