Reply to Dr. Chandare Darma Wardene
by Charles Sahabandu
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(January 12, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) I am reminded of a saying in Sinhala, when reading Dr Dhama- Wardene’s reply published in Lanka Guadian today. “Ekkak Kadathulu wesaganata gosing sidu-Vu Karaiya, Dekak Kalathulu Seda Dunai Eduruwe Archariya”. (See what happened by going to Iduruwe Smith to get one dent beaten out He instead crated two dents”
Dr. Darmawadene has created more problems for himself than what he tried to clarify.
All complicated arguments apart, the simple problem is this. How to deal scientifically about political slander. A further question is how to avoid the pretext of science as a defense against political slander.
When this so called scientific page existed, I went through it when some publicity was generated last week. I read shockingly slanderous material, of a very low grade writing. A well known women writer described as somebody’s petite-amie, and there is reference her “sari pota.” What kind of scientific language is that? Is that also some scientific error, which is inevitable in the process of evolution. Poor Charles Darwin!
It appears some group of slander writers has written these entries. Styles are very common. No respectable journal will permit that kind of writing.
If this is scientific writing this must be a very unique science. Then very many slander writers will claim to be scientists.
Disallowing indecent writings is the task of the editor. To claim that lack of such supervision is an evolutionary error, inevitable is applying Darwinian theory, is just s “pissu” explanation.
Obviously some people have used, Dr .Drarma- Wardene, as a cat’s paw. May be for very patriotic purposes.
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