G. L. Meets with the White House national security team

Discussions focus on resettlement and reconciliation three years after government forces defeated terrorist group LTTE

( May 18, 2012, Washington DC, Sri Lanka Guardian) Sri Lanka’s minister of external affairs, met with top U.S. national security and trade officials Thursday to build on the long-standing U.S.-Sri Lankan ties, emphasizing how economic development has helped sustain peace and build prosperity after the defeat of terrorism three years ago.

Prof. GL Peiris Minister of External Affairs at a discussion with a Michael Delaney Assistant US Trade Representative at the office of the US Trade Representative.
Minister of External Affairs Prof. G.L. Peiris took part in a cordial meeting with Samantha Power, a special assistant to U.S. President Barack Obama and also senior director of Multilateral Affairs on the staff of the National Security Council. Michael Newbill, the NSC director for South Asia and Jason Donovan of the NSC staff also took part in the meeting.

Minister Peiris gave the NSC staff members a comprehensive update on post-conflict developments in Sri Lanka, progress on reconciliation and the work of Sri Lanka’s Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission, including the government’s effort to adopt the commission’s recommendations.

The LLRC was appointed by Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa to review the conflict against the terrorist group Liberation Tigers of Tamil Ealam, which ended with the LTTE’s defeat on May 19, 2009. It returned its final report in December 2011 and the government has since established a mechanism through the presidential secretariat to adopt many of its recommendations, several of which are already in place.

In addition, Minister G.L. Peiris also met separately with Deputy United States Trade Representative, Ambassador Demetrios Marantis, and took part in an extensive discussion on trade and the economy. He also pressed Ambassador Marantis for early closure of a review of the generalized system of preferences (GSP) for trade that exists between the U.S. and Sri Lanka.

Minister Peiris briefed Ambassador Marantis on a range of political and economic developments in Sri Lanka that are designed to both create more investment opportunities for US companies, as well as bolster ongoing reconciliation measures following Sri Lanka’s 26-year-long war against terrorism.

Minister Peiris highlighted Sri Lanka’s steady economic growth in recent years amid a global slowdown, with an 8.3 % GDP in 2011.

Minister Peiris also noted that growing prosperity in Sri Lanka will create enormous opportunities for U.S. investors, and he expressed his appreciation to U.S. private sector for placing confidence in Sri Lanka by committing a number of large scale investments, especially in the fast-growing tourism and financial sectors.

The U.S. was the largest single buyer of Sri Lankan goods in 2011, taking nearly 22 % of total exports worth (U.S.) $2.15 billion.

Ambassador Marantis, while welcoming Minster Peiris and the Sri Lankan delegation, expressed appreciation for the notable progress made by Sri Lanka in number of areas, including the matters concerning the Lanka-U.S. GSP review.

“At the USTR, we are extremely happy to see the level of commitment from the Sri Lankan side,” Ambassador Marantis said. “We are hopeful that soon after the U.S. inter-agency consultation process, the final decision will be made available. We remain very positive.”

Accompanying Minister Peiris in the talks was a delegation of Sri Lankan government officials, including Environment Minister Anura Piyadhashana Yapa, Monitoring MP of External Affairs Sajin de Vass Gunawardena, Secretary to the President Lalith Weeratunga, Sri Lankan Ambassador to U.S. Jaliya Wickramasuriya, Kshenuka Senewiratne, Additional Secretary /External Affairs and Esala Weerakoon, Deputy Chief of Mission of the Sri Lankan embassy in the U.S.

During his official Washington visit, Minister Peiris has also attended a reception with senior officials from the U.S. Department of State, Commerce, Defense, the U.S. Trade Representatives’ Office and Congress, as well as business leaders, at the Sri Lankan ambassador’s residence. Minister Peiris also attended an event held in his honor on Capitol Hill that was hosted by members of Congress. Thursday evening he addressed members of the Sri Lankan community who gathered at the ambassador’s residence.

| A Statement issued by the Sri Lankan Embassy in Washington DC