Pakistan felicitates Sri Lanka on great victory over terrorism

(May 21, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) Pakistan has felicitated the Government of Sri Lanka on the achievement of the “great victory over terrorism”. This congratulatory message was conveyed to Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hussein A. Bhaila by the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Pakistan, Nawabzada Malik Amad Khan who telephoned the latter yesterday(20 May 2009). Speaking further, the Pakistan State Minister stated that Pakistan has always been a steadfast friend of Sri Lanka and strongly supported the country’s unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity and re-affirmed his Government’s continued cooperation with Sri Lanka in countering terrorism. He requested the Deputy Minister to convey his good wishes and felicitations to President Mahinda Rajapaksa and Foreign Minister, Rohitha Bogollagama.

Deputy Minister Bhaila, reciprocating the warm sentiments of his Pakistan counterpart, pointed out that the Government and the people of Sri Lanka have considered Pakistan as a true friend of Sri Lanka, which has always stood by it in times of need. Therefore, he deeply appreciated his Pakistan colleague’s spontaneous gesture to telephone and convey the congratulations of the Pakistan Government on the defeat of terrorism in Sri Lanka, which is indeed a great victory for all peace loving people in the country.
-Sri Lanka Guardian