Black July’83 was staged to humiliate the Sinhalese and create the Tamil Diaspora

It is now time to put the pieces together to a puzzle that remains unsolved and to finally conclude that the Sinhalese had nothing to do with the 83 riots and it was people who were backed by external forces and external instructions that carried out these attacks on innocent people and property – the looters sealed the eventual outcome.

l by Shenali Waduge

(19 July, 2012, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian)  It is often only after events take place and the damage has been done that we realize a lot of the riots, civil un rests, invasions taking place globally have all been planned and executed to perfection. The Arab uprisings leading to the fall of Egypt, Libya, Syria were all planned by external forces. These same forces overthrew the democratic Government of Iran and replaced it with the Shah. It was these same forces that implored Saddam to invade Kuwait and then used that as an excuse to invade Iraq. It now emerges that even Hitler was paid to carry out the holocaust….the examples are plenty. Is it therefore not possible that there is more to the July 83 riots than meets the eye. Was it not planned to create an “ethnic” tag totally ignoring the reality that the Sinhalese people gave safe haven and refuge to their Tamil neighbors? If foreign mercenaries were involved in the uprisings in the Middle East with arms supplied by the West should we not wonder which country would have gained most by staging such a riot in Sri Lanka? Thinking logically, why would the Sinhalese ever want to create a situation wherein they would end up the condemned people internationally?

It is now time to put the pieces together to a puzzle that remains unsolved and to finally conclude that the Sinhalese had nothing to do with the 83 riots and it was people who were backed by external forces and external instructions that carried out these attacks on innocent people and property – the looters sealed the eventual outcome. JRJ possibly would have fallen prey just as Saddam did in invading Kuwait.

Making further sense is that the covert destabilizing plan by Indira Gandhi to train Sri Lankan militants took place far before the July 83 riots – using the riots as an excuse that started the militancy should then be put to rest.

It was Mrs. Bandaranaike who allowed Pakistan to use Colombo’s ports to refuel despite India’s objections and this was far before 83 too. It is however possible that JR Jayawardena’s government turning pro-West may have raised India’s concerns over its security. We must never forget that the interest shown on Sri Lanka by any country has nothing to do with forming cordial relations with any of Sri Lanka’s governments or showing respect to the Sri Lankan people and everything to do with securing their use of our strategic geographical touch points.

Nevertheless it is puzzling that while India started a militancy movement when JRJ requested assistance from the western “friends” they were not so forthcoming to assist. JRJ is on record blaming India for training the LTTE (JR Jayawardena speaking to the BBC blaming India for training LTTE)

Promise of Tamil Eelaam

India’s pettiness is evident in the way India carved out the plan to always keep Sri Lanka short of militarily defeating the LTTE and short of creating Tamil Eelaam as that would have posed another threat for India in Tamil Nadu. For 30 odd years India has been fooling Sri Lanka, the Tamil people, the LTTE and Tamil Nadu. Nevertheless, the troika of the Indian Government, the Indian Intelligence and the LTTE had its ups and downs and there are times the links with LTTE and intelligence operatives tended to confuse the plan.

While India’s hidden plan was to keep Sri Lanka embroiled in an “ethnic” conflict it is clear that India was carving out simultaneous plans to use “democratic” channels to secure a stake in Sri Lanka that would keep other foreign nations abreast from India. That plan clearly was the Indo-Lanka Peace Accord and to facilitate that was the presence of the Indian Peace Keeping Force. We are well aware of the hype and fanfare involved in disarming of LTTE no sooner the Accord was signed in July 1987 and we next must wonder why IPKF was given orders to militarily defeat the LTTE just days after the handing over arms which led to thousands of IPKF deaths, thousands of Tamil civilian deaths, destruction to Tamil property and even rape of Tamil women. None of these killings have even earned an apology from India and none of Sri Lanka’s mighty Tamil politicians so concerned about the Tamil people ever demanded such an apology from India.

The Indian plan gets more confusing when despite gifting his bullet proof jacket and promising to hand over billions of money since LTTE were affected from their inability to tax the Tamil people, the IPKF commander claims Rajiv Gandhi wanted Prabakaran killed. Was this not why India created several Tamil militant groups and inspired them to clash with each other?

There is also a secret letter sent by Rajiv Gandhi to JR Jayawardena which makes us wonder whether LTTE was simply being used by India. It is something the LTTE leftover representatives and the Tamil people now need to realize.

Everything certainly seems to have taken place or been made to take shape to benefit India. The July 1983 riots itself does leave a big question mark as to whether external forces were at play and the local parties tasked had a non-Buddhist touch to it leaving a strong possibility that the outcome of the riots – the loss of several lives and property was meant to humiliate the Buddhist Sinhalese and to create a sympathy wave amongst the international community strong enough to make them offer refugee status to Tamils in developed countries. With this part of the plan artfully orchestrated we may conclude from the 2011 population census that the Tamil population is barely 1.5m (originally 2.4m) as over 1m Tamils now reside overseas which makes us to wonder whether the Tamils that make up this new number is perhaps illegal migrants from Tamil Nadu making a home in Sri Lanka over the years. Is this not why India has been helping so many people flee Sri Lanka citing repression of the Sri Lankan Government and forces so that the Indians can replace the fleeing Sri Lankan Tamils with Indians? It also begs to ask why we would want to stop anyone from fleeing in unsuited boats for any Santa’s island if they don’t want to remain in Sri Lanka.

Creation of Tamil Diaspora

It is possible that the Tamil Diaspora creation was simply a bargaining tool to appease the Tamils as their lifestyles have seen a commercial change and practically someone is now living overseas sending money to their family. This is why they regard the 83 as something to “celebrate”. It was only the downtrodden and low caste Tamils that have been suffering all through 3 decades by Christian/Catholic led LTTE, Prabakaran himself giving up his Hindu faith. The entire hierarchy of the LTTE were non-Hindus and that was how they were assisted by NGOs of these faiths using their “humanitarian” status to do further damage to innocent low-caste and poor Tamil people.

It is time the Tamil people begin to realize that India used the British divide and rule policy to split the Sinhalese and Tamils by using the LTTE. The 83 riots certainly is the key to that plan and made Sri Lanka’s issue turned into an “ethnic” one giving India full authority to begin dictating to Sri Lanka’s Governments using “TAMILS” as an excuse.

Indian Foreign Secretary in his affidavit (No 343/96-JCI) says thus “the ethnic riots of July 1983, in which Sri Lankan Tamils greatly suffered at the hands of Sinhala community, led to a significant upsurge in public sentiment in Tamil Nadu in support of the Sri Lankan Tamils. The large number of Tamils killed in the riots led to calls for Indian military intervention in Sri Lanka." – this certainly should make us now wonder exactly how India planned 83. The Jain Commission Inquiry report suffices to declare India guilty of funding, training and arming LTTE and other terrorist groups to carry out terrorist tactics in Sri Lanka. V P Singh (former PM) in his deposition on 5th Nov 1996 - ".....the first batch of training of the militants was done in 1983 under the Congress Government. I will not disclose the place where this training was held. It was done in Chakarata. Then in 1984, weapons were given to all the militant groups. The Camps were set up in Tamil Nadu. Monetary help was given. MGR in his statement in the Assembly of Tamil Nadu said that Rs.4 crores aid has been given by him to Tamil Militant Groups. The other information I will not give to the Commission, which I believe is sensitive. Then in 1982, there was a shoot-out in Pondy Bazaar in which a criminal case was filed against Shri Prabhakaran. In 1984, there was a bomb blast at Madras Airport in which 30 people were killed. At political level talks took place in Thimpu and Prabhakaran had come. After the meeting Shri Rajiv Gandhi in 1987. In 1986, the Govt. of India decided to send Central Ministers to bring about peace, among the various Tamil factions."
India helped initially train 3179 males and 184 females (3363).

Listen to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s speech where he simply declares India’s concerns is only with the Sri Lankan Tamil people. India seems to forget that Sri Lanka is a country with over 74% Sinhalese – almost 15m Sinhalese in a total population of 20m. Listen to former SWRD Bandaranaike who explains his stand. There is no country that would allow just over a million people to declare 1/3 the country as their own when they cannot even prove they had a homeland because there is no civilization to prove so – the Sinhala kings built massive tanks, reservoirs and proof to show their existence how did the Tamils survive and moreover if they had existed how can their population not ever move beyond the numbers that have sustained over the centuries? 83 elevated Sri Lanka on to the international platform. Killing of 13 soldiers by the LTTE gave them the notoriety that they needed to emerge as a force to be reckoned with similar to how the Al Qaeda was created as a despicable force following 9/11. July 83 humiliated the Sinhalese Buddhists, it enabled India to bring out the LTTE from its secret training in India and gave recognition to Sri Lanka’s militants as movements fighting for Tamil rights – credibility was needed and 83 riots provided that and it created an exodus of Tamils fleeing the country with stories of harassment simply because it was an opportunity to live abroad. For that gratitude the people have been filling the LTTE kitty over the years though LTTE has resorted to terror tactics when people have found it difficult to contribute. To keep things in balance India trained several militant groups and made them start killing each other. It is also a controversy why LTTE would decide to kill Rajiv Gandhi and several theories have surfaced none of which leaves out the fact that LTTE ended up simply murdering people just for money. Those that have had ties with the LTTE over the years have hefty bank accounts and they make up people of all races, religions, VIPs and even politicians. Listen to Indian MP Dr. Subramanium Swamy exposing Sonia’s ties to the LTTE. (Part 1) (Part 2)

The grand plan of India is clear and unfortunately we are at sea to wonder whether our leaders realize exactly why India is “engaging” Sri Lanka. This “engaging” dictum has become a perfect tool to trap politicians with commission carrots and advance external interests. When any countries claim to be “engaging” a country – we need to be alert.

Now the next area that is compounded with confusion is another term called “negotiating”. Over the years there has been this widely promoted belief that drawing “parties in conflict” to the negotiating table will help solve matters. We know how laughable this factor has proven and served only to use taxpayers money towards taking murderers to plush foreign destinations and have them beaming smiles over tv and then walking away citing they are unsatisfied with the quality of Sri Lanka’s delegations!

The present calls are no different and we hear of “political solution” within a “unitary state” giving Tamils “self-determination” to live in “their traditional homelands” and these words are being thrown at us and we are supposed to be accepting these meaningless sentences and statements. Just listen to the TNA and the manner its politicians have acquired the art of using these sentences to stay in power and befool the Tamil people. If we are to remain in a unitary state – how can there be self-determination for Tamils in their “traditional homelands” – who is fooling whom? Can this nonsense stop once and for all.

Coming back to black July the “celebration” just days away we need to recognize exactly who benefitted by the riots – it certainly was not Sri Lanka or the Sinhalese people. JR Jayawardena known as the old fox would not have brought upon his own government international pressure condemnation when his grand intention was to open Sri Lanka’s economy from the nationalist stand adapted by Mrs. Bandaranaike knowing his army was not equipped enough to handle a military situation against militants trained and armed by India. 83 would have been hara kiri for a man wanting to stay in power! Obviously JRJ had been outfoxed or perhaps advised to show a little aggression which was artfully planned to turn events into what it did leaving a celebration called “Black July”.

Now, the nations of the world are not dumb to know India’s status in nurturing the LTTE for decades and that despite India’s open claims of financing and arming terrorists nothing has been done against India. For a nation aspiring to be a superpower its pettiness knows no bounds. India continues to want Sri Lanka to remain Cinderella in the Indian Ocean and it is doing its best to take over the commercial interests, it is building houses probably to gift to their own, it is creating fictitious situations using Tamil civilians to demand the removal of Sri Lanka’s armed forces from the coastal areas (Mullikulam), it is using carrots as commissions to befool Sri Lanka’s politicians and we can but implore our leaders to stop and ask themselves where is Sri Lanka going, is there a country for the Sinhalese in the future given that it is always the minority interests that continue to come first? From India’s plan and the creation of the Provincial Council system it is clear that India is out to enforce the 13th amendment we need to tell India that is out of the question!