The situation has drastically changed in the context of the present chaotic and turbulent social order prevalent all over.
by R. M. A. B. Dassanayake
(October 08, Kandy, Sri Lanka Guardian) At a time when our Minister of Education is committed to the onerous task of cleansing the rot that has from nearly two decades accumulated in the irresponsible, neglected and mismanaged Education Department and its most important component — the schools sector, it is most disturbing and disconcerting to observe the increasing incidence of indiscipline and hooliganism in some of our schools- not only in big city schools on "big match" days but in suburban rural schools too.
There was a time when our schools were considered sacrosanct where discipline and decorum were maintained at all levels by the schools heads with the co-operation and commitment of their staff, the students and their parents, by means of combined joint effort. There was appreciable understanding and amity among all these four elements with the sole purpose of running the institutions smoothly sans conflict and factionalism for the ultimate benefit of all concerned.
The situation has drastically changed in the context of the present chaotic and turbulent social order prevalent all over.
Irrespective of the misdemeanours in the social system, discipline and decorum could still be enforced and maintained in our schools if and when there is constant and continuous supervision by the concerned school heads and administrators who could on rare occasions and extreme necessity seek the assistance of the law enforcement sector as well to quell ugly upheavals in the school community.
In the role of a detached, passive observer of the passing scene, it is deemed necessary in the public interest to highlight a dastardly act of hooliganism committed by a student in a suburban school at Matale.
It has been reported that a student of this school had mercilessly assaulted a male teacher of the school, who fell on the ground by the impact of the assault resulting in his two teeth and spectacles being broken. The unfortunate victim had to be warded at Ankumbura hospital for medical treatment.
The assailant who misconducted himself in the manner of a street thug was merely warned by the Police without taking any deterrent – punitive action against him.
The assault was tantamount to almost a criminal offense and was an act of despicable lawlessness. The student concerned is said to be a relative of the Vice Principal and it is generally known that there is factionalism and disunity among some members of the staff and the general atmosphere in the school is reported to be deplorably divisive. The situation calls for suitable corrective action by the educational authorities.
This is a sad reflection on the entire schools system.
Some years ago a media report had highlighted the unfortunate case of a Vice Principal of a reputed school in Minuwangoda who had been allegedly ill-treated and harassed by some of his colleagues and their political patrons that he was compelled through sheer helplessness to commit suicide on the misconception that it was the only means of putting an end to his personal agony.
All that agony was reportedly caused because he had been a law-abiding, upright person who brooked no interference from political and other power weilders in the area and also because the administrators had failed to comply with his appeals for a transfer out of that tainted atmosphere.
In this scenario, it would doubtlessly be difficult to maintain discipline in our schools unless the parents and well wishers unitedly stand against all coercion, intimidation and threats to the schools and the staff from political power- weilders and others of their ilk with a view to ensuring the smooth functioning of the schools that nurture and educate their children.
Special care and interest should be taken by all concerned to put an end to conflict and chaos in our schools so that the children’s future will not be blasted by such unholy, unhealthy situations.

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