EDITORIAL: The Brazen Katuwana T-56 attack and killings - Why?

| by Senguttuvan

( June 22, 2012, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) The question in the lips of many with some serious interest in socio-politics is why the JVP meeting at Hediwatta, Katuwana was chosen for attack during the 2nd week of June. 10 men in 5 motor-bikes carrying T56 rifles are reported to have pitched into a crowd of about 100 in that remote village in Hambantota while Dr. Nalinda Jayatissa, WPC Councillor was addressing the gathering on the current status of the country focusing on the spiralling Cost of Living. Malini Edirimannage (50) and Nimantha Heshantha (17) were instantly killed and over a dozen badly maimed. At the time of the incident. While just about everybody in the vicinity knew it was the notorious thug Julampitiya Amare (G.G. Amarasiri) and his armed goons who were involved, Police of the area chose to ignore the issue until the whole country was in an uproar about government collusion and deliberate inaction. While the mainstream media, most of which under the influence of the Rajapakse regime, chose not to divulge too many details independent blogs and tabloids identified Amare. IGP Illangakoon mutely said he cannot arrest people on hearsay and called for solid evidence. When the culprit was identified by many, the IGP was to meekly admit there are 8 serious charges against Amare and the Police are, in fact, on the lookout for him. This is like the Pakistani government and Army re-assuring the Americans they are themselves looking for Bin Laden while actualling hiding him at Abbotabad. Laksham Kirella MP caught the IGP flat-footed when he pointed out whereas there were at least 100 warrants againt Amare, he was seen at the Tangalla Prisons a few days ago visiting a “friend” - under the very nose of the Police. So much so for the integrity of the Sri Lankan Police force today.

Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremasinghe, speaking on the incident, told Parliament “there is no law in the North, East, West or South of the country. Terror gangs, fully-armed with the help and knowledge of government VIPs, roam the streets and harass the people” adding “our people are fully aware the government encourages and protects these criminals”

It is no secret the UNP is in disarray and weak there is no major political party to articulate the hardships of the people effectively - except the JVP. The JVP has a committed and dedicated network of cadres throughout the country – now including the Tamil-majority populated areas of the North-East Province/s – to launch an island-wide sustained campaign to mobilize the people. Most of these youth are unemployed GCE and Graduates who were fooled with job promises in 2006. The government is fully aware the anger of the people struggling to feed the family at home is on the rise, fated with dwindling incomes. The weakening economy and poor management spews forth further trouble by the day. The Global Rating Agency Standard and Poor has down-graded the Lankan economy and banking sector on the “high risk” category, which will have its own adverse effects in our borrowing and our financial integrity. The President, instead of staying at home and taking over the economic management of the country is out on jaunt after jaunt on visits that are questionable - impoverishing the national airlines. To be told he is more out than in on astrological advise for his own security is baffling. Loan after loan from international lending agencies, fund managers, commercial banks have to be paid regularly. The State is running short of resources to meet these is an open secret. Several major Trade Unions have gone on strike on one issue or the other angered by the government’s unkept promises – with many more threatening to come out.

With all this building up Crisis Managers of the regime have pooled their resources in search of a break-through. The usual “golden brains” and “critical strategists” of the regime seem to have settled on the theory unless the JVP is intimidated into submission things can be pretty dicey for the Rajapakses with the JVP seizing the initiative. These sources also fear in such a situation the UNP, Sarath Fonseka and other forces opposed to the Rajapakses may join forces. The only bulwark against the rising national anger is that section of the pampered army upon which the regime depends for its survival– and that too is an unknown quantity. It is feared the Katuwana killing has had its own spill over in the armed forces where many are JVP sympathizers from the deep south. The government is said to be so scared of a sudden uprising the Police in the Hediwatta, Katuwana.area were seen removing white flags and obituary notices a day before the funerals of the two slain JVPers – an embarrassing feature captured on camera and beamed all over the country.