By Mike Cowie
"Terrorism doesn't just blow up buildings; it blasts every other issue off the political map. The spectre of terrorism - real and exaggerated - has become a shield of impunity, protecting governments around the world from scrutiny for their human rights abuses."
—Naomi Klein
"If you listen to the politicians, you might think we are all terrorists."
—Loesje (international—originally Dutch—free speech organization)
"Our position is clear and frank...We consider the military occupation of our land a terrorist act."
—Yasser Arafat
(May 24, Washington, Sri Lanka Guardian) So, with the war in Sri Lanka now over and the Tamils having been crushed and brought to their knees, I'd like to ask just one question: Are we happy now? With the Tamils' decades-long struggle for self-determination quashed and their dreams of an independent homeland shattered, are we fully satisfied? Should we give ourselves a pat on the back?
Because there's no denying that this result is largely due to us here in the freedom-loving West. Specifically, I'm referring to how the governments of Canada, America, Australia, and the European Union all decided to take sides in this civil war—this brutal ethnic civil war.
Not only did we impose an embargo on one side—the Tamil minority—while fully supporting the other - the Sinhalese majority - but we even went as far as to label the Tamils as "terrorists", while actively working to shut down all of their overseas funding and their ability to arm themselves. Both sides may have clearly been guilty of committing some pretty heinous atrocities, but for some reason we decided that the best thing to do was to condemn the one side, while cheering on and supporting the other.
Worst of all, we sided with the wrong side.
The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
I'm not about to try and argue that the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), or Tamil Tigers, were/are a cuddly democratic bunch (few liberation movements are), nor am I about to defend their use of suicide bombings against civilian targets or their forced recruitment of child soldiers. However, I will most definitely argue that the Tamils have every right to a homeland of their own on the island of Sri Lanka.
Casualties of 9/11
The truth is that by the beginning of this decade the Tamils had, in fact, already won a homeland for themselves in the north and east of the island. The two sides had fought to a stalemate, signed a ceasefire and entered into peace talks. But one very significant event on the other side of the world changed all of this—an event that had absolutely nothing to do with Sri Lanka. I'm talking about 9/11.
In the wake of the attacks on New York and Washington and in the rush to launch an all-out "Global War On Terror", Western countries, under intense pressure from America, took specific aim at the Tamil Tigers.
How they figured their so-called war on terror had anything to do with a civil war on a small island in the Indian Ocean is beyond me, but the consequences were devastating to the Tamil's cause. With one side in this conflict now fully armed and the other embargoed and isolated—with all of their overseas fundraising shut down—the eventual result was inevitable.
Now, 9/11 or no 9/11, picking the Sri Lankan government as "the good guys" and labeling the Tamils alone as "terrorists" was not only ridiculous when you consider the historical causes of the war (that is, that the Tamils rose up after years of oppression, persecution and some outright massacres), but it was also quite ridiculous when you consider the war crimes carried out by the Sri Lankan military during the course of the war: the mass slaughter of civilians, particularly in the early stages of the conflict; the death squads; the killing of aid workers; etc. All of this is well documented, yet somehow we in the West decided to label the Tamils alone as terrorists. Truly incomprehensible nonsense.
Then there's the fact that the Tamils—living largely in a concentrated area of the island and making up about 15 percent of the total population - obviously have as much of a right to self-determination as the people of France, Germany, Portugal, Holland, Hungary, Poland, Ireland, or Greece.
Or the people of Kosovo, East Timor, Tibet, Palestine, Chechnya, or Kurdistan, for that matter.
An Inalienable Right—For Some
Which raises an obvious question: Why do we here in the West pick and choose who has an inalienable right to self-determination (the people of Kosovo, East Timor, Ukraine, Lithuania, Slovenia, Croatia, etc.) and who doesn't (the Chechens, the Kurds, the Tamils of Sri Lanka, etc.)? And where do we get off labeling those who we've deemed undeserving of their own homeland as "terrorists"?
As I argued in an earlier piece, "The Blame The Victims Rant (Up with the strong, down with the weak)", the armies of the nations we in the West have decided to support are often guilty of committing much worse atrocities than the rebel groups we've arbitrarily decided to label as "terrorists". It is government forces that carpet bomb rebel-held areas. It is government forces that often wage scorched-earth policies, killing thousands—or tens of thousands—of innocents. But for some strange reason, we're totally fixated upon any and all rebel bombings.
Now if these rebel attacks are aimed at innocent civilians then there's no denying that we're talking about war crimes, but my point is that the government forces are usually far more guilty of these crimes. What's up with the hypocrisy? That's what I really want to know.
Some will say: "But the government forces never intentionally kill innocent civilians". To which I say: What a load of naive, simple-minded bullshit. From Dresden to Hiroshima, and from Vietnam to Chechnya, military forces know damn well who they're targeting when they carpet bomb, or nuke, civilian areas from above.
Or, as we've watched in recent months in Sri Lanka, government forces know exactly what they're doing when they rain down rockets and mortars on civilian areas, causing horrific civilian casualties. The UN now believes that nearly 7,000 civilians may have been killed, and another 13,000 injured, in just the past four to five months of the Sri Lankan army's all-out push for victory.
Twisted and Absurd
If the West's decision to pick one side in a civil war seems quite arbitrary and more than a little farcical, that's because it is. But this is nothing new and of course it's hardly limited to just us here in the West.
The Russians slaughtered at least 200,000 Chechen civilians in a few short years in a scorched-earth campaign, but—according to them, and some here in the West—it was the Chechens who were, by some bizarre form of twisted logic, the actual "terrorists" for wanting an independent homeland.
The Indonesians caused the deaths of 200,000 people over a 20-year period in East Timor, yet, according to the Indonesians, it was the Timorese who were in fact the real "terrorists".
The Soviets invaded and occupied Afghanistan back in 1979, but when the Afghans decided to resist the Russians labeled them as, you guessed it, "terrorists".
Further back, when the Irish fought a guerrilla war for their independence, between 1919-1921, they were written off as nothing but "murdering terrorists" by the occupying British, who themselves most certainly could have been tagged with that label.
And, let's not forget that, in more recent times the Americans invaded and occupied Iraq, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis, but, of course, it was those who fought back in defense of their country who were labeled the "evil terrorists".
It's really quite absurd when you stop to think about it. And this list could go on and on and...
A Job Well Done?
So, again I ask, with the Tamils of Sri Lanka losing their de facto independence of the past two decades and the Sinhalese majority once more in absolute control of the whole island, are we happy? Are we satisfied? Are we proud of ourselves for helping put the Tamils back in their place?
Just because we deserve our liberty and freedom, that doesn't mean the Tamils deserve theirs, right? Again, the situation leading up to the civil war there may be well-documented and few (outside of Sri Lankan) would disagree that the Tamils had just cause in rising up, but as long as we can continue convincing ourselves that they were nothing more than sinister "terrorists" then we can go on fantasizing that justice has been done. Right?
And the fate of the Tamils be damned.
Island Paradise
I should mention that during our three-year backpacking trip across Asia earlier this decade, my wife, Sonoko, and I spent three incredible months in Sri Lanka and, while there, we made some really good friends.
Our time there on the island was unequivocally one of the greatest experiences of my life. In all the years I've spent traveling, few places have come close to Sri Lanka for sincere warmth and hospitality. The people of that tropical paradise are simply among the friendliest in the world. And that goes for both the Sinhalese and the Tamils we got to know.
Of course, every one of our Sinhalese friends would strongly oppose just about everything I've said above, but that is to be expected. As in most war zones, they have been bombarded with years of government propaganda and nationalistic claptrap and have predictably become convinced of their own righteousness and victimhood, à la America in the years following 9/11.
Finally, let me just state the obvious: that, with over 80,000 people losing their lives, this war has been absolutely tragic. However, that doesn't mean its conclusion is any reason for celebration. The fact is that a people who have had their own homeland for the past two decades have just had it stolen away—all largely due to our unnecessary and unjust involvement.
Freedom once won is now once more denied. And this fact makes the whole brutal war even more tragic. For anyone who believes in justice and self-determination, this is a truly sad outcome indeed.
Mike Cowie is a freelance writer who writes about politics, music, film, travel, and much more. You can read more of Mike’s views on his Web site
Home Unlabelled Freedom denied: The crushing of Sri Lanka's Tamils
Freedom denied: The crushing of Sri Lanka's Tamils
By Sri Lanka Guardian • May 24, 2009 • • Comments : 25
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your too god damn racist to understand anything in Sinhala Extremeist racist timeline....
The Tamils in Sri Lanka have more rights than a French speaking person in Ontario or a Hispanic living in the USA. However, what would happen if the American Hispanics were to claim that California is their Traditional Homeland, and that they need the right of self-determination. If, in order to achieve this, the Hispanics go about creating ethnic discord by holding demonstrations, civil obedience programs etc., I am almost certain that the Americans would send the troops and crush them very rapidly, just as the Canadians did with the Front de Liberation de Quebec (FLQ). Unfortunately, the Sri Lankan
government did not have the foresight to do what Trudeau did with the FLQ. The SL government fought a half-hearted government for 25 years. Finally it woke and carried out a fully focused program and rooted out the terrorists. Now, if the tamils want to call for constitutional reforms, then it has to do so via the democratic path. Previously, even before the British left, the Tamils hurled the war cry "Let us drive out the invaders from our Homelands", forgetting the fact that these "homelands" contained many Sinhalese and Moslems. The Tamils began by ethnic cleansing to make an exclusive land claim. These were all very violent acts and war was inevitable. Now the terrorists have lost, and this author, not knowing the history of the problem, is playing with semantics
Does the writer knows as what is the size of Sri Lanka and as how the nature resources like rivers and other resources are spread in and if the country is split as to what other problem may arise due to limited resources of the country.Why most of this western writers write ups ends with idea of dividing the country.Why not they write for uniting the country and to be all Sri lankan. Is it not better to be Sri Lankan rather than dividing to Sinhalese and Tamil.
You have not asked any tamil Civilian living in Srilanka what we think. We the Tamil people dont want war. Leave us alone and we will remain a part of srilanka. The LTTE were a bunch of terrorists who only loved themselves. This new start allows us to work with all nationalities so that our children are not terrorists as well
Wow Mike...while you have every right to voice your opinion, please don't write about things that you obviously can't even come close to understanding. You might have spent a couple of weeks in Sri Lanka Vacationing...but for everyday Sri Lankans living there...the thought that they might not return from work that evening because of a suicide attack is not the way to live! What right do you have to say that Sri Lanka needs to be divided!!! NO one has denied the freedom of Tamils in Sri Lanka... We didn't crush the Tamil People. We crushed a ruthless Terrorist Organization!!! It's articles written by journalist like you that paints a pictured to the world of a Sri Lanka divided in please next time you try to voice your opinion...please be well informed!!!
This is a wonderful critique. But have you forgotten that Sri Lanka was first and foremost "Sinhala homeland". We are ready to let other nations share our motherland, but not ready to let them tear it into pieces to create their own "Homelands". Tamils never had a separate homeland in Sri Lanka, so they never lost it. There had been many invaders in the past, many are yet to come, but Sri Lanka will be always a Sinhala Buddhist State.
I see no right for the Tamils to ask for a separate state in Sri Lanka as stated in this article. If you take something belong to somebody else, legally it was stealing. So why cannot we call some groups trying to steal somebody else's heritage as terrorists?
The following articles may enlighten the writer.
We need inter-ethnic, inter-religious bridge building, not the political pie-cutting pretext of "devolution"
The Danger of Devolution to Post-Prabakaran Tamil Society; APRC please take note!
The deluded Diaspora and the "Eelam Virus"
Don't worry readers,
This is just another westerner who hate Sinhalese may be because of jealousy about our rich culture, which they don't have. These idiots don't know enything, they just blindly supported group of a coward animals. We have won the war against all the forces, specially these western idiots. I feel much more proud and relived when I read these articles because it proves how valuable and important this victory is for our motherland. Keep writing idiot.... we don't care
This is the most ridiculous article I have read on this subject.
I am sorry Mike, you better research the subject thoroughly before writing.
At least you should have known that Tamils are not terrorists, it is the LTTE who are terrorists.
In our household we always look forward to reading articles in the Guardian, and it is a shame that you let such rubish be published.
The write seems to have no idea at all about the real problem we are facing down in Sri Lanka. He gives no thought about the 55% (of the 15%)of Tamils who live in other parts of the country. A history of just one decade is not all that is there to this island.
You are an idiot. You don't know anything about SL. Please write about something that you know about.
I've seen Chimps who are smarter than you.
I don’t think any Tamil could have said it any better than you have. It reaffirms my faith in impartial journalism which is in short supply in the post 911 war on terror era. The Sri-Lankan government has done an excellent job in hiding its heinous crimes under the guise of fighting terrorism. For more than thirty long years it has kept journalists out of the war zone in the pretext of ensuring their safety – this in-spite of the fact that the rebels have not killed a single westerner. It continues to do the same thing forcing the feisty French foreign minister to comment out of sheer desperation that he is prepared to take the risk of visiting the “No Fire Zone” if only the Sri-Lankan government would allow him to visit the NFZ and see for himself what really is taking place there.
Despite its best efforts the SLG(Sri-Lankan Government) had failed its attempt at hiding the gross human rights violations and the Geneva conventions governing the rules of waging war. The use of heavy weapons on its own people, bombing hospitals, killing prisoners of war, detaining health care workers, detaining Tamil parliamentarians and above all the detention of almost 300,000 people in concentration camps whose only fault was that they spend ten, fifteen years under rebel rule – collective punishment for being Tamils I guess, have all been laid bare in for the entire world to see.
The SLG may be thinking the final chapter has been written, but we beg to differ. We will finally be able to put this behind us only when the perpetrators have been identified and brought to justice and the SLG government taken to task for it war crimes. As for the Tamils right to self determination I think the answer lies in what my daughter had to say after attending the all night vigil outside the US consulate in Toronto, she asked me If I could take her down there at least once a week and when I asked her how long she wants to do this her answer without hesitation was as long as it takes.
You're missing an essential point which separates a 'defendable right to self-determination' from a 'premature and unneeded use of violence': having exhausted the options of getting enough freedom (e.g. language, religion, culture) in the democratic-or-not umbrella of the existing country, with all possible help from UN and other international factors. This combined with the necessary partner of a right to self-determination: wanting to build a new democratic MULTI-ETHNIC nation that protects all people living on its soil.
The LTTE started fighting when these options were far from exhausted - and when there were good options to solve the troubles (IPKF period, 1987-1990) it failed to grab the chances and rejected accords it had first co-signed. Moreover in 1990 it ethnically cleansed the Jaffna peninsula of 140,000 muslims; expelled and stole all of their belongings, and saw no place for them (and for Sinhalese who had lived there for 500+ years) in 'Eelam'. And it has eliminated/killed thousands of moderate Tamils who did not want to follow its course. So a 'cure far worse than the disease', and rightly eliminated!
Tamils have no right to a homeland in Sri Lanka. They are new arrivals from their homeland in South India, except for a small proportion who have lived in the Jaffna peninsula for a thousand years.
The eastern province had a 35% Tamils who only arrived there during the Dutch occupation. The Vanni "Tamils were brought in from India as labour for the tobacco plantations (by the Dutch). The central province also has a large South Indian population who were brought in by the British during their occupation to work in the tea plantations. The Sinhala people who lived on all these lands previously were evicted by the occupying powers.
The Sinhala are paying a very high price for the occupation of their land by the occidental invaders. The Irish paid a far lesser price.
Wonderful Mike, But Who crushed Tamil People? It was a terrorist known as Prabakaran who thankfully is dead. Do you know why all the tamils who could get away from him came to the south where they have been living comfortably with the sinhalese? And do you know there are no minorities in Sri Lanka based on ethnicity? There are only sri lankans. By the way Mike, Does it pay well to write the stuff you are writing?
Another bleeding heart from the West writing without research.
Should Sri Lanka offer a separate country to all of it's minorities based on historic claims of grievance, existence and governance?
Well they very well might, when every other country practices what they preach.
Should the writer ever take up practicing medicine, I want to be a funeral director. He sounds lethal enough as he is...
Dear Mike
Thank you for bringing the facts and telling the truth. As some of the commenter mentioned Tamil people did not choose violent path as their first choice. Only Tamil people choose this violent path to achieve, after years and years of democratic means failed and after all the agreements that has been torn apart by democratically elected barbarian government of Sri Lanka which had a good chance to every to live peacefully.
We, Tamils are not fighting for separation we are fighting for liberation. We are not fighting to divide someone else country, we are fighting to get back our own country.
It is nonsense to say that the Tamils are minorities we are NATION OF PEOPLE. Will the Sri Lankans compare themselves with number of Indians and say srilankans are minorities? Or will the Indians compare themselves with number of Chinese and tell that Indians are minorities? So why arethese Srilankans are comparing number of Tamils of Tamil Eelam and telling the the world that tamils are minorities?
Until we, Tamils have been accepted for what we are – Nation of People, the struggle for freedom will continue.
How about giving a separate state for every minority that is more than 15% of the population in the west?
Yes, Sinhalese is a majority in Sri Lanka and some of the govt.s have made stupid mistakes. But this is not only against the Tamils. It was also against the Sinhalese majority.For example see how the Sinhalese uprising was suppressed in 1980s.
If Tamils are members of the cabinet in virtually every govt. , if a tamil can become a central bank governor, if tamils get highier education quota as any other Sinhalese district, if tamils are members of the high court judges what discrimination are you talking about. Sri lanka's Obama,Lakshman Kadiragama who could have become the next president was brutally murdered by the LTTE.
You guys in the west mind your own business and try to resolve your problems first, Alqueda, Economy, global warming etc. Sri Lanka is a sovereign nation that has a well documented history of more than 2000 years. We know how to run our own country.
So far what have you done to help us other than bickering and trying to create controversy over nothing?
You wait and see how Sri lanka will develop after the war ,How all nationals will flourish under one usnited country.
Dear VPW, I agree 100% with you. People who dont live, never visited or know nothing about Sri lanka are preaching the Sri lankans and their leaders how to run the country. Where were these people all this time.
How about giving a separate state for every minority that is more than 15% of the population in the west?
Yes, Sinhalese is a majority in Sri Lanka and some of the govt.s have made stupid mistakes. But this is not only against the Tamils. It was also against the Sinhalese majority.For example see how the Sinhalese uprising was suppressed in 1980s.
If Tamils are members of the cabinet in virtually every govt. , if a tamil can become a central bank governor, if tamils get highier education quota as any other Sinhalese district, if tamils are members of the high court judges what discrimination are you talking about. Sri lanka's Obama,Lakshman Kadiragama who could have become the next president was brutally murdered by the LTTE.
You guys in the west mind your own business and try to resolve your problems first, Alqueda, Economy, global warming etc. Sri Lanka is a sovereign nation that has a well documented history of more than 2000 years. We know how to run our own country.
So far what have you done to help us other than bickering and trying to create controversy over nothing?
You wait and see how Sri lanka will develop after the war ,How all nationals will flourish under one usnited country.
Tamils keep forgetting they are a minority group. The muslims and the indian tamils understand and behave themselves. Now that we have taught them a lesson, they will eventually start to behave too. This is a sinhala country. If you want to live here - behave yourself - to paraphrase my commander.
It is better people like you stop talking about this small Island. You have no knowledge whatsoever about the history, the people and the country and the way we lived together in harmony all these years until these ruthless bunch was created by the outside world. Thanks to you guys for encouraging the Tigers, you people in the West have blood in your hands. It is not the Govt or the Soldiers who killed the innocent civilians, it is you who supplied the Tigers with everything, latest Armoury moral support and bogus propaganda and blinded yourselves from their clandestine activities. May be what you guys got in return?
Who are you to say that my country should be divided, Do you still think that the west can dictate terms to another sovereign country, remember this is the 21st century and all White Masters are buried and gone.
So the West, The Americans and the Canadaians were partial towards SLG? what a moron, were you in this universe during this past few months?. Wake up man, there is limit for stupidity!!!
I believe that you are a good writer, but you should take your medicines proparly. you are not defending terrorists but agree to terrorism.Sri Lankans don't treat tamils as terrorists but the say... "you do not defend" acts of such ruthless movement, but justify them. your idiotic politicalized blindness could not see truth of this war. "civil war" go to hell, Sri Lankan did not lynch people like you people done till 1950s.Before you nose to Sri Lanka wash your selves, because you stink of blood.
This man needs a lot of counselling.
Change your heading it is not that the Tamils were crushed it was the LTTE terrorist organization that was even banned in your good country that was crushed.
To answer your question Yes we are very,repeat extremely happy to crush the terrorist organization and pl it is better you mind your own business without poking into things that you really do not study about nor cared to study.your world has more issues to solve may be perhaps it is time that your solve it.
How about starting with the prostitution in America?your american women are sold daily on the internet,brother,Any suggestions to solve that first
How about giving a separate state for every minority that is more than 15% of the population in the west?
Yes, Sinhalese is a majority in Sri Lanka and some of the govt.s have made stupid mistakes. But this is not only against the Tamils. It was also against the Sinhalese majority.For example see how the Sinhalese uprising was suppressed in 1980s.
If Tamils are members of the cabinet in virtually every govt. , if a tamil can become a central bank governor, if tamils get highier education quota as any other Sinhalese district, if tamils are members of the high court judges what discrimination are you talking about. Sri lanka's Obama,Lakshman Kadiragama who could have become the next president was brutally murdered by the LTTE.
You guys in the west mind your own business and try to resolve your problems first, Alqueda, Economy, global warming etc. Sri Lanka is a sovereign nation that has a well documented history of more than 2000 years. We know how to run our own country.
So far what have you done to help us other than bickering and trying to create controversy over nothing?
You wait and see how Sri lanka will develop after the war ,How all nationals will flourish under one usnited country.
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