Woman bites off lover’s penis

( May 19, 2012,Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian ) A Sri Lankan woman bit off the penis of her 30-year-old lover during a row on Friday, a doctor said, as police investigated two other incidents.

The man was rushed to a rural hospital in Andapana, 180 kilometres (110 miles) south of Colombo, after a quarrel with the 45-year-old female turned violent.
“About three-quarters of the penis had been bitten off,” a doctor told AFP, asking not to be named.

“We stopped the bleeding and sent him to a urologist at Karapitiya (a bigger town nearby) to see if the severed part can be re-attached.”

A police official in the southern town of Hakmana said the man, identified as Chandana Pradeep, a barber, had argued with the woman after she refused to give him money for alcohol.

Police had said the couple were married, but later said that the victim had told them in a statement that they were lovers.

Meanwhile two other men were also undergoing treatment for injuries to their sex organs at another hospital in the same region. Police said they were investigating to see if there was any link between the three incidents.

Police did not say how the other men were hurt or their exact injuries.

The barber’s case has echoes of American John Bobbit, whose wife Lorena famously cut off his penis with a kitchen knife in 1993. She claimed she had suffered from years of physical and mental abuse. (AFP)