| by N.S.Venkataraman
( January 1, 2015, Chennai, Sri Lanka Guardian) For India, year 2014 has been one of mixed fortunes.
The most satisfying development is that the common men have firmly indicated that they would not tolerate persons who indulge in corrupt practices anymore, which is reflected by the results of the parliamentary elections. This development has certainly created fear amongst the politicians and may put them on the guard.
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There appear to be some thinking even amongst the pledged admirers of Mr. Modi that he has not taken any effective steps so far to put down such negative elements. If such hot heads would not be curtailed now itself, it is possible that they may become beyond control in the course of time, upsetting the quality of the governance of the country and undoing all the positive efforts of Mr. Modi and his government.
Another significant development is that people have responded to the promise of development oriented agenda based on which Mr. Modi campaigned during the election. This certainly give confidence that people, by and large, have the right priorities.
Another aspect that cannot be missed is that the people vote for parties on the basis of the merit of the leadership and not based on the merits of the individual candidates. The strong and decisive leadership is considered as a matter of merit by the people. This explains why Mr. Modi was able to catch the imagination of the country men. The widespread feeling in the country is that the vote during the parliamentary election was for Mr.Modi and not for BJP as such.
While the results of the parliamentary election have brought a refreshing change in the mood and confidence of the people, the next seven months have created certain apprehension in the minds of the people as to whether Mr. Modi will be able to keep his promises and meet the expectations of the country men. It is not so much due to any lack of commitment for development plans on the part of Mr. Modi , but the fact that there are a few hot heads in the party and other fringe groups claiming to be near to Mr. Modi, who have been bent on spoiling the progressive political climate now being built by Mr.Modi.
There appear to be some thinking even amongst the pledged admirers of Mr. Modi that he has not taken any effective steps so far to put down such negative elements. If such hot heads would not be curtailed now itself, it is possible that they may become beyond control in the course of time, upsetting the quality of the governance of the country and undoing all the positive efforts of Mr. Modi and his government.
The country is certainly still giving the benefit of doubt to Mr.Modi and think that , perhaps he wants to ignore such elements, without giving them too much of importance by talking on them. Mr. Modi has also given an impression that he has condemned them in private.
However, the fact is that media (some of them may be well prejudiced against Mr. Modi for whatever reasons) and the opposition parties are carrying out relentless propaganda that Mr. Modi has become meek and is unable to resist the hot heads and make them behave. Mr.Modi has to necessarily take some steps immediately to avoid such impression gaining ground due to constant propaganda and media blitz.
Ultimate success for Mr. Modi will happen , only by his maintaining ethical and moral standards in his administration and striving his level best to implement the development agenda with competence, that he promised to the country. Whoever comes in the path of this target have to be tackled strongly and justly , whichever party or the group they may belong to.
It is possible that many in his own party and in the RSS, with which Mr.Modi is known to have an emotional attachment, may not have the vision that Mr. Modi has for the nation and their priorities could be different and even narrow .They do not seem to realise that Hindu religion and its philosophy is too strong and there is no need for hot heads to defend it.
In the days to come, Mr. Modi has to choose between the country/ the quality of his governance and the hot heads who seem to be running amuck .