Liberator becoming a Monster

| by Mahendra de Silva

( December 11, 2012, London, Sri Lanka Guardian) Today Sri Lankans who are living abroad watch with sadness and anger what is happening in our country. Whenever I meet Sinhalese Buddhist Rajapakse supporters they ridicule me for expressing my views about Sri Lanka. They say that one should come to the county to understand the developments taking place.  They talk of new roads, skyrise buildings,overhead bridges, luxury cars and also the cleanliness of Colombo city. According to them very soon Sri Lanka will be far ahead of Singapore When I ask about freedom and level of democracy, media freedom in the country they again get excited. What freedom? When Tamil Tigers were killing our people daily, did you talk about freedom? We all lived in fear. How many innocent people were killed by Tiger bombs, in trains, buses and everywhere? No one talked about our democracy and freedom then. It is Rajapakses who saved us from a disaster. None of the other leaders, JR, Chandrika, and Premadasa could save us. We have to worship Rajapakses for saving our country. They deserve to rule the country for generations.  I have come across even highly educated and intelligent Sinhalese professionals who subscribed to this viewpoint. It appears that this regime can continue for generations to come even if it becomes a total dictatorial state like North Korea so long as mentality and attitude of majority Sinhalese Buddhists remain like this and they are blind to injustices of Rajapakse regime.

Devolution of power and allowing people in a particular region to make their  own decisions on administrative and development matters is also a recognized component of democracy.  Because of foolish communal minded Sinhalese politicians all Sri Lankans  have had to suffer from communal disharmony and violence and unrest among minorities.

I was thinking to myself the rationality of this argument in support of Rajapakses which is quite prevalent with ordinary Sinhalese. It is a fact that ruthlessness of Rajapakses had a positive effect in completely eliminating Tiger menace from Sri Lanka temporally. But Sri Lanka had to pay a huge price in terms of thousands of innocent Tamil civilians whose lives were taken  in Vanni during the last stages of the war and the resulting adverse publicity that SriLanka received. War could still have been won more respectably if they had been  little sensitive to human casualties. But brutality in  the way it was conducted damaged the reputation of Sri Lanka as well as Sinhalese who were known as peace loving followers of Lord Buddha. Further, War Crime charges were repeatedly made against the Armed forces who made  great sacrifices  in the belief that they were  liberating  the country. In my view we could have minimized the damage to a great extent if the SriLankan Rulers of the day had acted conscientiously.  A good leader, who has all the powers needed to make a difference to the lives of people in his care  should have understood the sufferings of Tamil people due to decades of war. A leader conscious of his position duty had the responsibility to all his citizens and not only those who had the power to vote him into the leadership position.  How great it would have been for Sri Lanka if Rajapakse had made use of the golden opportunity he got to unite the country. His heart should have felt for the   thousands of refugees in Vanni camps.   If he was conscientious enough, the first thing MR should have done after the war would have been to admit that innocent civilians were lost in the war.  When  there were claims of misconduct or war crimes  a proper enquiry should have been made and the culprits punished.  A rapid compensation and settlement process should have taken place immediately after the war.  Instead of which the ruler has   built unproductive ports and airport at places like Hambantota  and has  opened new  airline  Mihin Air  in his own name, wasting billions of public money.   A conscientious  ruler would have spent that money to develop North and East ruined by war and also to uplift the morale of Tamils  who had lost everything in their procession due to war.  It is natural that they would harbor an ill will towards SriLankan government for what has been happening there. Goodwill gestures by government would have brought about  a huge attitude change in Tamils within the country as well as within the Diaspora outside Sri Lanka. Our Buddhist priests and ordinary Sinhalese people should have been at the forefront in going to the refugee camps helping Tamil people who lost everything due to the war. Act of Kindness by Buddhist priests and Sinhalese towards Tamils would have done much more to spread Buddha’s message across North and East, than building Buddha statues and temples all over Northern peninsula. Even the war crimes charges and the very bad publicity Sri Lanka and  Sinhalese Buddhists received after the war would have been minimised if Sir Lankan government had taken  concrete steps to achieve real national reconciliation and rebuilding of war-torn territories. Rajapakse would have been hailed like Nelson Mendela, if he had acted as a statesman at least after the war. If he worked towards winning hearts and minds of all the people including Tamils after the war, Rajapakses could have stayed in power easily without having to do all the bad things they do today to stay in power.

Again coming back to the rationality of the argument that Rajapakse’s can do anything because they liberated the country from Tamil Tigers, counter argument could be made that if someone saves a another from a disaster in order to pay gratitude is it necessary to allow liberator the liberty to do anything as he likes to the victim !  In Sri Lanka the liberator who saved the county from the clutches of Tiger monster is turning to be a monster. Liberator has shut down the free media in the country. Liberator has killed, harmed or chased away anyone challenging his decisions. Remains of democracy and independence of judiciary which have been still surviving in the country is to be taken out completely. Liberator has eliminated any opposition in the Parliament by buying out Parliamentarians by offering lucrative deals using public funds. Parliament has become a rubber stamp of Rajapakse, who has ensured a Parliament with his clowns who would do anything for him. He is also in the process of buying members of the judiciary with various bribes. Liberator would try to attack people who do not bow down to his wishes or try to work according to their consciousness.  Liberator would take revenge against  people who become a threat or are likely to be a threat to him,    with fictitious criminal proceedings.  Best examples of this are  former army commander Sarath Fonseka and  present Chief Justice  Shirani Bandaranayke.  Liberator ensures that all his die-hard followers and admirers are protected from the arm of law irrespective of whatever they do. Liberator has released rapists, murderers and drug dealers from criminal proceedings because they are his supporters.

Rajapakse supporters who boast about Sri Lanka becoming a Singapore, do not realize although democracy is restricted in Singapore, one thing that happens with certainty  is that the rule of law is applied  to everyone on equal footing.  When former Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew left his office after making Singapore one of the greatest and richest countries in the world, he did not  appoint his son or a relative  to be his successor. Corruption is lowest in Singapore compared to rest of Asia. Can anyone truly believe of Sri Lanka becoming a Singapore with the level of corruption, nepotism, and indiscipline rulers of present day Sri Lanka?

At least now the Sinhalese Buddhists should understand the damage happening to our county under the present corrupt leadership. They should realise that democracy we enjoyed under British rule and post-independence governments all this time is in last stages today. Are they allowing the liberator to continue to undermine our traditional values, rule of law, independence of Judiciary and of the Public Service?  Are we allowing liberator to use the police and armed forces as his private army.  Are we allowing liberator’s puppets to be the judges of Supreme Court and other courts? We also should remember that birth of another Prabakaran is not far away if we alienate Tamils the way we do now and the birth of another Wijeweera if the Liberator runs the country this way. The mentality that Sri Lanka belongs to only Sinhalese Buddhists should be done away with  in modern 21st century. Treating everyone on equal footing,  irrespective of racial or religious origin  is an accepted norm of a democratic country. 

Devolution of power and allowing people in a particular region to make their  own decisions on administrative and development matters is also a recognized component of democracy.  Because of foolish communal minded Sinhalese politicians all Sri Lankans  have had to suffer from communal disharmony and violence and unrest among minorities. At least now we should learn from past experience that real peace is possible only when there is communal harmony and satisfaction among all communities. We should realise that one of the culprits of present day unruly behavior of governing politicians  is the monster Constitution which gives unlimited powers to the President.  These powers would make even a good man an evil dictator.  Even if we change the present rulers very soon we will find the new rulers would make use of the huge executive powers vested in the Executive President fully to continue along the same path of dictatorial rule. Politicians promise to change the Constitution when they come to power, but when they get the taste of power, they do  want to continue to enjoy it and make as much personal gains as they can, not only for themselves but also for  heirs and descendents. Therefore the most important task facing this generation Sri Lankans is  to make sure that whoever takes over power again does it under a new democratic Constitution modeled  with full of safeguards to protect Sri Lanka from corrupt politicians.