We say opps to Rajpal

Rajpal Abenayake sends us the following note which we carry verbatim

(September 25, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) In two articles recently carried in the Sri Lanka Guardian two writers, one in particular, included some gross inaccuracies and fabrications concerning me. I am seeking your kind assistance in setting the record straight on these inaccuracies, adding that anyone is free to take-on the substance of what I write, not distorting or inventing facts.

One writer states that (a) I had written that ‘jailed Tamil writer Tissanayagam had got fat in prison and therefore did not suffer’. I have not written any such thing at any time. I never said at any point that he did not suffer but on the contrary deplored the fact that he had to suffer.

(b) States that I have a motive to be pro-government in my writings, which is totally untrue as a great deal of the editorials and subject matter in the newspaper I edit are very critical of the government, which a simple perusal of Internet and archive content of the Lakbimanews will make abundantly clear.

(c) That I have ‘trashed’ previous newspapers that I worked for which is absolutely untrue and I challenge anyone to show me a shred of evidence to that effect.
However I have criticized the substance of some of the articles written by individual writers in these newspapers on rare occasion, but these writings have only been substance based and have not in any way been disparaging of the previous newspapers I worked for, for which I have the greatest respect.

(d) Last but not least both writers have said that I have not been clear on the 18th Amendment which is totally untrue. The article carried by Sri Lanka Guardian written by me states very clearly: 'However, this is no reason for … collective civil society voices to stop pointing at what’s wrong with regime excesses such as the recent 18th amendment …'

The words regime excesses makes it very clear I categorically think the 18th Amendment is excessive and unwarranted, and how could anyone have missed that?. My other articles such as this (External Link) in Lakbimanews show very clearly I have been critical of the amendment, and such articles and editorials can be found at the Lakibimanews website.

Note by Sri Lanka Guardian: Please note that the Sri Lanka Guardian website takes note of these inaccuracies regarding Mr. Rajpal Abeynayake in some recent articles that were written by contributors to this website. Publication of these inaccuracies about a person whose articles we carry from time to time, was unintentional, and we tender our sincere apologies to Mr Abeynayake.

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