| by N.S.Venkataraman
( May 24, 2012, Chennai, Sri Lanka Guardian) Fonseka, after his release, has now announced that he will form his own political party. Asked about the fate of the DNA after Fonseka would form his own party, it was said that DNA was a broader political front and Fonseka would continue to lead DNA while leading the new party. Many Sri Lankans would have been confused after reading this announcement and perhaps, the ruling party in SriLanka would feel very happy about this.
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What people are looking at is whether Fonseka has the capability and commitment to fill this political vacuum in Sri Lanka.
In any case, this announcement makes one suspect that Fonseka has not understood the expectations of the Sri Lankans, who are already tired of the multiple number of political parties. What they want from Fonseka is not a new political party but a new political culture. It is surprising that Fonseka and his friends give an impression that they have not grasped this mood of the average Sri Lankan.
As I have repeatedly said in the columns of this esteemed and well respected newspaper, Fonseka now has a unique position with millions of Sri Lankans thinking that he has been unjustifiably put behind the bars. People are willing to view his movements with sympathy. But, Fonseka’s actions must reflect their moods.
Let him not march in beaten track. A military man may march forward or backward depending on the orders of the superiors without thinking about it. But, Fonseka is no more a military man and his boss are the people for whose interests he has to serve. Therefore, he has to march as per the desires of the people. Certainly, it is not the desire of the people that Fonseka should add one more political party in Sri Lanka.
What is needed for Sri Lanka is a political movement, that would represent new political culture where the political leaders behave responsibly and honestly in transparent manner and accountable all the time to the people for their actions. In this respect, there is a huge vacuum in Sri Lanka today, which Fonseka should try to fill. What people are looking at is whether Fonseka has the capability and commitment to fill this political vacuum in Sri Lanka.
A political party can win elections by several methods such as alliance of convenience between various political groups, extending false promises particularly to the poor people and even adopting unethical methods. But, winning the heart of the people is much more difficult task , requiring honest, self less and sustained work and making necessary sacrifices for the sake of truth and probity in public life. By simply forming yet another political party, Fonseka gives an impression that he is trying to win election and not the hearts of the people.
Unwittingly, Fonseka is falling into the temptation of getting into political turbulence without realizing that in the process ,he would lose the only asset that SriLankan government has given to him by putting him behind bars and in the process creating swell of sympathy for him across the nation.
Fonseka should have long term objectives of lifting SriLanka to great heights economically, socially in the international arena and creating an image of Sri Lanka as a cultured and ethical nation. Fonseka should rise upto the occasion instead of slipping back as an average discredited politician.
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