Australian High Commissioner Kathy Klugman is a disgrace to Commonwealth

| by Pearl Thevanayagam

(October 03, London, Sri Lanka Guardian) Ms Kathy Klugman, the Australian High Commissioner for Sri Lanka is in love. She’s in love with the Serendib Isle but more to the point she has time and again fallen in love with the handsome intellectual sorts attached to NGOs such as ICES and Marga Institute and she gets freebie holidays in their beach resorts and hillside mansions thanks to her standing at the AHC.

Ask her about human rights and she would tell you to ask the man on the moon. She cannot be arsed with human misery.
Is she still courting Marvan Macan Markar or has she moved on. Any road up she is no longer a spring chicken and she is fast approaching her sell-by date. And in the looks department our own lasses would outshine her what with her horsey face and beanpole body.

She would be a fool to forego these comforts and she would move heaven and earth to stay on ad infinitum as HC. She could go down in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest serving HC in Sri Lanka , first as Deputy High Commissioner and as HC and she had been in these positions for more than a decade if my memory serves right.

The circles she moves in are only the crème de la crème; the Paradise Road and Barefoot Gallery crowd and these cannabis smoking arty farty types court her with all expenses paid. On the one hand she would cry over falling leaves that they are leaving their mothers but she would keep shtum when thousands of civilians including civilians are massacred. She has no time for poking into the affairs of the Tamil civilians or Tamil refugees. In her eyes these are vermins who should be got rid of as fast as possible.

Ask her about human rights and she would tell you to ask the man on the moon. She cannot be arsed with human misery. Her only ambition in life is to party and pander to the government which is up for war crimes so that she could enjoy many more years of paradise comfort. BNP (The party which is ultra anti immigration and pro British) pales into insignificance compared to Klugman’s stance on civil liberties.

While the Commonwealth is contemplating charging Sri Lanka with war crimes Klugman supports the murderous regime with handing certificates to former LTTE cadres it claims to have rehabilitated (brainwashed). Does the Australian Government keep a tab on their diplomats or does it think Sri Lanka is another former third world poor colony where its least capable diplomats could be sent and they could get away with murder?

Is she ready to go back to her vineyard back in the outback and taste some sour grapes?