Leon Ismail – An Eulogy

by Zulkifli Nazim

It is with a heavy, bleeding heart that I wish to announce the passing of a great friend and peer at the ripe old age of 92 – 2 minutes to midnight on 23rd February 2019. Mr. Mohamed Ghazzali Ismail - Leon fondly remembered and called by all who had been acquainted with him.

The pain of losing a magnificent friend is going to remain in my heart forever. I know, that there isn’t anything that can take away the pain that we are feeling right now; but I want to take it upon myself to convey to the world as to the extraordinary wondrous, personality of Leon Ismail.

I first met this admirable and awesome personality when I joined the Hayleys Group in 1979 when he was an Engineer already serving in this blue chip group, for over a decade – an institution by himself well loved, respected and admired – a legend at the Hayleys Group of Companies.

He never missed a single day of his working life, perfectly dedicated, committed and devoted to his profession – a brilliant man who was totally familiar with every nut and bolt of every type of machinery in every type of factory at Hayleys Group, both literally and figuratively – Whether it be Fibre baling machinery, tea plantation machinery, rubber gloves manufacturing machinery, brush manufacturing machinery, activated carbon manufacturing machinery – the list is endless. You could say that he was a person of considerable prominence who was sought after even after his retirement and this reminds me of a verse in the Bible – Psalms 92:14 :

“Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green.”

And he was exactly that.

He lived up to the maxim : “Hard work never killed a man. Men die of boredom, psychological conflict, and disease. They do not die of hard work.” ― David Ogilvy

Leon Ismail’s behavioral, temperamental, emotional and mental attitude was something that characterized a unique individual. He never let another man down. He fulfilled every obligation he ever undertook.

I could without hesitation describe him as sanguine - optimistic, active and social; melancholic - analytical,wise and quiet; as well as phlegmatic - relaxed and peaceful. His last stage proved this point without any shadow of doubt.

His word was his bond, and everyone knew it. I never heard him utter a lie even for fun. A self-made and self-reliant personality from his education to his career, from his skill with every kind of tool that could fashion wood or metal, brick or cement.

Leon, never made an enemy. Not one. While he most surely came across a few people he couldn't countenance, he solved the problem by simply avoiding them. He always insisted that violence never solved any problem.

His character is the foundation of my conscience.

He was also A jovial, pleasant and a friendly individual. A good-natured man who makes you feel pleasant in his company. He loved a good joke, yet his humour was never mean spirited, nor designed to hurt or humiliate. I never once heard him utter a racial slur, nor did he ever treat anyone of any station with anything other than, dignity, respect and kindness.

I also take this opportunity to express my heartfelt condolences and deepest sympathies to the bereaved family :

No one can prepare anyone for such a loss; it comes like a swift wind. A person that departs from this earth never truly leaves, for he is still alive in our hearts and minds. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

May Allah in His Mercy grant the family and all his loved ones, tranquility of heart and of peace of mind.

May my very best friend and brother Ghazzali Ismail, attain Jannathul Firdaus.