“A Week is a long time in British Politics”

by Victor Cherubim

British Prime Minister Theresa May has delayed the Parliamentary vote on Brexit by two weeks, but says it is still within grasp to leave the EU with a deal by the end of March 2019.

What a farce says, Vince Cable, the Liberal Party Leader.

Independent Group says they are being attacked for their policies and also for not having policies.


This Independent Group of 8 Labour MP’s welcomed the arrival of three former Conservative MP’s to their fold.

Hang on! say the Conservatives, we might get more MP’s joining us from disaffected Labour soon.

Labour Party says, “Do the Independent Group really need to be a Party. They need to get back to their constituencies and seek re-election”. Of course, they won’t have to print any manifestos or have “dictatorial “Conservative Whips to be scared or afraid of.

The Independents say we always thought, or rather think for ourselves, but now that the Party doesn’t think for us anymore, anything is possible, chaps?

No need for words or handshakes with EU’s Jean Claude Juncker with Theresa May, as the dog chain around Theresa May’s neck has recently put him off his cordiality.

He now holds her elbow instead?

“Keep the noise down boys” says Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour Leader, “Uncle Cable, needs his sleep”.

Why does Vince Cable keep smiling at us, like a Cheshire cat, ask the Independents?
He won’t have a cat’s chance in hell, would he?

Meanwhile lots of people are saying, Justine Greening (hardly green) and Dominic Grieve (“Don’t grieve for me, Argentina”) of the Conservatives might join the Independents.

Of course, counters the Independent Group, we have not been joined by Labour’s latest defector, MP Ian Austin. He wants to be “independent of the Independents.”

The Conservatives have always been a broad church?

The Conservative have always maintained they are a broad church.

Not really says Jeremy Corbyn’s Momentum of Marxists, they only had a broad chest, to rhyme with breast. Apparently, we’re all a narrow church. Who worries about Church, now that we have Synagogues, well heeled and heated.

It’s now a shame, as we Marxists have become more than a Church. Who worries about Church now that we have Synagogues, well heeled and heated. No wonder they call us “anti-Semitists”. You all know Luciana Berger, who left Labour and joined the Independents, possibly doesn’t even go to church,

Who said we would stand a chance again at by-elections said an MP who left the Labour Party to join the Independent Group? “Many of us won, by a handful of votes but without a fistful of dollars”.

True, not that we’ve left the Party, but the Party left us, and let us down.”

What confusion in Parliament?

It is not a big deal for MP’s to quit their parties. In Sri Lanka, MP’s are bought over with money, in UK too MP’s are bought over, “rather brought over with ideas” of whether they will win again?

Of course, it does not happen often and rarely en masse. Since 2010, 21 MP’s have quit their party including 12 since Monday 18 February 2019.

The hard left now occupy the leadership of the Labour Party.

The so called “hard core Conservatives”, now seen to control the voice of the Tories.

The crude truth is that Theresa May still has a slender majority with the DUP’s of Northern Ireland support. Only when and if enough Conservatives defect to remove that majority might she have to broker deals with the Independents.

What does all this mean for Brexit?

Not much, is the short answer. The House of Commons maths remains the same because all the defections up to now were already defying their Whips to back another Referendum. They may be programmed to vote the same way and who knows?