| by Swadesh Roy
( January 11, 2014 , Dhaka, Sri Lanka Guardian) Bangladesh achieved its victory through a long blood-spattered way on 16 December 1971 but then the world’s eyes were on a Jail of Pakistan because, a prisoner in the Pakistan jail was the hope, wishes of 75 million people along with the fulfillment of the newly born country’s independence. It was the first time of the world that, a head of the state of a newly born country was a prisoner of his enemy’s country. It was the first time in the world, a leader who took the leadership of his newly government returning from the jail of enemy’s country.
Pakistan was the enemy of newly born Bangladesh but they were bound to give him release from jail under the pressure of the world community. The then President of Pakistan Mr. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto could understand that, he had no way without giving release of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the father of the nation and the president of Bangladesh. A petite hope was in his mind that if he could play any game to take Sheikh Mujib but after taking power shortly, he understood, his first task was to bring Sheikh from Jail to the prestigious guest house, and he did it. Some newspapers published the news but it was widely circulated through the press conference at the UN on 22 December by the then Indian foreign minister Sardar SwranShing. The Journalist was asked regarding the secure return of Mujib then he told that, “I have seen a press report that, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is being released from prison and being moved to a house. Perhaps his physical comfort might improve, but unless he is released, it is immaterial whether he is in a jail or a house, it is the time that he should be released and come back to his people to give them lead what they badly require at this stage”. In this press conference Mr. Shing also told that, “we attach the importance of releasing Sheikh Mujibur Rahman because he is the one who can stabilize and give the right lead to the 75 million people of Bangladesh, and, therefore it is necessary anyhow, and we would do our best along with other countries to ensure that he is released and goes back to his people”
The press conference at UN, the answer of Mr. Shing and the questions of the Journalist proved some important objects. One, Mr. Shing’s some words expressed that; India along with the world community was creating heavy pressure on Pakistan to release BangaBandu. Second, India along with world community understood that, Sheikh is the only person who can put together the new country and lead his people. Third, the press conference made it clear that, Bangladesh had achieved the victory on 16 December, it was on 22 December but nobody was thinking that without Sheikh Mujib it was not possible to fulfill the independence of Bangladesh and to lead 75 million people properly. He was the only leader who was able to lead the new nation and build up an independent country.
After the victory, for establishing an independent country two objects were urgently needed then. One was the reorganization of the other countries as soon as it was possible. Second object was the withdrawal of Indian troops. BangaBandu, the father of the nation returned home on 10 January 1972. On 10th January 1972 the New Herald, Kathmandu published an editorial what’s heading was `unchallengeable reality.’ In this editorial, the New Herald wrote, “Sheikh Mujibbur Rahman is now not only a free man but also the head of the state of a country that has just proclaimed itself as independent. It must have become clear to all by now that Bangladesh is a reality and sooner every nation recognizes it the better for it. There is indeed no room to doubt that the majority of the nations will recognize the newly emerging Bangladesh within the next few days or week.”
When the New Herald wrote the editorial then Royal Nepal government did not recognize Bangladesh. But in the first paragraph of the editorial the New Herald commented that within a few days or a week majority of the nations would recognize Bangladesh and in the last paragraph they wrote Royal Nepal would recognize Bangladesh soon. Similarly, after the release of father of the nation Bangabandu Sheikh Mujib the withdrawal of the Indian troops came into reality.
But before the release of Shiekh Mujibur Rahman the world thought that it was only possible by the leadership of Shiekh Mujibur Rahman. So, the world renowned newspaper, The New York Times wrote an editorial on third January 1972. In this editorial The New York Times wrote, “Bangladesh urgently needs Sheikh Mujib’s leadership to unify its people for urgent task of rehabilitation, reconstruction and building the nation. India needs Mujib even more desperately to forestall a growing threat of anarchy and extremism in this new border state and promote the conditions that will facilitate the speedy return of the refugees to Bangladesh and withdrawal of Indian troops.”
It is the part of the history that, Bangabandu made possible the speedy return of the refugees. In our country, many of the researchers have worked on freedom struggle but nobody did work on the refugee though within ten million refugee seven million was minority who were forced to go India not only by the torture of Pakistan army but also by the torture of razakers and albadars. Those Razakers and Albadars were their neighbor so they were hurt physiologically and were suffering from mistrust. Returning of Bangabandu gave them confidence. In addition, they believed that, Bangabandu would give them security and he would trial them who tortured them and killed their family members. Besides, after getting freedom there was an urgent need of building the nation first. Bangbandu has started it but after his sad demise it was stopped besides that, the counter revolutionary or military government tried to confuse the nation regarding our nationality. Also they tried to destroy the bonds which were required to make our nation.
For last five years, the present leader of the country, Sheikh Hasina has been passing an uphill way. Many of the opinion creators are describing it in many ways but what she is doing, it is a historical task. She is doing the unfinished task of Bangbandu. She is building the nation on the spirit of our freedom struggle. Until the nation is being built up on the spirit of freedom struggle, the country will not be able to move forward properly.
Swadesh Roy, Executive Editor, The Daily Jankantha