Sri Lanka: Rajapaksa lost the confidence once again


Rajapaksa lost the confidence vote for the third time just now

Around 10 delegates from foreign nations are seated at the Parliamentary

UPFA MP Arundika Fernando is currently seated on the Speaker's Chair

President Sirisena says he will not Suspend the Parliment under Any Circumstances 

(November 16, 2018, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) The start of today's Parliament sessions have been delayed as United People's Freedom Alliance (UPFA) MPs have currently surrounded the Speaker's Chair, the Local media reported.

Sessions were due to commence at 1.30pm. However, UPFA MPs are currently in the middle of the well of the House and have also surrounded the Speaker's Chair.

UPFA MP Arundika Fernando is currently seated on the Speaker's Chair.

President Maithripala Sirisena has sacked Arundika Fernando when he was a Deputy Minister last year. Puttalam district MP Fernando was the Deputy Minister of Tourism Promotion and Christian Affairs.

The UPFA MPs are chanting slogans against United National Party (UNP) MP Palitha Thewarapperuma, who was caught on camera during yesterday's brawl in Parliament allegedly brandishing a knife.

According to reports around 10 delegates from foreign nations are seated at the Parliamentary complex in order to observe today's Parliamentary proceedings.

Meanwhile, the start of today's Parliament sessions have been delayed as United People's Freedom Alliance (UPFA) MPs have currently surrounded the Speaker's Chair with MP Arundika Fernando physically occupying Speaker's seat.

Speaker entered the Parliament but UPFA MPs prevented him from starting the session. UPFA MPs throw away the Speakers Chair.

According to Harsha De Silva MP, " Wimal Weerawansa MP is abusing Sri Lanka judiciary and says will not accept the order. He says Speaker will be sent home. MPs support the Sirisena-Rajapaksa forcibly taking over Parliament. I wonder if this has ever happened in any democracy".

Meanwhile, Mahinda Rajapaksa lost the confidence vote for the third time just now, UNF announced.

Kumar Welgama MP, addressing the media says, what these men in our party are doing is unacceptable and shameful.

Meanwhile, issuing a brief statement President Sirisena noted, "I urge all Parliamentarians to uphold principles of democracy parliamentary traditions at all times. I will not prorogue the Parliament under any circumstances".

Vijitha Herath MP, addressing the media says, "they ( MPs of Sirisena - Rajapaksa faction) have assaulted me by using a copy of the constitution, and they have used chilli power mixed water to attack the MPs".

According to a journalist who was in the Parliament, "Wimal Weerawansha MP grabbed the extra Chair brought into the Chamber by Parliament police for the Speaker Karu Jayasuriya and Johnston Fernando MP broke it into pieces and hurled it back to the direction of the Speaker. The pieces of the chair hit police personnel who guarded the Speaker."