The plight of the LTTE and suspect detainees in the prisons

The most regrettable to note is that when the top most commanding LTTE leaders who did the ruthless crimes such as Karuna amman, K.P, George, Daya masters who has committed mass murders and surrendered, captured and released and who are safe under the patronage of Mahinda Rajapaksa, why the LTTE carders and suspected victims who are captured are treated in such a humiliating manner torturing and allowed to bleed raw to death.

l by Robinhood

(14 July, 2012, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) There are LTTE carders who are captured and detained for 15 or more years in the prisons of SL. Some detainees are kept without trial proceedings more than 10 years. There are husband and wives captured as LTTE suspects having babies born inside the prison. There are Hindu and Catholic clergies as well as people affected with numerous sicknesses (patients) who are deprived and need special medical attention for their complicated sickness. Most of the suspect cases are captured under the emergency regulations and PTA (prevention of terrorism act).

The prisoners who are detained when they were young have become old. There are prisoners who have become mentally sick who needs to be treated for psychological disorders in special psychiatric hospitals are kept with ordinary prisoners without special medication. Due to Lack of special medical attention some prisoners’ health condition has become worse incurable. Most prisoners who are detained from Vavuniya and
Northern Province are kept far away a way prisons in the southern province like Boosa, Bogambara and Mahara causing difficulties for relatives to visit. There are reports which confirms the prison authorities treat these prisoners in an inhuman, barbaric and humiliating way.

There are newly married couples who are taken into custody and detained for more than five years. There are cases that parents has become orphans as their children either being killed, missing or detained. Some old elderly people are deprived of their life unable to see their kith and kin before they die. The government has no clear policy regarding the prisoners of war, either they should be given state pardon; they should undergo
rehabilitation or should be brought in front of a special tribunal.

There is a practice of the prison authorities if any LTTE prisoner claims for a judicial trial and act rude to take him under special custody and subject for torture. In the case of Nimalruban who was killed in the Mahara prison was one of the prisoners who protested to bring back a LLTE suspect named Saravanan who was transferred from Vavuniya to Anuradapura for a similar custody for a court proceeding under adverse conditions. Sarawanan was captured as a LTTE suspect and detained without a trial for a long time
who often claimed trial from the prison authorities.

Sarawanans case was purportedly transferred from Vavuniya to Anuradapura courts aiming for a bid to assault him in private. After the proceeding at Anuradapura court Sarawanan was taken away to the Anuradapura prison and kept with ordinary prisoners and started a strife and subject for severe torture and put inside a shell and thrown cesspit water over his body and kept him locked for one full day without food, water and latrine.

The rest of the prisoners started for a hunger protest (peacefully) claiming that Sarawanan should be brought back to Vavuniya. Some jailors has gone inside and forced them with food where the prisoners has refused and continued their strike. This made the prison authorities to proclaim the LTTE prisoners held three jailors as hostages for ransom which led STF to start an offensive operation against these prisoners to release the jailors under the command of the defense secretary. During the STF operation the prisoners were brutally assaulted with iron bars and poles breaking their limb and jaws were transferred to Mahara prison with critical injuries. The prisoners were bleeding when they were brought to Mahara prison was not given urgent medical attention which caused Nimalruban to end his life due to excess bleeding. When the Mahara prison authorities
took the injured to the Ragama hospital Nimalruban has already died and the rest were in admitted to the ICU with critical head injuries. The JMO has given verdict stating the Nimalruban has died due to a heart attack which is a total untruth. The remains of Nimalruban were denied to hand over to his family by the Mahara magistrate to take to his home town in Nellikulam Vavuniya to pay last respect. The Mahara prison took a
court order from the magistrate courts of Mahara that his body will be buried in the cemetery in Mahara claiming there will be a protest if the body is taken to Nellikulam Vavuniya which is a threat to the national security.

This is one of the most ruthless un-humanitarian ways the Sri Lankan prison authorities treat the LTTE and the suspects inside the prison. They deprive the prisoner without trial proceedings and subject for physical and psychological debilitation.

There are violations of fundamental rights in the case of Saravanan and Nimalruban

• The right to claim judicial proceedings was prevented by the attorney general.
• The right to protest in a peaceful hunger strike is prevented by the prison
• Torture against a suspected LTTE carders claiming for judicial trial.
• The right to medical treatment is prevented by the prison authorities.
• Killing of a LTTE suspect under prison custody.
• Preventing the lawyers to meet the victims in the Mahara prison
• Preventing to release the deceased Nimalruban remaining to the parents by the
attorney general claiming to be a threat for the national security.

My question to the readers is if the Sri Lankan jail authorities treating the suspected LTTE prisoners in such a way under the prevailing jungle laws how would be the condition of the Sri Lankan army treated the Tamil civilians and the captured LTTE men and women when there was no law in the Vellamullivaikal?

It is very clear from this the Attoney General is working for the agenda of the government. The judgments and the rule of law of the Attorney General are always protecting the criminals for political influence and ethnic uniformity.

The most regrettable to note is that when the top most commanding LTTE leaders who did the ruthless crimes such as Karuna amman, K.P, George, Daya masters who has committed mass murders and surrendered, captured and released and who are safe under the patronage of Mahinda Rajapaksa, why the LTTE carders and suspected victims who are captured are treated in such a humiliating manner torturing and allowed to bleed raw to death.