Defeat for terrorism and international coup d’etat.

By Malin Abeyatunge

(May 21, Melbourne, Sri Lanka Guardian) Over the years Sri Lanka had been fighting LTTE scourge of terrorism in three fronts and finally ended up militarily victorious. One is the military operations against LTTE in the East and the North. The second front is the pro-LTTE international lobby and third front is the international coup d’etat (IC). Even though the LTTE terrorists were militarily defeated, the pro-LTTE lobby by the hard core Tamil Diaspora ably supported by bought up politicians of the western block continues. The IC is currently led by Milliband and the gang from UK, Hillary and the Gang from States, Eric and the gang from Norway and a gang from EU countries with a British MEP leading the way.

These conspirators have been ably supported by UN agency heads like Ms Navenetham Pillay UN Commissioner for Human Rights, Radhika Coomarswamy who is the special representative for children and armed conflict and so called humanitarian organizations Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International. They have been accusing at every turn, pointing the gun at GoSL for human rights violations and alike and never a mention of the real perpetrator which is LTTE. Even when a tiny accusation is made on LTTE (just a white wash) they always made it a point to place the democratically elected legitimate Government of Sri Lanka on par with the LTTE terrorists using the hackneyed words “Both parties to the conflict” giving currency to LTTEs Eelam cry.

The international coup d’etat against Sri Lanka led by silly Milliband from UK (he must be day dreaming that we are still one of their colonies) made every attempt, used every source, resources and influence to get the GoSL to agree for a ceasefire to save LTTE until end of last week but miserably failed to get a ceasefire from strong Sri Lankan Government. Thanks for our courageous President Rajapaksa, he didn’t budge an inch from his stand that until the LTTE terrorist outfit is completely decimated that he would not stop military operations and he did that on Monday 18 2009.

Over the last 4 months, the lunatics of the IC were constantly accusing the GoSL for killing Tamil civilians. If the Government had been killing Tamil civilians as accused by these lunatics, how come they have escaped in hundreds and thousands from LTTE clutches to Government safety zones? It was only two days before the armed forces defeated LTTE militarily, the IC led by Milliband and joined by UN secretary General Ban-ki-Moon asked LTTE to release the civilians held as human shield. Until then, they neither accused LTTE for holding Tamil civilians as human shield nor demanded LTTE to release them. However, it was sore eyes for these international conspirators to observe thousands and thousands of Tamil civilians on their own were escaping from LTTE captivity risking their lives.

Well, no sooner our armed forces decimated LTTE militarily; Milliband changed their tune and was talking about war crimes against GoSL. How dare he says that when a democratically elected government was fighting a terrorist outfit who wanted to carve a mono ethnic enclave for Tamils only. Is military operation by a legitimate government against a terrorist outfit a war crime? If the International conspirators and the UN agencies think so, then UK, USA, NATO countries are guilty of war crimes and should be charged for invading Iraq and Afghanistan to get Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden before they charge Sri Lanka. Over the years these international western block conspirators were least concerned of the poor plight of the Tamil civilians under the jackboot of now demised Prabhakaran, never talked about them but suddenly started shedding crocodile tears applying pressure on the GoSL to provide five star comfort for IDP’s overnight which is humanly impossible. Humanitarian organizations, UNICEF, ICRC and the affluent west want the GoSL to solve this humanitarian crisis overnight.

It’s true that USA has donated a few millions to assist the welfare of the IDPs which is insufficient to feed the IDPs even a week but America lavishly donated $100 million to the welfare of the IDPs returning from SWAT valley in Pakistan as USA was helping Pakistan in its military operations to wipe off Taliban militants. It is true that UK has given a couple of millions which is not a donation in real terms as the Britain owes Sri Lanka billions of sterling pounds for plundering our assets and artifacts, bringing slavery from India and creating another ethnic group, destroying our agricultural economy, plundering the lands in the up-country for few guineas, by their divide and rule policy dividing ethnic harmony between Sinhalese and Tamils thus bringing misery to Sri Lanka during their rule. The compensation for misery they created during their rule cannot be limited to a few millions of pounds but couple of billions.

Having lost its well planned conspiracy to save LTTE and tarnish the image of Sri Lanka by these conspirators, they now together with UN are all out to bring stress and pressure to the President and the Government of Sri Lanka demanding the welfare of the IDPs and reconciliation of the conflict overnight by not giving any breathing space. But we are certain that no pressure or stress can weaken our strong President Rajapakse and his Government and he will deal with it more patiently, rightly and reasonably for a long lasting sustainable peace with dignity to fellow Sri Lankans.

Even LTTE is militarily defeated, the international conspiracy against Sri Lanka will continue and all Sri Lankans should be mindful of this fact.

In conclusion, I believe this is also a subtle attempt to regain supremacy of Anglo Saxonism which is fading at lightning speed in the Asian block and to destabilize the Asian block through small countries like Sri Lanka and Burma etc. I leave it to the readers to ponder.
-Sri Lanka Guardian