Which stance of Fonseka will cause concern to the Sri Lanka’s rulers ?

| by N.S.Venkataraman

( May 26, 2012, Chennai, Sri Lanka Guardian) Fonseka is certainly sending out right and appropriate signals to the people. so far. In his interviews to the media since his release, Fonseka had been stressing the need to fight corruption and abuse of power, which are issues that will appeal to all Sri Lankans irrespective of the language they speak or regions they belong to or where they live whether in Sri Lanka or abroad.

While the initial euphoria created by the moralistic postures of Fonseka would please those who long for high ethical value in public life, many would still be wondering as to what extent Fonseka will and can stand up to the expectations of the people. Fonseka is still to prove himself in this regard.

Unfortunately, in Sri Lankan politics the political parties view each other as if they are sworn enemies whose pre occupation is only to destroy each other. They do not give an impression that they are fighting for the cause of Sri Lanka and to enhance its economic and social progress. The citizens are certainly intelligent enough to realize this attitude of the politicians, though they remain helpless and as watchers from gallery.

Obviously, the rulers in Sri Lanka would be carefully and closely watching the movement of Fonseka, his utterances in private and public and how the people react to him. If Fonseka would adopt the same language and method to deal with the Sri Lankan present day rulers as the Sri Lankan rulers adopt to deal with him, then the Sri Lankan rulers will surely win this battle of attrition with Fonseka. The past incidents show that the Sri Lankan rulers are far more capable in dealing with the opposition parties adopting such methods. A Fonseka confronting the Sri Lankan government by aggressive postures would be greatly rejoiced by the Sri Lankan rulers.

What will cause concern to the ruling party in Sri Lanka would be the stance of Fonseka as an advocate of peace and brotherhood amongst the citizens and launching a movement against corruption and nepotism in the government departments and in public life. A proactive and peaceful agitation based on moral principles and ethical values would certainly cause great discomfort amongst the ruling party men. To meet such peaceful movement , the rulers also will have to start talking about combating corruption and eradicating bribery. The ruling party will find it extremely difficult to take such a stand, as most allegations of corruption are directed towards them.

Fonseka should go a step further and start a movement for national integration in Sri Lanka , which would be a people’s movement and focusing on all positive aspects of life in Sri Lanka. If and when such movement for integration would be started and sustained in lofty style the corrupt people in the government and bureaucracy and at every level of administration will have to run for cover. When Fonseka would spearhead such movement exhibiting the quality of leadership that is necessary, he would inevitably be in a leadership position that would be far more significant and respectable than being the President of Sri Lanka itself.

Then, the ruling party in Sri Lanka would realize that denying Fonseka the right to contest in election for the Presidency or Parliament for seven years would really mean nothing.