Deliberate exaggeration on the growth of Wahabism in Sri Lanka

| by A Patriotic Lankan

( April 16, 2013, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian)
I was shocked and dismayed to read Shenali Waduge’s article on Wahabism in Srilanka. The title of article was (Ban Wahabism in Srilanka: save Muslims and save Srilanka) this was published in Srilanka guardian on 30-3-13. With all respect to her journalism I’m compelled to disagree with some of her arguments. I would like to make some objective criticisms on some of the points she made in her short essay. I partially agree with Shenali Waduge that Wahabism is a threat for our moderate Muslim community in Srilanka but I disagree with her to say that it is a threat to Srilankan security and internal integrity. Of course, it is a threat to the mainstream Islamic thought, it is a threat to mainstream Islamic groups, it is a threat to the mainstream Islamic mystic groups, it is a threat to Islamic theological and dogmatic groups. It is a threat in limited sense to peace and security in some countries: No doubt some extreme Islamic groups are offshoots of Wahabi thought in literal understating of Islamic texts and sources. Yet, to generalise this threat in Srilanka is wrong and Wahabism is not a threat to internal politics of Srilanka at all.

I had to disagree with her in proposed methodology to dismantle wahabism from Srilanka. She compares them with LTTE. This is an exaggeration. Of course, the real threat of Wahabism has been highlighted by many mainstream Islamic scholars and experts in the Muslim world. The danger, threat and extreme nature of Wahabi thought should be exposed to public in the greater interest of Islam and Muslims. More importantly, in the greater interest of world peace and security. Recently after discovery of oil Wahabism has spread like a virus in the Muslim world not because of its strength in its ideology and doctrines rather because of it oil money and Saudi political patronage. It has generated more harm and more danger for the mainstream International Muslim community than any other Islamic sect. It has given bad impression and bad name for Islam and Muslim over the world. In the name of Islam it has done more harm than more good to Islam: of course its founder has done a greater job in Arabian Peninsula during his life time and yet, his followers and present day cohorts went to an extreme end.

In his brilliant book on this subject Prof, Abu Fadl draws our attention to the danger of Wahabism to the mainstream Islam. He argues that Wahabism was originated in Saudi Arabia as a religious cult with objectives of cleaning Saudi Arabia from all form of religious innovation and un-Islamic practises and belief. In that sense, it is a reformative movement and yet, it went to far extreme in some of Islamic teaching and doctrines in that its followers disagree with all other Islamic doctrines and principle: It can be said that they not only disagree with other groups rather they exclude all other mainstream Islamic groups from the fold of Islam: The danger lies in this wrong perception. It was a religious- political marriage of convenience that gave birth to Wahabism in Saudi Arabia. Political elites of Saudi wanted them under their control for their political benefits and at the same time religious clerics of Wahabism wanted the Saudi political support and backing to indoctrinate public with their doctrines and this marriage of convenience was further strengthen with oil money. It is because of this oil money wahabism was more influential and more powerful in Muslim and Non-Muslim world today.

It is general accepted that journalists and writers should follow the ethical and moral protocols of journalism to the best of their abilities and knowledge. One of the primary objectives of journalism is to expose and reveal the truth without any bias and prejudice: It is the moral duty of the journalists to present information objectively without any subjectivity. They should tell the truth and facts without any twist or manipulation. This is the beauty of true and honest journalism. To accomplish this noble duty, a large numbers of professional journalists risk their lives in war torn countries. They dedicate their time, energy and even lives for this noble profession so that the world come to know the hidden truth about any incident that happens around the globe.

I’m sorry to say that this writer has greatly inflated and exaggerated some factual information about these so called Wahabism in Srilanka. It may be due to lack of knowledge in modern trend in Islam and Islamic ideology groups. To speak for Islam or in the name of Islamic groups one should have comprehensive background knowledge, thorough historical and theological understanding about Islam: This may include Islamic theology, law, history, philosophy and Islamic basic sources material in its original sources. Unfortunately today we have seen so called experts in Islam and sometimes they have twisted truth and manipulated basic fact. Recent example can be cited from Budu Bala Sena reading the Holy Quran and providing interpretation to some of Quran verses out of context. Even some of the monks claimed that Quran says to kill non-Believers whenever see them? What a twist of historical fact is this? What an out-of context of understanding is this? Will you like if I provide my own interpretation to the sayings of Lord Buddha without any proper knowledge or for that matter any religious text of any other religion.

I do not blame Shenali waduge for wrong information that she gets from sheikh Google and its cohorts. It is wrong to compare Wahabism with LTTE for many reasons. LTTE originated with support and training of India: India initially supported Elam war. LTTE had the support of the majority of Tamil those days. LTTE had geographical lands scale of more than 350 miles from Putvil to Jaffna to fight Srilankan forces. Moreover, LTTE had international support to continue their fighting for more than 30 years. Moreover, they had military training locally and internationally. What do these Wahabi Groups have? Do they have Muslim people with them? Where do they get military training? Where do they live? Is it enough one square meters of Kathandudi to wage a war against this sophisticated Srilankan forces? Or that matter any other Muslim enclaves in East? I think that Senhali waduge should have some common sense when she writes this issue? She should write away from communal prejudice and religious discriminations. Mere prediction and guessing are not enough in this case to support this prophecy. She is just assuming under assumption of western propaganda machine against some religious extremism?

Why can not she expose the extremism of Budu Bala Sena? Each sound person in Srilanka knows that BBS an extreme group and it act with patronage of some members of these ruling elites. It would not be wrong to name as Buddhist Wahabsim in Srilanka. Why she does not expose some this crafty politics in Srilanka rather than talking about Muslim issues?

Like any other religions we do have many denominations among Muslim communities. Like Christian people have many denominations Muslim have got hundreds of denominations in Islam even with salafis groups they have different of groups. As we know well that some theological and dogmatic issues are very much delicate and elusive issues. These people differ for some small issues: there are many groups even within fabric of Salafis groups. Ironically all these groups do not have any connection with politics. It is their principle doctrine that these Salafis groups will not engage in politics. It is principle of Wahabism that that it does not war against any established government: when Mohamed ibn Wahab signed an agreement with King Saud it was an integral part of that agreement that Wababi groups will never engage in politics and in return King Saud promised them that they could preach their ideology in Saudi Arabic. That is why we have seen in Tamil Nadu one Salafi group openly oppose LTTE for taking arms against the democratically elected government of Srilanka. Shenali should know the ideology of Wahabism before she writes on them. She should know about ideological differences between these groups when she writes about them. Some of these groups fight between themselves for miniature religious and theological issues and some of this internal conflict has gone out of control.

It is pity that Muslim community have failed behave cohesively in this multi-cultural and religious Srilanka. It is wrong to bring all internal religious differences into spot light among all other communities. This gives a bad name for peaceful religion of Islam and Muslims. I think that we should blame these radical groups for this. Yet, it should be noted here that all these groups will never and ever become a security threat to Srilanka at all. It is true that these groups make some trouble and tension within Muslim community in Srilanka. It is duty and responsibilities of law enforcement agencies in Srilanka to deal with them within the frame works of law in that situation: We have seen fighting between these groups in mosques or these incidents should be dealt with rules of law and it is an internal problem of Muslim community and these could be solved within communities. To say that these groups are going to “take over the nation even the Muslim people” is an absolute exaggeration in very sense.

Yes, some of these groups may get some funding to run some Islamic institutes or charitable works or to run some orphanage and yet, to say that they going to do any military operations against Srilanka is sheer fabrication of fact. To compare them with LTTE is wrong in very sense. These are loyal citizens of Srilanka and they do love Srilanka as we do love it. But the difference they are religiously motivated and religiously inspired extremist in a sense. They feel that real salvation is in their religious faith not in money or wealth. I do agree that this religious extremism in spirituality should be guided into right direction and that is the duty of right minded people in Muslim community and they should take responsibility to do that.

Soon after 9-11 incident some sheiks communities mistakenly attacked by some Americans in USA and they have mistaken for Muslims: even some of them were killed by mistake. This happened because Muslims and Sheiks resemble in physical appearance. I’m afraid that this task of moderate and extremists in Muslim community will be more difficult in Srilanka unless we have some experts on these denominations. Otherwise in the name of wahabism any one could be taken for questioning or any one could be intimidated. Innocent people will be punished for no crime committed. We all know how many millions innocent people were killed in the name of war on terror. I’m afraid that Srilankan Intelligence officials may need lessons on Islam and Muslim today. I hope that they do their home work well before they act wrongly.