“Equality for all sovereign nations”

| by Sarath Wijesinghe 

Justice and fair play is paramount

(September 25, UAE, Sri Lanka Guardian) Justice and fair play is of paramount importance to all members of the World Family consisting of 193 nations expecting justice and fair play equally. It is the principle on which the United Nations Organization was established in place of less effective League of Nations in order to settle differences among Nations based on “Dialogue, Deliberation and Consensus”. It is agreed by all the mighty and small nations during deliberations Conventions and International Gatherings that declarations and arguments alone will not achieve peace. To achieve peace genuine desire for peace, honesty and openness of all parties concerned is necessary. Values traditions, deeply held religious convictions has natured the South Asian Sub continent over centuries, which is far above the current human right values and principles based on Western thinking. It is on this context that India and Sri Lanka has embraced the values of modern democracy and International Human Rights Principles.

War for Peace 

Sri Lankan President clearly reiterated this concept at the 66th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York in his conciliatory sharp and appealing address as the Head of the Sri Lankan delegation. History has shown that King Asoka the Great of India fought for peace after having conquered entire India. As a result of persuasion and advice by a young Buddhist priest he transformed himself into a kind personality with desire for peace and loving kindness. He chose his best friend Devenampiyatissa - the King of Sri Lanka to send his beloved son and daughter as emissaries to propagate his message of peace. War is bitter but inevitable for the protection and defiance of the citizens and the Nations, suppress terrorism, and illegal uprisings. Therefore war and use of force is a necessary ingredient for long-term peace peaceful co - existence and defense of the nation and citizens. 

Universal Principle for Peace and Prosperity

It is very unfair that small countries have been targeted as dumping yards for industrial and nuclear waste. Industrial waste is dumped by way of cheap goods which are sent at cheap rates by way of aid. Powerful nations do not become parties of Conventions of Environment. They expect small countries to follow suit whilst they themselves are the main culprits of environmental pollution and global warming.
President Rajapaksa echoed the teachings of Lord Buddha to King Lichchavei that disputes be settled based on “meeting, discussion and dispersing with an atmosphere of amity and not by waging war. They were successful rulers having followed the guide to peace of amity and understanding. This is a universal principle that should be applicable to the club of the United Nations - the only world body in existence consisting of 193 sovereign and equal nations agreed to accept Equality, Fair play and Universal Justice. But the Rule of Law and supremacy of Law is to be effective for the Nation to maintain human life with peace and dignity. President Rajapaks’s call for treatment without degree of selectivity, and equal treatment to less powerful members raises eyebrows of fair minded International Community clamming impartiality and equal treatment.

A Nation that has made the supreme sacrifice due to terror

President Rajapaksa is competent and experienced to address the World Body on Terror and Peace as the leader who successfully eradicated the menace of terror that engulfed Sri Lanka over three decades, in a short span of three years when the world was watching in disbelief the winning of the war which they claimed to be unwinnable. There are many other mighty and small nations who have become victims of terror including USA, Britain, France, Iraq, Afghanistan and many other members of the nation. But Sri Lanka was attacked by the most powerful and feared terrorist organization which has tentacles worldwide. Though it is completely eradicated on the ground in Sri Lanka the Front Organizations worldwide are active and the network is functioning with enormous sums accumulated and with the help of the misguided Diaspora.

Battle for Peace

His Excellency’s worlds that battle for peace is as important and difficult as the struggle against the terrorism are absolutely correct. It takes time to construct bridges, mend fences heal wounds and scars of unfortunate and unwanted wars which are bitter and unpleasant. Obviously it needs lot of space for the healing and reconciliation process. Other countries have taken longer periods for healing process. It is not fair on the part of the International Community to expect heal wounds and make conciliar steps in 2 years of the war that has taken place for over three decades.

Different Faces of Terrorism

President Rajapaksa has touched on terrorism briefly in his usual authoritative manner based on knowledge and experience. He mentioned in his speech that inconsistent standard and discriminating attitudes can internationally give a fresh lease of life to the force of terror. Terror regimes are emerged in various faces, not necessarily based on arms struggles and bloody wars. Today terrorism worldwide is emerging as the guise of front organizations with the existing network and funds collected by organized terror organizations, based in distant countries under the shade of various international and local organizations. The victims of the fresh lease are “Misguided Diaspora” of Sri Lankans spread worldwide amply nurtured by front organizations and websites. They use every bit of modern cyber developments, technology accrued funds and the network of front organizations to achieve their ends.

No Power is Immune to the Menace of Terror

Even the wealthiest and most powerful nations are not immune to the menace of terror which has tentacles worldwide with the International Organizations and economic and political hotspots including world organizations. USA and EU is the target areas of the terrorists armed with their economic and wealth with the power and the diaspora initially settled as Asylum Seekers. Today economic and political world powers are concentrated in the West though in time to come China, India and Brazil are going to be world powers. Britain, France and USA are deciding factors of the world body with veto powers and powers bestowed on them by the United Nations Charter. Russia and China though world powers acting together are a minority before the European and American world powers. After 65 years of existence of the United Nations, there is still no possibility to change the existence and outlook of the world body which is in need of drastic and immediate changes for the benefit of the world Family in search of equality and fair play based on sovereignty of nations. President Rajapaksa reiterated and appreciated the values and ideals on which the United Nations is established and the spirit of flexibility which has been a feature of the United Nations. This reflects the intention to trust and depend on the world body on the Globe available for the benefit of the mankind during peace and war. There is a need to build trust and confidence in the UN and among the Nations. Otherwise Nations will act on their own without depending UN for guidance.

Need for changes to protect Small Countries

UN Charter declares equality, sovereignty to all – small war powerful.

United Nations consist of human beings and implementation of the principles needs legislation based on fundamentals of world order of equality politically and economically. President Rajapaksa has urged transformation of the current world and United Nations order to a more democratic system based on equality and fair play.

Political Issues 

President Rajapaksa was supporting the establishment of a nation state for Palestinian territory for which they clamor for nearly eight decades. Sovereignty of Israel was recognized in 1948 even without defined territories which is one of the main requirements to be a nation. It is time that the world accepts the two nation solution while security, independence and sovereignty of Israel with whom Sri Lanka has close and friendly relations. President Rajapaksa has been a sympathizer of Palestine issue for decades and has been consistent in the process with the Middle Eastern friends with whom he maintains a close friendship and rapport as much as the friendship and rapport Sri Lanka developed with African and Asian continents.

Stable Peace and Vibrant Economy

There is absolute peace and booming economy in Sri Lanka. Stock market is on the rise, tourism is fast growing which has given rise to investor confidence as a result of stable peace infrastructure and rapid development. It has become the most sought for tourist destination and ideal breeding ground for investor and investments. There is rapid development with infrastructures being built leading to be the best era in the annuals of Sri Lankan history. Therefore the world community should give Sri Lanka a breathing space to lead for peace and prosperity. 


Resettlement of displaced persons has reduced by 95%. This is the largest amount ever resettled in the recent history after the large scale humanitarian operations. Presence of armed forces in the North and East which are affected areas one time is decreased and they are being utilized for development and construction process. Landmines are being eliminated with the worrying concern that it would take a decade to get rid of landmines completely. This indicates the gravity of the situation and the amount to be done on the pipeline. The Government is acting humanely on the misguided youth based on compassionate justice as has been done in 1970 when the misguided youth took to arms. The Government then established rehabilitation centers to transform them to be peaceful citizens. Most of them are today holding high positions in Government and private sector.

The economic growth today is 22%. GDP growth is 8%. Employment has brought down to 4.5 % which are wonderful achievements within a space of 30 months. Sri Lanka needs breathing space and little bit more time for peace and reconciliation.

The country has an internal effective Human Rights mechanism with an Independent and vibrant Judiciary, Human Rights Commission Bribery Commission and very powerful NGOs funded and supported by the entire world. Human rights violations are promptly taken into consideration and steps are taken locally and internationally. The LLRC – the Independent Commission appointed by the Government as an international commission will release the report on 15th of November 2011 with their recommendations for which the entire world is awaiting. These are good signs and good news for those who are interested and concerned about Sri Lanka. It is also noteworthy to mention that when Europe and other countries are faced with economic, political and other crisis Sri Lanka and South Asia are solid, stable and possess a unique system of protection of subjects based on Asian values. 

Preconceived Notions

His Excellency Mahinda Rajapaksa has urged the world not to eye Sri Lanka on preconceived notions. The misguided Diaspora is misguiding some countries with their enormous wealth. But the good news is that they are realizing the value of their birth country and peace and stability is bestowed after eradication of terrorism forever.

Home Grown 

His Excellency has reiterated that the consensus, settlement and solution should be home grown and home based. Sri Lanka and India are Model Democracies that have proved since 1930s of their maturity in recognizing franchise. He believes in grass root committees, wish of the peoples and equality. It is not necessary for any other Government Organization to impose Sri Lanka on imported missions which are alien to our culture. Importation against our wishes has brought about unpleasant results. The process for reconciliation, development and peaceful process and coexistence is fast growing based on great cultures and heritages running back to thousands of year’s assimilated with modern system of government and great thinking and religions of the West which Sri Lanka has promptly embraced and put into practice.

Small Countries should not be used as Dumping Yards

It is very unfair that small countries have been targeted as dumping yards for industrial and nuclear waste. Industrial waste is dumped by way of cheap goods which are sent at cheap rates by way of aid. Powerful nations do not become parties of Conventions of Environment. They expect small countries to follow suit whilst they themselves are the main culprits of environmental pollution and global warming. These are things that small nations should get together to bring about a solution. World Bank and economy also needs rethinking and new strategies based on equality.

His Excellency Mahinda Rajapaksa’s message to the world is clear and firm that he believes in United Nations system and also the world order based on equal sovereignty and equal treatment to all. We have come a long way for peace within a short span of time as has been done in eradication of terrorism. Therefore it is the duty of the world community act on the friendly gesture for peace and peaceful co-existence, of Sri Lankan President to understand the issues in the correct perspective and work together for a peaceful prosperous and a better world and future for all citizens on the Globe. 

( Writer is the Sri Lankan Ambassador in the United Arab Emirates. He can be reached at Sarath8@hotmail.com . The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to,the Sri Lanka Guardian)