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Home Archives for January 2015
Reforms in Sri Lankan Universities
| by Aboobacker Rameez
( January 23, 2015, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) It is heartening to see a suitably qualified person being appointed as the Minister...
Sri Lanka: Window of opportunity to rebuild damaged legal structure
| The following statement issued by the Asian Human Rights Commission
( January 23, 2015, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) The 100-day reform programme of the...
Time For Course Correction For Indian Trade Union Movement
| by N.S.Venkataraman
( January 23, 2015, Chennai, Sri Lanka Guardian) Several decades back, Karl Marx gave strong call...
Nepal: Promulgation of New Constitution: Dead line Missed
| by S. Chandrasekharan
( January 23, 2015, New Delhi, Sri Lanka Guardian) As expected the dead line of Jan 22, 2015 for the promulgation of a new constitution...
| by Tisaranee Gunasekara
“Is it always the same Spring
Who reprises her role forever?”
Neruda (The Book of Questions)
( January 22, 2015, Colombo,...
Sri Lanka returns to fold of democracy
| by Kuldip Nayar
Former Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa did not regret the blood bath that the Sri Lankan Army indulged in even after the LTTE surrendered
Gota's Real War
How the U.S. Can Help Sri Lanka Turn the Corner—with a targeted war crimes prosecution
| by Ryan Goodman
( janaury 21, 2015, New York City, Sri Lanka...
No One In This Country Can Be Taken To The International Courts Against War Crimes
| by Ranil Wicramasinghe
( January 21, 2015, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) “Throughout the previous government, the judicial powers of the country was misused...
Chomsky: Paris Attacks Show Hypocrisy Of West's Outrage
| by Noam Chomsky
( January 21, 2015, Boston, Sri Lanka Guardian) After the terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo, which killed 12 people including the editor...
Will Mahinda now look towards UN and US for relief?
| by Upul Joseph Fernando
( January 21, 2015, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) "The media does not highlight the threats hurled at my supporters. The media...
Collapse of the Rajapaksa Regime
| by Laksiri Fernando
( January 21, 2015, Sydney, Sri Lanka Guardian) If there is any overall lesson from the Rajapaksa collapse, that is ‘not to abuse...
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