Bikini me!

In business, but more in fashion, anything goes as big brands want to capture the market with innovative designs, outlandish ideas and motifs.

by Victor Cherubim

London is one of the frenzied and creative fashion markets in the world. It has acquired a unique double edged reputation for relentlessness and innovation, for brashness and subtlety, for blending with the times – and sometimes breaking norms, not only in dress sense.

To make things a little easier, if you touch base with fashion designers and buyers you will find lots going on this spring. “Gucci’s black jumper has caused offence. The wool balaclava has now been withdrawn. It was said: “diversity was a fundamental value to be upheld and respected.” “Burberry has also come in for controversy after a model wore a hood with strings tied into the shape of a noose, which critics accused was insensitive to use as an image loosely associated with racism, prompting the Company to apologise.”

In business, but more in fashion, anything goes as big brands want to capture the market with innovative designs, outlandish ideas and motifs.

What is more important than fashion today?

Imperfection, not only in design but also in one’s look, in one’s skin  marks, colour blemishes have been highlighted over past years to distinguish facial and body features. Many are born with these mysterious, sometimes odd coloured blotches called marks at or shortly after birth. Some ancients treated them with affection as they are signs of idewntity when we are born. They are caused by abnormal blood vessels under the skin at birth.  

Birth marks and moles, as many have either one or the other, but hardly both, are fashion in film and TV industry today. One type of birth mark is caused by an overgrowth of blood vessels in the skin and the other type is caused by an overproduction of pigment in the skin.  Pigmented birthmarks are black, tan, brown or coloured skin marks, present from birth. It is not fully understood why birthmarks occur, but they are not usually inherited. They generally are harmless, some fade over time, others will be permanent. 

“In some cultures, particularly in Arabic countries, birthmarks have been said to indicate a mother who was unsatisfied to an unmet craving during pregnancy.”

In some other interpretation, and an interesting perspective, particularly for those who understand reincarnation, a birthmark may be said to represent, something about past life.

Some say, birthmarks represent the exposure of the body in the womb to the malfunction of planets. Ancient sages have maintained that birth marks tell us about the future of a person, this according to their shape, colour, and position in the face or body.

Revealing the secrets of your birthmarks is a science in itself.

Beauty marks

Without going into a study of birth marks and revealing much of one’s personality and behaviour patterns which many attribute to past life, we find birth marks have been fashion. 

A beauty mark on the lips bas been and is considered, a fashion icon. Many women sex symbols, actresses and other celebrities are known for their beauty marks. Marilyn Monroe, born 1926; Elizabeth Taylor, b.1932; Sophia Loren, b.1934;Madonna,b.1958; Cindy Crawford, b.1966,Joan Crawford had a prominent beauty mark in her role as Sadie Thompson in “Rain”. There were also a few male actors also known for their beauty marks. They were Cary Grant, b.1904; George Hamilton, b.1939; to name a few. 

Artificial beauty marks

Artificial beauty marks became fashionable in the 16th France and the fashion persisted into the 18th century, applied to the face as a form of makeup. The adage, your face, your fortune, is not without question?

Besides, recently, “Monroe piercing” is a lip piercing placed off centre, above the upper lip, meant to resemble Marilyn Monroe’s beauty mark?  

T.V. and the media very recently seem to have “craved” to attract personalities on their screens, for their so called “birth marks,” perhaps, to serve a different purpose, to attract audience, for audience participation, for upping their ratings etc.etc. 

What was once to be ashamed of is now in vogue?

For many years people of both sexes tried to cover up their blemishes. For many people a birthmark was something to be ashamed of. Many used make up and hid their marks. Strangely, now it is the trend for people to portray them as natural as they were born, birthmarks and all, with a feeling of confidence and self worth.

The idea of covering up one’s natural asset was tantamount to “hiding behind a mask”. It no longer is, doom and gloom for people with facial birthmarks. Why?

Generally speaking, there are five kinds of people who stare at faces and feel compelled to comment on it, to offload their insecurities, perhaps, as an escape mechanism. With so much uncertainty in today’s world, so much insecurity, so much prejudice, we live in an age of “Compare dot com,” in many ways than one.

Children are genuinely curious about blemishes, yet they question, why? perhaps, to soothe themselves. It may detract them from their own acne.

Of course, we can ignore the adolescents, “looking for a laugh,” because they see something different on screen and it gives them, a kick back. 
Then there are others, the so called: “check out customers” who hope to scrutinise and observe all, as a pastime.

There are the habitual “do gooders” who feel obliged to offer suggestions.

But, the best I have heard so far, “people use people as a ruse to distract attention or mask bad or fake news”?