| by Gajalakshmi
( December 12,
2012, Melbourne, Sri Lanka Guardian) I write in response to the Sri Lankan
Guardian article ‘Remembering the dead; rites and rights of the living’ by
Bishop Duleep de Chickera
I met Rev Duleep
de Chickera during a Friday Forum meeting in which my Associates Ms Rani
Karthigesan Sinnathamby, Mrs. Malar Fonseka and I were facilitated to participate. When I read the
above contribution by Rev. Chickera, I felt that there was some value added to
my investment in the Friday Forum. To me, ultimately, the way we receive an
issue for ourselves is the core value of our efforts and sacrifices.
Rev. Chickera
states ‘It is reported that the students lit lamps to remember the dead. In
this act they participated in a universal rite, practiced by billions over
centuries in homes, cemeteries, places of worship and places where death has
occurred. While traditions differ, the essence of the rite is remembrance and
the symbolic recognition that the enlightening memory of the dead dispels the
darkness faced by those left behind. To respect this rite is a sign of
I feel deeply
touched that a Catholic is sharing such wisdom through a Hindu experience. The
deeper we go the less conscious we are of outer world and their differences. It
is easier for a Tamil Hindu to identify with the experience that happened at
University of Jaffna, than it is for a Sinhalese Catholic. Yet, those of us who
have gone through our respective cultural paths to the depth where we cannot
‘see’ the outer world, would feel through our hearts where the Truth resides.
Lighting of the
Lamp denotes that Truth - that the Aanmah (Soul) is Eternal. The body is
Maya/illusion and is temporary. If we believed that the body was true – then we
would not need to light lamps or honor the dead including on All Souls Day or
even have memorials including war memorials. Most of us do believe that there
is life after death of the body. It is this belief that is being given form and
is being upheld when we light lamps to remember the dead. Through such
gestures, we the living also reduce our own fears of death. Death is Certain and we all know it. But only
the wise know that life after death of the outer body is also certain/True. Hence,
one who kills or causes another to be killed, without the position duty to do
so or without the belief that s/he is upholding Dharma/Righteousness is losing
her/his own ticket to a better life after s/he sheds the current body.
Given that most
of us do believe in life after death of this body – including through belief in
Nirvana by Buddhists and Kingdom of God by Christians and Rebirth or Moksham by
Hindus – we need to ask whether wins and defeats could be assessed through the
number of dead. If no, then on what
measure is the Sri Lankan Government claiming that it won the war against the Tamil Tigers?
Rev. Chickera
states ‘In most societies, specially those which strive to rise from sectarian
violence, those commemorated by one group are likely to be considered the enemy
by another. Our society is no exception to this. But this does not mean that
one has the right to prevent the other from remembering the dead. Much more,
when the one which prevents is the State, and when it uses resources that are
meant to protect its citizens to suppress them instead, this type of behaviour
becomes brazenly discriminatory.’
The actions of
the Armed Forces which represent the Government (and the Government has not
stated that the Armed forces acted without authority) strongly indicate that to them what happens
at the physical level – be it rebirth of the Tamil Tigers or more deaths on
their own side – is their reality. Hence death and injuries to the body is the
first measure of loss in a physical
level fight. A government that claims victory on that basis – is living very
much in Maya/illusion.
The problem with
Maya is that it changes form very quickly when it is not connected to its Root
/ Truth. The events that are unfolding
within the majority race that claimed victory through dead bodies without feeling connected to the root cause of
Independence - be it the Government’s or
the Rebels’ - confirm that there the
Government has changed the form of its opposition / enemy to retain its
‘sovereign looks’. All those who
participated in the Government’s victory celebrations – including lawyers at
their local levels – now feel threatened of their own independence /
sovereignty. Yet, even if one amongst the Tamil Tigers and the civilians of
Vanni who believed in independence through Tamil culture, was
killed by the Armed Forces there would be exponential return karma for the
majority race. I realized this Truth through my painful experiences at the
University of New South Wales – whose reputation was seriously damaged through migrant staff who sought to
go direct to the media. I on the other hand used the path of Due Process – even
though it was very painful and at the end of which apparent defeat was waiting
for me. Each investor would receive what happened as per their own Truth – to
the extent there is no logical and/or visible causes. Without such belief based
interpretation, we become indifferent once there are no costs or benefits to be
expected from that source. This happened to significant proportion of the
majority race after they concluded on the basis of Government’s declaration
that the threat of terrorism has been eliminated. But what about the JVP – do
they actually believe that they eliminated JVP violence ? Did the Government
celebrate its victory over JVP – the way it celebrated/s victory over Tamil
Tigers? To those who count through bodies
- such bodies are more visible when once they come outside the circle.
This is the reason why Tamils are more critical of the Government than the
Sinhalese who elect themselves to form Government.
Some Sinhalese
with investment in global thinking, say that the majority race failed to bring
the pain and suffering by JVP members and supporters – to the global forums –
as is now happening in the case of Tamils. To me this is because majority within the educated members of majority race
would not want to ‘lose’ their opportunity to get into top positions that need
the blessings of the government. Happens all the time in families and
workplaces. If you are ‘in’ you do not observe as well as you do when you are
‘out’. The Sri Lankan Judiciary was ‘in’
when the Tamil Community was ‘out’. Hence the unexpected fall/death of independent status.
The simple rule
at the physical level is that there is an equal and opposite side to every
physical manifestation. If the separating line is such that we do not see each
other – then we have to accept without show of power – the picture presented by
the other side and then criticize the picture and through the picture alone. Hence the need for transparency. There is no
authority to criticize the subject nor through the subject. They are outsiders.
When the Tamil
Tigers were declared Terrorists by the Sri Lankan Government – the Tamil Tigers
and the Tamil Community that never separated itself from the Tamil Tigers –
were the ‘opposition’ that was presenting its own side. If the picture
presented by the Tamil Tigers was not acceptable to the Tamil Community – then
the two could have been separated. Likewise with the JVP. Often the Government
went beyond the picture presented by the Tamil Tigers and focused on the
subjects. Thus they are delaying the practice of Democracy. Lawyers from within
the majority race often said – ‘Tiger Terrorists’ instead of referring to the
picture of Terrorism presented by the Tamil Tigers as THEY saw it.
Mr. Mahendra de
Silva states in his Sri Lanka Guardian article ‘Liberator becoming a Monster’ :
‘When Tamil Tigers were killing our people daily, did you talk about freedom?
We all lived in fear. How many innocent people were killed by Tiger bombs, in
trains, buses and everywhere? No one talked about our democracy and freedom
I take it that
‘Our People’ meant the groups whose members the Tamil Tigers targeted. This was
the Sinhalese. Hence I need to think as a Tamil. In this regard I said as
follows to a local group ‘The question is whether we are Australian first or
Sri Lankan first? This could also be
translated as whether we are Sri Lankan first or Sinhalese/Tamil first?
Whichever path we may take - once we realize our own Truth - it would help us
identify with our 'home-environment/country'.
To me - the environment/nation in
which we are most natural is our home-environment/nation. Sometimes, our
individual claims need to be overridden to serve the need of our
home-group. I firmly believe that I am
Sri Lankan. But when I am talking to a Sinhalese - I become Tamil for this
reason. To my inner mind - I am still serving Sri Lanka by doing this and
reminding the Sinhalese that there is a balancing force opposite to keep Sri
Lanka's status as a multicultural country.
Likewise I firmly believe I am Australian. But when I am talking to an
Anglo/English-Australian - I become Asian-Australian. In my mind, I use
intellectual power to balance and equalize myself to the other person - to give
form to multicultural reality. But if I started elevating myself through that
intellectual power - I am investing in assimilation by a weak opposition or in
conflict when the other has more numbers to show majority power’
As a Tamil, my
memory says that the number of innocent Tamils killed by Army actions is far
greater than the number killed by the Tamil Tigers. Yet, when it happens to our
own group – we feel the pain and loss more. Sinhalese pain is relative to their
past as Tamil pain is relative to their
past. Apples and Oranges cannot be counted as equals until we see them as
fruits. This is why the deeper sharing by Rev. Chickera at this time is comforting
to the likes of me.
I stated to my
home group mentioned above ‘The problem with democracy is that we tend to
accept reality and then start assimilating. Our current environment and its
culture must be upmost in our minds - so that we can truly carry forward our
investments as Sri Lankans. When we succeed laterally here in Australia - our
parallels in Sri Lanka who would be migrating tomorrow - mentally and/or
physically would inherit that home-environment that we are developing for them.
As Gandhi said in South Africa - there is room for all of us. In India Gandhi
said 'there is no room for the British'.
Former was show of intellectual
power as a minority. Latter was political power as part of majority. Both environments were Gandhi's home
environments because he was truly an independent person. Ultimately that is
what this is all about. Once we are independent - we would share that naturally
with our home-groups’
Rev. Chickera’s
says ‘In fact these incidents draw attention to the common sense proposal of
the LLRC, appointed by the President, calling for appropriate provision for
thousands of Sri Lankans affected by violence to be able to come to terms with
their grief with dignity; and to then begin the shift to a healing of memories
leading to reconciliation. That such an event has still not happened and that the
rights of the people to do so are prevented tells a much more tragic and
disturbing story.’
We also have
here in Australia a bottom up, flat forum of the People – for
Reconciliation. It is the Sri Lanka
Reconciliation Forum Sydney. This to me
is the only Sri Lankan forum here in Sydney, Australia. To my mind, the others are ethnic – Tamils or
Sinhalese. But in power this group even
though it is moderate in size, holds the balance with wider world and
therefore is investing in the next
generation Sri Lankans including within the Diaspora. Sometimes we identify particular differences
and facilitate for all concerned to
reconcile by knowledge of how others suffered.
Often we work to ensure that there is no need for Reconciliations in our
minds and in the minds of those who naturally group with us. That to me is our ongoing program. I feel strongly that the LLRC has stopped
functioning. It needs to continue to exist and be active to prevent the need
for Reconciliation. The body / name is
Reconciliation. The heart/soul needs to be Commonness. There is no Rebirth for an effective
Reconciliation forum. It becomes an ongoing program. The Lessons Learnt by us
would naturally discipline us from within and these disciplinary actions on
both sides are costs. If we fail to pay
the costs – we incur losses due to external forces. Hence if we fail to learn
from the past and discipline ourselves internally – we are moving towards
separation – this time it is between lawyers and politicians. Like with the LLRC – Separation of Powers
needs to be alive to prevent rebirth of physical separation. The natural
example is One mind and five physical
senses. Natural Separations at physical level promote attraction and hence Man
and Woman who become One Minded as a family and/or through Love. Where there is
no higher mind, there is no uniting force.
The urgent need in Sri Lanka is this higher mind.