Norway must take Erick Solheim to task

His repudiation of the LTTE comes too late

"In respect of Eric Solheim’s relations with the LTTE, renouncing his links and that of his country through him, repudiation of the LTTE and retraction from their stand all these years do not make any impression at this very late hour when the fate of the LTTE is virtually sealed. The monkeys of the forest know when to jump from one tree to another and the so do the rats from a sinking ship."

By Jacinta Cruz in California

(May 07, California, Sri Lanka Guardian) Has the Norwegian Tiger advocate who has contributed immensely to the military strengthening of the LTTE and the unashamed support he gave especially to people like Thamilselvan alias Zoo-Pah, treating the people of Sri Lanka with utter patronizing and condescending attitude, really recanted from his Norwegian-Sri Lankan stands that under ordinary circumstances would be considered traitorous to Sri Lanka?

Under pretext of diplomacy he has behaved nigh on like a spy against Sri Lankan interests and helped not only to give comfort and support to the LTTE but has also assisted to secure armed and military training facilities to this terrorist force.

Even the setting up of the Scandinavian Monitoring Commission was a conspiracy and many members on that were ex-military personnel and at least one of them had his own military supplies firm in Norway. During his term in Sri Lanka he behaved like a consultant to the LTTE.

It is quite possible Norwegian personnel as volunteers in Wanni could have given technical support to the kind of military and communications infrastructures and installations that have been set up in that region. Zoo-Pah Thamilselvan arrived from one his trips to Oslo with bags of equipment and he was cleared through customs without any fuss. Norwegian embassy officials were there to receive him at Bandaranaike International.

There was also the communication tower gifted by Norway to the LTTE which caught the border security at Omantai by surprise and on reference to Colombo was allowed to go through. Who was behind that order?

In respect of Eric Solheim’s relations with the LTTE, renouncing his links and that of his country through him, repudiation of the LTTE and retraction from their stand all these years do not make any impression at this very late hour when the fate of the LTTE is virtually sealed. The monkeys of the forest know when to jump from one tree to another and the so do the rats from a sinking ship.

May be the Norwegians want to seek another route to keep their relationship with Sri Lanka and ensure whatever ultimate reasons they have for this relationship is preserved. Experience during the last few months have shown vividly and conclusively that trusting the western powers is a dangerous ball game, rather dice throw. They treat the developing countries as mere pawns to their global interests.

Norway is an arms manufacturer, a country interested in oil excavations and has also eyed the rich Pedro Bank of Sri Lanka for their fisheries expansion programmes. They have already run the North Sea devoid of fish stocks.

Norwegian boats sail the oceans and some are even known to carry arms trans-shipped at mid-ocean. This may account for the incredible stockpile of sophisticated and deadly weapons and military hardware in Wanni that are continuing to be found and or unearthed by the Sri Lankan Forces.

The Government of Sri Lanka will have to consider Norway as a country not suited to our interest and needs. It is not for Eric Solheim to speak on behalf of the Norwegians. If Norway wants to be a friendly nation with Sri Lanka, the Government of Norway will have to set up a commission of inquiry into how Eric Solheim had conducted himself in relation to the LTTE and take suitable action based on the findings of that commission.

Is this too much to ask of the Norwegians when their minister has been known as an advocate of LTTE terror interests?

Like what happened to the man who had a pet viper, now that the deadly serpent has struck the owner, Russell in this case, the LTTE has shown its real fangs in Oslo but it is too, too late for Eric Solheim and Norway. The venom has spread far too deep and Norway lost a dear friend and Sri Lanka is better off without Norway

-Sri Lanka Guardian
Unknown said...

What complete and utter nonsens !

surya said...

It's no supprize for me to see the Norwegians want to see more bloodshed in Sri Lanka. They are also a part of the divide and rule game put out by the Western World on Asia.

Unknown said...

Norway and all Norwegians including myesef want to see and end to the bloodshed immediately. Think you are mistaken Suresh.

Anonymous said...

This is utter nonsense to the Tamil Diaspora, to whom "promoting terrorism" is the only thing that makes sense. We saw in recent times, how they demamnded attention in the west when they couldn't command it. Go ahead brothers, - attack more embassies, inconvinience people's lives at will, elevate to the next level and start using terror tactics too - until you carve out Eelam somewhere in the world. Great work!

lakjaya said...

Some one with commonsense has written this article’

The barbaric wale slaughters are helping the human slaughters in srilanka

Well done and thank you