Sri Lanka: Sirisena’s Decision to Dismiss the Parliament is Ultra Vires

Indian constitutional jurist and senior advocate to the Supreme Court has penned his opinion on prevailing constitutional crisis in Sri Lanka

(November 20, 2018, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) President Sirisena’s Proclamation of November 8th, 2018 to dissolve the Parliament is ultra vires the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, a renowned jurist in the Supreme Court of India, Fali S. Nariman observed.

[caption id="attachment_54043" align="alignleft" width="118"] Fali Sam Nariman[/caption]

Born in Myanmar (Burma) but now based in New Delhi 89 years old senior jurist was the senior advocate to the Supreme Court of India since 1971 and has remained the President of the Bar Association of India since 1991

Here is the full text of his observation;

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