GTF, South Africa and UNHRC Resolution

We can cite other examples. The point of this is that South Africa is a friend of the Sri Lankan government in Colombo, not of the Tamils. GTF has developed a friendly relationship with South Africa, and this worries us. It seems to us that Sri Lanka is using South Africa to help Colombo improve its image around the world by appearing to talk to diaspoara organizations, and that GTF might be falling into a trap.

( October 25, 2012, London, Sri Lanka Guardian) Recently a South African representative spoke to Tamil American groups. He asked that they support negotiations with the Sri Lankan government. (The groups declined, and said that TNA should do the negotiating). He also asked that Tamils in the diaspora go easy on the Sri Lankan government, which we understand to mean no demonstrations, no pushing war crimes matters, and especially not making any noise about the UN Human Rights Council resolution on Sri Lanka.

South Africa has developed strong business ties with Sri Lanka, and South Africa has shown that it is willing to carry water for Sri Lankan government campaigns. Besides asking the diaspora to back off from anything that embarrasses Sri Lanka, South Africa pressured Botswana not to support US sponsored resolution in the UNHRC in March 2012. Botswanas UN ambassador had promised to sponsor the US resolution when we met with him in February 2012; under South African pressure, Botswana abstained from voting on the resolution. In 2009, when the EU introduced a UNHRC resolution denouncing Sri Lankan atrocities in the civil war, South Africa voted for a resolution congratulating Colombo on their victory. We have evidence that agents of South Africa and Vietnam went to Muliyavaikal and helped the government of Sri Lanka to destroy war crimes evidence in Muliyavaikal.

We can cite other examples. The point of this is that South Africa is a friend of the Sri Lankan government in Colombo, not of the Tamils. GTF has developed a friendly relationship with South Africa, and this worries us. It seems to us that Sri Lanka is using South Africa to help Colombo improve its image around the world by appearing to talk to diaspoara organizations, and that GTF might be falling into a trap. We think that Sri Lanka and their South African helpers are trying to nullify the UNHRC resolution, which may call for an international commission of inquiry. This international inquiry has been the main goal of many Tamils for years, and we fear that GTF may be inadvertently helping to kill it. 

Here are some outside sources telling more about the GOSL/South Africa alliance:
This is the joint South African / Sri Lankan statement on March 5, 2012 during the UNHRC session. Points to note:

1) Even though it was only days before the UNHRC Sri Lanka Resolution; there was NO mention of that Resolution or of the UNHRC.
2) GL Peiris also met with the South African President. (Diplomatic Protocol is to meet at the same level). Only when they are close, do they meet above Protocol. (Ex: GL might meet with Hillary Clinton, but never meets Obama.)
3) The joint statement emphasizes Truth & Reconciliation and NOT accountability.
4) This joint statement, endorses Sri Lanka's position dealing with the issue domestically, without any international involvement.

ANC business delegation visits Sri Lanka

Huge South Africa business interests in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka to promote trade in Africa : Visit of Sri Lankan Business Delegation to South Africa

GL Pieris seems to have a very close connection to Mr. Roelf Meyer