| by N.S.Venkataraman

( May 18, 2012, Chennai, Sri Lanka Guardian) As it is now certain that General Fonseka would be released from the prison sooner or later and most probably sooner than later , his pledged admirers and sworn enemies would be wondering as to what General Fonseka would do immediately after coming out of prison.

Will he emulate the average Indian political leader by organizing a massive reception for himself with real or bought out supporters shouting slogans in his favour and against the government and with the former army chief, swearing that he would fight to the end ? Alternately, will the man follow the Gandhian approach of ill will for none and good will for all and swear by peace in the days to come. In any case, millions of Sri Lankan citizens living in Sri Lanka and other parts of the world would come to see the true self of Fonseka in the days to come.

Certainly, Fonseka has a challenge and opportunity ahead of him. One only hope that more than twelve months of isolated living in the prison cell would have made his mindset very mature and philosophical and he would be able to think ahead of the time and understand the feelings and aspirations of the average Sri Lankan.

An average Sri Lankan would certainly not wish to see Fonseka as a confrontationist but only as a peaceful and honest builder of resurgent Sri Lanka. What the present leaders of the Sri Lankan government has lost by way of credibility can be converted into gain for Fonseka, if he can conduct himself with dignity and an approach to promote peace and harmony everywhere. As army chief he would have been a fighter for destruction but now, he must emerge as a fighter for construction.

Does Fonseka have the right element in himself to raise himself up to such standards that would make Sri Lankans look at him as a leader of eminence that Sri Lanka has not seen after independence.

Democracy in Sri Lanka is under severe stress now. With under current of tension and animosity in the political circles, Sri Lanka cannot progress in such conditions and Sri Lankans would certainly like to disown anyone who would ask for a violent and bitter fight.

Really, average Sri Lankan is not concerned whether Fonseka wins or his adversaries win in the coming days. If Fonseka would understand the mood of

Sri Lankans and conduct himself with dignity and peace, he can win the hearts of millions of Sri Lankans all over the world. Then, no adversary can challenge him, whether the adversary is in power or out of power. And then, SriLanka will win all the way.