The street agitation of the last two week of Bangladesh

| by Swadesh Roy

( December 13, 2012, Dhaka, Sri Lanka Guardian) Within two weeks the opposition aliens of Bangladesh have observed three major programs against the government and the War Crime Tribunal of Bangladesh. On 4th December Jammat-e-islami Bangladesh called a dawn to Dusk shutdown in all over the country. They called the shutdown for demanding the release of their leaders who are accused as war criminal and they are under trial. They are under trial in last two years. But now the trial of some of them is at the end stage in the tribunal. One verdict will be given in any time. They are thinking that verdict will be sentenced to death so they are desperate in the road and they are making road agitation. However, they had successful to get the support from the main opposition at that shutdown in same demands. They did a heavy vandalize in the road. They vandalized a huge number of car and bus, they did arson in the vehicle also. But at a stage at Mirpur, it is the west part of Dhaka city, general people also resisted them. More than eight people were wounded by the mob. 

No one will think that, things will go easily in future of Bangladesh but it is true the new generation is in favor of the trial of the war criminals and they think that trial of the war criminals will help them to build a sustainable Bangladesh in future.

However, they were stronger in the road on 9 December. Because, on 4th December Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) give them support in their strike but they were not in the road. But on 9th December many young followers of Jammat and BNP were in the road from early morning. They set fire and vandalize huge number of cars. An eminent journalist of Bangladesh, who is in his profession last sixty years, said that, for the first time  political workers have vandalized such a huge number of vehicle, he has never seen such number of car vandalizing in his life before. Besides that two people died on that day. One is called an innocent boy who was beaten to death suspected as a bomber by the mob in the city of Dhaka. Another was died in a district town of northern part of the country. He was died also beaten by the mob. Jamamat-e- Islami claimed that he was their worker. On the other hand the acting general secretary of BNP claimed that six people had died on that day but he did not show any evidence of them. However, the turning indication of that day is, for the first time in the rally of in front the office of the BNP the acting general secretary of Jammat-e-Islami demands that, the tribunal which has been formed for the trial of the war criminal- has to be dissolved. The BBC asked to the acting general secretary of the BNP regarding that demand. He told that, Jammat can do that.

After this road barricade program Jammat – BNP aliens called a dawn to dusk shutdown all over the country on 11 December. But day before shutdown government arrested the acting general secretary of the BNP and in the shutdown day government took tough measures against the opposition. So shutdown was not so tough it was more or less a leisure day of the city.

However, in these three programs of the opposition two incidents was so remarkable. One was on 4th December. The worker of the Jammat-e- Islami vandalized the car of American Embassy. Jammat also admitted that they had done it. Another was happened on 9th December by the worker of the BNP. They vandalized the car of a German engineer. The embassy of Germany also made a written protest to the party of the BNP and they informed it to the government of Bangladesh.

So, now it is clear in Bangladesh the Jammat- BNP alley is going to make road agitation for releasing the accused war criminals or dissolving the War Crime Tribunal. That is why it is a crucial time for  Bangladesh because the people who believe in perception of the freedom struggle they will not go it unchallenged on the other hand in favor of war criminals Jammat and BNP is going to fight in the street. So no one will think that, things will go easily in future of Bangladesh but it is true the new generation is in favor of the trial of the war criminals and they think that trial of the war criminals will help them to build a sustainable Bangladesh in future. So they will fight in the last stage and it is to be said that, young generation always win in any war in the world.

Swadesh Roy, Executive Editor, the Janakantha, Dhaka, Bangladesh and regular with the Sri Lanka Guardian. He can be reached at