(April 03, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) There are 5 strategic keys that will help propel you into your future and the destiny God has for you this year. Ask Him for specific insight and direction for you and your life, and allow Him to manifest in these areas throughout 2010.
1. God is sounding a wake-up call.
God is sounding a wake-up call to the body of Christ! There has been a lull and a spirit of slumber that has spread over much of the body in the last couple of years. We have become satisfied with "church as usual." Unfortunately, many people have settled into a place of comfort and complacency—but God is shaking and waking this sleeping giant once again!
I hear the Lord say, "Some of you keep trying to snuggle in and get comfortable. I will not allow you to get comfortable. I did not create you for comfort; I created you to be a weapon of warfare."
God has created you to be on the cutting edge. When it is time for eaglets to learn to fly, the mother eagle begins to remove the soft down feathers in her nest. As she does this, the nest becomes more uncomfortable, and soon the eaglets begin to feel the sting of the sharp briars beneath. In order to seek more comfortable living quarters, they are forced to fly. In this same fashion, God is removing your place of comfort because it is time for you to fly.
This will be a year of agitation for many of you. Expect to feel restless in many ways. Something in you will refuse to be comforted in your present condition this year. It might even become downright frustrating for a season—but know that God is making you uncomfortable so you will be motivated to move into something new.
2. God is releasing an anointing to leave your past behind.
There is a special anointing for inner healing this year. There is a release of grace in the body of Christ to finally put the pain of your past behind you. I see the Lord of Hosts raising a mighty sword of freedom and severing the hold of your past. Chains will be broken this year! No longer will the pain of the past have power over you.
Many of the wounds that God will heal this year are painful experiences from churches and Christians. Many soldiers in the body of Christ have been wounded by their fellow soldiers and leaders in the church. There will be a special anointing this year for healing these specific wounds.
As healing comes, God will change your words from confessions of hopelessness and despair to declarations of victory and freedom. Therefore, focus on your language this year. Watch what you say. As this grace for freedom is released, you must align your language with what the Word of God is saying over your life. Negative words falling from your lips will have the power to negate the release of freedom.
3. God is giving us a special anointing for breakthrough.
"The kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force" (Matt. 11:12, NKJV).
It is time to fight for your deliverance and freedom. If you have stopped trying to be free and have surrendered to the control of the enemy, learning to live in your present crippling condition, it's time to pick up the sword and fight once again. God will give you grace to get off the sidelines this year, but you must take the first step toward the playing field.
God is releasing warring angels this year to defeat the powers of darkness that have come against you. The angelic army has never been in this exact position before. Now is the time to rise up and fight for your victory!
God is pouring out the power to break that thing that has held you back, kept you down and kept you out of your full victory! God is giving you power and authority to speak to that mountain in your path and see it crumble before you.
Your breakthrough is now. Keep fighting! Keep warring! The victory is in your mouth and in your hands!
4. God is opening up doors to fulfill your assignment.
This is the year when you will discover what you were created for. Some of you have been searching for your purpose, wondering where you fit, wondering why you were put here. Rejoice! This is your year.
Take advantage of learning opportunities this year. Make this a season of preparation. As you wake up (see Key No. 1 above), leave your past behind (Key No. 2) and experience breakthrough in areas where you have been bound (Key No. 3), this preparation will come more easily than ever before.
Pay special attention to opportunities that God puts before you this year. Attend conferences, schools and gatherings that center on releasing saints into their destinies and training you in the supernatural. These times of training will be important for you.
Create relationships and form alliances with people who can help you move into your destiny. It will become clearer as the year goes on how important these relationships will be to you in your journey. As God opens unexpected doors, do not delay. Step out in faith and anticipation as God positions you in significant situations in 2010.
5. God is releasing a fresh anointing for supernatural power and boldness.
God is releasing a new level of power and authority to the body. There is a new anointing of the Holy Spirit for supernatural signs, wonders and miracles. What many people have been waiting for in this arena will finally begin to take shape. This is the year that God is going to use ordinary people to demonstrate extraordinary kingdom power. He is teaching us to be supernatural, naturally.
This release of power will become clear as you prepare for your assignment and find your place in the body of Christ. So besides training, be bold in stepping into ministry positions and taking advantage of ministry opportunities.
"Do not fear," says the Lord. "As you step out in faith, you will discover a level of boldness in this season along with the power."
Unbelievers will be drawn in greater measure to the true power of God that will be demonstrated in this new season. Be ready to build relationships with people for the purpose of making disciples of them. Use wisdom in forming relationships, however, as Satan will try to use some insincere people to absorb your time and energy.
Allow God to do His work in you this year as He prepares and positions you. Wait in expectation and anticipation of greater things.
The best is yet to be!
About the author: Nicki Pfeifer is co-founder with her husband, Mark, of Open Door Ministries in Chillicothe, Ohio (opendoorohio.com), where they serve as senior pastors, and Mark and Nicki Pfiefer Ministries (markandnicki.com). She is also the founder of the Fire School of Prophetic Training, which has locations throughout the United States, Asia and Africa. A recognized prophetic voice, Nicki is in demand as a speaker at conferences in the United States and other nations.
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