Let the thoughts of Buddha guide Sri Lanka to eternal peace

| by N.S.Venkataraman

( September 22, 2012, Chennai, Sri Lanka Guardian) The laying of foundation stone for a University of Buddhist and Indic studies at Sanchi in Madhya Pradesh in India by the Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa  should be a turning point in spreading the message of Buddha around the world.  The University should emerge as the centre of excellence for the benefit of the future  generation to understand the significance of Buddhist thoughts. for a world of peace and harmony.

President of Sri Lanka did well to recall the contributions of Mahatma Gandhi to peace and non violence and  Dr. B. R. Ambedhkar  to the revival of Buddhist thought in India and around the world  during the inaugural function.

The philosophy of Buddha needs to be spread far and wide, as the world continues to be suffering due to feelings of bitterness and animosity between regions and religious groups and  causing avoidable violence. The thought of peace has to be made the central theme of thinking  while deliberating on any issue in any forum in the world. Buddha and peace go together  and  this great gift of Buddhist philosophy to humanity have to be appropriately highlighted , particularly amongst the younger generation. The University of Buddhist and Indic study at Sanchi should contribute to fulfill this task.

What is particularly significant is that though this university is located  in India, inviting the Sri Lankan President and Prime Minister of Bhutan to be a part of the inaugural function would make this University global in outlook and character.

It is sad that Sri Lanka  , a country  dedicated to Buddhist philosophy ,  has to undergo such violence, war and killings for several years until recently. Now, that the war has ended, peace and harmony has to be restored with highest level of attention and dedication. Certainly, the all pervading Buddhist philosophy should guide Sri Lanka in restoring peaceful conditions that the people of Sri Lanka deserve.

Restoring peace really amounts to winning a battle in the mind of the people of all religion and community, which can be possible only by revealing enormous goodwill from all quarters. Certainly, the Sri Lankan government and particularly the President of Sri Lanka has to show great initiative and reveal qualities that would convince everyone about its sincerity to restore long standing harmony.

With the inauguration of University of Buddhist and Indic Studies by Sri Lankan President, everyone expects that he would follow suit and take his efforts to  achieve the logical end of Buddhist philosophy.