We are always committed to defend our war heroes with dedication - President

(October 19, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) Our war heroes fought to defend the Nation and we are always committed to defend them with dedication and we would never back down from that responsibility, said President Mahinda Rajapaksa addressing the gathering at the Central Province War Heroes’ felicitation at the Aluvihare temple premises in Matale.

In the face of many hardships, the people contributed to this victory without any differences. They correctly understood that we had launched a proper battle to defeat terrorism. Our mothers and fathers sacrificed their children to the armed forces, police and civil defence corps as never before seen in our history, he added.

“Their immense commitment was not in vain. It is these sacrifices that have enabled the country to stand tall today without the shadow of terrorism hovering over us, President stated.

Even though terrorism had been defeated certain forces who preached separatism and who tried to divide the country are, still at large. We are closely monitoring the situation to defeat this in the struggles ahead to build a new country we shall not fear to take necessary decisions in the face of any dangers that we may face, President said.

The President also pointed out that he took over the responsibility of leading the country. "The separatist terrorists were on the verge of achieving their goal of dividing the country and many foreign forces attempted to persuade us that the path to peace was to give in to a terrorist organization which they claimed was invincible", the President further stated.

“The people wanted us to defeat the foundations of a cowardly peace and instead establish a genuine and dignified peace for our land by defending terrorism decisively. The fundamental platform that we based our initiative was an undivided country, a national consensus and an honourable peace. In the Mahinda Chinthana policy framework, we gave emphasis to the word 'unitary' which some scorned upon at that time, President said.

We chose the right people for right positions without any affiliations. We sought help from friendly nations, we went to the international community with our side of the story, and we equipped the armed forces with the necessary manpower and equipment. We inculcated belief, trust and hope in the minds of the people,” the President observed.

He also noted that the present regime had treated equally all those from up to bottom who contributed to saving the motherland. However Security Forces personnel should also be prepared to protect the dignified position they now hold in society with exemplary behaviour.

During the ceremony Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, former Army Commander and the present Chief of Defence Staff General Sarath Fonseka, former Navy Commander Admiral Wasantha Karannagoda, Air Force Commander Air Marshall Roshan Gunatilleke, Former Chief of Defence Staff Air Chief Marshal Donald Perera, Director General of Civil Defence Force Rear Admiral Sarath Weerasekera and IGP Jayantha Wickremaratne were felicitated.

Mementoes were presented to President Mahinda Rajapaksa by senior political leaders in the Province, namely, Ministers D.M. Jayaratne, Janaka Bandara Tennekoon, Rohana Kumara Dissanayake, Central Province Chief Minister Sarath Ekanayake, CPC Governor Tikiri Kobbekaduwa and Basnayake Nilame N. Jayawardhana. Ministers Mahindananda Aluthgamage and NCP Chief Minister Berty Premalal Dissanayake were also present.
-Sri Lanka Guardian