| by Swadesh Roy
( December 5, 2012, Dhaka, Sri Lanka Guardian) Khaleda
Zia visited India last month. When she was visiting India,
the student organization of Jammat -e- Islam were attacking on the police in Bangladesh. It
is to mention that this student organization is recognized as a terrorist
organization by the state department of America. When this organization was
torching the car and attacking the police in the different place of the country
then Khaleda Zia confessed to India
that if she comes to power in future her government will not tolerate any type
of terrorist in the soil of Bangladesh.
Besides that, acting general secretary of her party said, there is no relation
of his party with the work of Jammat and its student organization.
The confess of Khaleda Zia in India and the statement of
acting general secretary of her party regarding the work of Jammat made a new
image for the party of Khaleda Zia. Some of the analyst of international
relation and political aspect of South Asia
started to think that, Khaleda is going to change her party politics because
she has understood the present context of the politics of the democratic world.
They are thinking that, Khaleda Zia has understood that, to carry a terrorist
image and a strong bondage with the terrorist organization; it is not possible
to go to the power and maintain a good relation with the democratic world. It
is also reality that, if you run a democratic government you must cut up any
type of relation with the terrorist. So, some of the analyst thought that,
Khaleda and her sensible associates have understood that but some analyst of Bangladesh and India did not believe it. They
expressed their opinion that, it is very tough for Khaleda to come out from
this circle where she is staying for a long time. Basically her son is very
much associated with terrorist and their illicit works such as arms smuggling
and others.
But after returning from India, she said that, her visit is
very much successful. Even then to see her attitude some of her advisers who have
terrorism leaning they resigned from her party. On the other hand the people of
her party who are more democratic they were very much happy including her
former foreign minister. So it shows a new impact in the politics of Bangladesh. A
large number of people started to think that, Bangladesh will come out from the
terrorism and the party of Khaleda Zia will be reformed. It would be a
conservative party like Britain.
The new dimension of the politics of Khaleda Zia made unhappy Jammat because
the party of Khaleda is the only shelter of Jammat in Bangladesh now.
So they were trying to stop Khaleda Zia from changing the truck of politics.
And ultimately they have become successful. Last Tuesday Jammat called a
countrywide shutdown and they got success to get support from the
Bangladesh Nationalist party, the party of Khaleda Zia.
Jammat called the shutdown demanding that, government
has to dissolve the war crime tribunal and has to release the accused war
criminals unconditionally. It is not only unconstitutional but also to help
terrorism and the war crime. However when Jammat called the strike then
cautious people thought that the party of Khaleda Zia will not support it
because she has changed the truck of her politics. But in the midnight her
party supports the countrywide shutdown in same demand. It is great victory for
Jammat in present context and a great lose for Khaleda. Why she has done it, it
is not clear even but it is true that she has missed the train for which train
she was waiting in the station. Anyway, it is true that, basically it is so
much tough for her to be a passenger of this train. In the same way, it is true
she has made a mistake; but why did she do it?