The Hollow
| by Andrew Levine
( December 13,
2012, Washington Dc, Sri Lanka Guardian) As President Obama negotiates with
House Speaker John Boehner and other leading Republicans on avoiding the
“fiscal cliff” and addressing the ballyhooed
“deficit problem,” he is adamant on one point – that marginal tax rates
on the top two percent of earners be restored to their Clinton era levels.
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What does Obama want? Plainly, not what his liberal boosters think. To be sure, like all Democrats, he does need to appear to side with the constituencies Democrats draw on for votes. But neither he nor they could care less about advancing the interests of those voters.
Has he turned
over a new leaf? Could he have overcome
his first and final instinct, on display countless times over the past four
years, which is to let know-nothings walk all over him?
Liberals who
can’t let go of the idea that Obama is a “good guy,” doing the best he can in
hard times and in the face of Republican obstinacy, seem to think so. Few dare say it outright, however; and who
can blame them? Obama has confounded
their expectations so often that, when things are looking up, they dare not
jinx the outcome.
With our two
semi-established, like-minded but bitterly polarized, political parties
monopolizing elections, and with the electoral process more than ever corrupted
by money, the information elections convey is always, at best, garbled. But Obama did campaign on restoring
Clinton-era tax rates on household incomes greater than $250,000, and on
persons filing singly with incomes over $200,000; and so he has as much right
as anybody, reading the election results, to claim that he has a “mandate” to
raise taxes on the top two percent.
His defenders
hope that, on this at least, he will hold fast; that the new Obama has more
backbone than the old.
They are setting
themselves up to be disappointed – again – because Obama’s steadfastness was
never really the issue. His negotiating
tactics may indeed be bolder now than four years ago, when he squandered the
stores of political capital he gained in the 2008 election. But it will become clear, before long, to
all but the willfully blind that neither his goals nor his strategy have
What does Obama
want? Plainly, not what his liberal
boosters think. To be sure, like all
Democrats, he does need to appear to side with the constituencies Democrats draw
on for votes. But neither he nor they
could care less about advancing the interests of those voters.
If they did care
even a tad they would be mobilizing now to reverse Michigan Governor Rick
Snyder’s sneak attack on working people, the “right to work” legislation he
pushed through the Michigan legislature.
Thanks to this one foul deed, the bastion of American industrial
unionism has been turned into safe territory for the likes of the Koch brothers
and their ilk. And what is Obama doing
about it? The question answers itself.
Everyone knows
what Obama and Company did – or rather did not do – in Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana
and elsewhere in the spring of 2011, in the face of similar machinations
initiated by bought and paid for Republican governors and legislators. As a working-class based mass movement, the
first in decades, took shape in opposition, they bided their time until they
could intervene to assure that popular outrage would become lost in the miasma of
meaningless electoral contests.
Despite all that
organized labor did for Obama and the Democrats in 2012, he and they are back
at it now.
Finding himself
in Michigan, speaking to workers about taxes on the very day of Snyder’s
infamy, Obama could hardly not voice disapproval. But don’t expect to hear more from him about
that any time soon. The change President
doesn’t change.
If only the
union movement, in fighting back, would take on the Democratic Party too! Don’t count on that either. Obama’s inclination to let Republicans have
their way with him pales before the readiness of labor leaders, and leaders of
the several other constituencies Obama malignly neglects, to stand by their man
no matter what.
Before the
November 6 election, they at least had Mitt Romney and the Tea Party for an
excuse. Now they don’t even have that.
What Obama and
other Democrats want is not what Democratic voters want. It is instead
what Democratic Party leaders have wanted ever since Bill Clinton
(gently) purged the party’s left wing.
They want to supplant Republicans as the electoral favorite of America’s
financiers and corporate tycoons.
They’ll never
get them all: family traditions and ideological blinders run too deep, and some
of them are just too mean spirited. But,
as the Clintons realized decades ago, there is a lot of low hanging fruit out
there waiting to be picked off. After
all, how much enlightened self-interest does it take to realize that Democrats
can deliver for the ruling class in a way that Republicans never can?
Democrats have
been courting plutocrats for years now, and their efforts have not been in
The main
obstacle in their way is that Republicans have a lock on the yahoo vote, and a
genius for mobilizing it in support of plutocratic (and therefore anti-yahoo)
interests. Plutocrats appreciate that.
For this, Democrats
are themselves partly to blame. Because
they are fundamentally of one mind with their pro-bankster, pro-corporate
rivals, their message too is plutocrat-friendly; they too miseducate the voting
And so, the only
alternative they project, clearly enough to register in the minds of the misled
and uninformed, is cultural, not economic or political.
Of course, in
the real world, the cultural chasm between plutocratic elites and the
Republican base is easily as great as the one that separates social liberals
who vote Democratic from cultural reactionaries who vote Republican.
But Republicans,
with the corporate media in tow, are good at masking the former chasm and
better still at exaggerating the one that makes decent, reasonable people seem
like a supercilious “other” to likely Republican voters. This is why cultural contradictions and class
animosities that would undo political formations in saner climes are not the
obstacles they would otherwise be here in the Land of the Free.
But demography
is destiny; and so, even Republican strategists have come to understand that
there aren’t enough yahoos around any longer to outvote the large and growing
components of the Democratic “base” — especially as age takes its toll on the
geezers who still call the shots in large swathes of the country, and as new
generations, no longer wedded to the nostrums of their elders, assert
themselves, as Obama might say, not just in “red states” or “blue states” but
throughout the United States.
The news is even
beginning to reach the plutocrats themselves.
More than a few of them are coming to realize that if they want to get
their way, replacing the Republicans their useful idiots vote for with
compliant Democrats can sometimes make sense.
So the pertinent
question is not: what does Obama want?
It is: what do the plutocrats whose hearts and minds he yearns to win
over want?
There is no
mystery about that: they want to repeal the New Deal and Great Society, and if
they can get rid of bothersome Progressive Era reforms as well, they want that
In other words,
they want to restore the political, social and economic regime that their
counterparts enjoyed in their grandparents’ and great-grandparents’ day. In this new Gilded Age made possible by
neo-liberal globalization and the “bipartisan” consensus that deforms our
political culture, they want near total immunity from state interference.
economists and philosophers are at the ready to provide them ideological cover,
but the rationales they contrive, no matter how clever, are
window-dressing. Of course, the rich are
as good at self-deception as anyone. But
whatever they may say, or even think, for them, it’s not about ideas; it’s
about money.
Plutocrats want
the affirmative state gone, the better to enrich themselves – not just by
paying lower taxes but by privatizing everything that can be privatized and
then some; and by freeing up state revenues for enhancing the already ample
subsidies paid out to the many complexes, military-industrial and otherwise,
that blight our political scene.
This is what the
self-declared “job creators” at the commanding heights of American capitalism
have wanted for as long as they have perceived the state standing in their
way. Too bad for them that getting from
here to there is not as easy or straightforward as they used to think and as
Republicans still assume.
Even now,
despite their losses last month, Republicans set the agenda. However they can’t deliver; that pesky
Democratic base is standing in the way.
But Obama and the Democratic Party leadership see an opening, and damn
if they’ll let it pass by.
Once we realize
this, Obama’s newfound boldness in insisting on raising tax rates for the top
two per-cent – or, rather, restoring the rates that were in place a decade ago
— starts to make sense.
Though they say
it is, in truth it’s not about fairness.
For one thing,
when fairness is the issue, it seldom makes sense to separate out particular
institutional arrangements, much less their technical details, from the
economic and political systems in which they operate as integral parts.
But setting that
intractable problem aside and supposing that we can meaningfully focus on tax
rates alone, how do Obama et. al. get to the conclusion that all will be fair –
or is it fairer? – if the rates on the top two percent return to pre-Bush
If they have a
plausible answer, they are keeping it to themselves. But, of course, there is no plausible answer.
have been discussing what fairness involves for millennia; and at no time more
than in recent decades. All this
attention has been productive; it is possible nowadays to make defensible, and
relatively uncontroversial, claims.
But connections
between the philosophical literature on fairness and on the larger topic of
justice and the position assumed by Obama in his negotiations on avoiding the
“fiscal cliff” and the “deficit problem”
are non-existent.
Obama and other
Democrats just throw the word “fairness” around in the hope, apparently, of
appealing to widespread intuitions that will win popular support.
Their idea seems
to be that if we find ourselves in a situation in which sacrifices must be
made, it is only fair that everyone sacrifice equally or perhaps in proportion
to their ability to shoulder the burden.
Obama and the
others would like people to think that we are in such a situation now. Republicans would like everyone to think so
too. Not surprisingly, the media has
fallen in line as well.
Nevertheless, it
is far from obvious that the fiscal cliff or the deficit are as dangerous as
all sides make them out to be. But even
if we let that pass too, it is hard to see how Obama can get the Clinton tax
rates, or anything like them, out of the intuitions they seem to be relying on.
For that, Obama
needs to conflate issues pertaining to the distribution of benefits and
burdens, the subject of theories of distributive justice, with concerns about
retributive justice; in other words, the distribution of punishments and
And so,
implicitly, Democrats appeal to the widespread understanding that the well-off
– maybe not everyone in the top two percent, but surely everyone in some
fraction of the top one percent – have been making off like bandits, taking
unfair advantage of the sacrifices of others.
That would
justify increasing their tax burden – not so much to make the resulting
distributions more fair, but to rectify the wrongdoing of the beneficiaries of
the system in place.
In that context,
it doesn’t matter so much that the amount is arbitrary; this is normal where
punishment is involved.
For example,
people might feel that five years in prison is too lenient a sentence for some
particular criminal offense, that a twenty year sentence would be too harsh,
and that some number within that range would be fair or fair enough. Within those boundaries, a judge could
exercise discretion in sentencing without fear of anyone gainsaying the result
on the grounds that the sentence is unfair.
Similarly, if
Obama’s insistence on raising rates for the top two percent has anything to do
with fairness at all, the idea would have to be that Clinton level rates fall
within an acceptable range, while Bush level rates do not – for roughly the
same reason that a nineteen year sentence for the aforementioned crime would be
acceptable, but a twenty-one year sentence would not.
However this is
no more plausible than any of a host of contrary judgments that rely on
similarly vague intuitions, and it is certainly not defensible in any more
principled way. Strain as we might to
find some substance behind Obama’s appeals to fairness, I would venture that we
are bound to come up short.
But if it’s not
about fairness, what is it about?
The short answer
is: it’s about getting the plutocrats what they want.
Whatever else
they may do, and whatever hardships and dangers they involve, crises, real or
imagined, provide opportunities for politicians.
This is why
Democrats and Republicans have concocted a “fiscal cliff” and why they agree
that a looming “debt crisis” must be avoided at all costs. Crises like these enable them to do, or
attempt to do, what they would stand no chance of doing, or even attempting, in
the normal course of events.
And so Democrats
and Republicans negotiate – Obama leading one side, Boehner, obdurate as ever,
leading the other. And tax rates on the
top two percent of earners are among the points in contention. Both sides have seen to that, though for
different reasons.
involve give and take; short of unconditional surrender by one side or the
other, each of the negotiating parties will have to give up something for the
sake of achieving some gain.
predictably are giving their all for the plutocrats’ maximum program. They are therefore holding out for keeping
the rates for the rich and super-rich as they are.
But with his
“mandate” in place, Obama has the stronger hand. And he knows that the plutocrats he is
courting know that he is in a better position than Boehner to get what he
insists upon most adamantly.
Obama is
counting on those same plutocrats, the enlightened ones anyway, to realize that
they stand to gain more if they side with him, and lighten up, just a little,
on their wish list.
Reason is on his
side; plutocrats who still have the wits they were born with should be able to
see that pursuing their maximum program, in the present circumstances, is
likely to result in an outcome worse, for them, than the one Obama is offering.
The reason why,
again, is that Obama can deliver on setting progress back to a degree that
Republicans cannot, and because a small adjustment in marginal tax rates is a
small price to pay for that result.
Clinton was
better even than Ronald Reagan in delivering on Reagan’s goals — on trashing
regulations and and on ending “welfare as we know it”– because he could
neutralize the opposition and bring Democrats along. Had Republicans, not succumbed to the
temptation to impeach him, he might have delivered on Social Security too.
circumstances now are such that if Obama can find it within himself to keep up
his resolve, his legacy will be to have left his predecessor and mentor
standing in the dust.
And that is what
will have become of hope and change – unless we, the people, mobilize well
enough and wisely enough to stop him in his tracks.
a Senior Scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies, the author most recently
well as of many other books and articles in political philosophy. His most
recent book is In Bad Faith: What’s Wrong With the Opium of the People. He was
a Professor (philosophy) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a Research
Professor (philosophy) at the University of Maryland-College Park. He is a contributor to Hopeless: Barack Obama
and the Politics of Illusion (AK Press).