(May 18, Washington, Sri Lanka Guardian) Modern physics has discovered a fundamental field of pure intelligence containing in seed form all the manifest states of the universe. Although its existence can be inferred, this unified field is not open to direct observation. Its unifying properties can be experienced when the awareness of the observer becomes refined during the practice of the Transcendental Meditation® (TM®) and TM-Sidhi® Programme. The experience of the unified field creates a psychophysiological state in the observer that reflects the properties of the field: infinitely correlated, unified, self-referral, and integrative.The development of these qualities is not obtained through behavioural or intellectual training, but occurs spontaneously by cultivating a state of least excitation of the nervous system. The unique results of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme have been documented in over 600 research studies, many of them published in scientific journals. Use of this holistic consciousness technology will enable the military to set up an ongoing Conflict Prevention Operation through a Prevention Wing of the Military®. In addition to its regular duties, this unit would create a heightened state of mental alertness and radiate intrinsic peacefulness as the basis for impenetrable, non-aggressive defence and constructive peacebuilding without political, economic or cultural bias.
The Sri Lankan Defence Review Committee article "Preparing To Meet Challenges To National Security 'In The 21st Century: The Organisational Dimension'" states:
There has been no structured Higher Defence Organisation in Sri Lanka. Everything has been "ad hoc". Even the present National Security Council is gazetted under the Prevention of Terrorism Act and is confined to counter terrorist operation. The whole structure has to be reorganized in the light of the mistakes made and experiences which should be lessons for the future. The main objective is to concentrate on "Conflict Prevention" because conflict is costly in lives and money and hinders the nation's progress. The Armed Force carried out this "conflict prevention" task effectively until a failure in "intelligence" and Higher Direction led to the conflict in 1983 lasting nearly two decades to the detriment of the nation. [i]
The challenge of defending Sri Lanka in an increasingly complex operations arena calls for fundamental innovation. If the Ministry of Defence of Sri Lanka is to achieve its stated goal of "Conflict Prevention," which is of a clearly different order of magnitude, an equally momentous shift in its approach will be required. If old tools no longer suit the task, coating them with paint of a different colour will not help. In the same way, Sri Lanka needs new tools, not new coats of paint, to create a stable defense. The human resource-based technology of the "Bomb of Silence" is intended to provide vital new tools to Sri Lanka's Ministry of Defence (MoD).
These vital tools are the Transcendental Meditation programme and its advanced practice, the TM-Sidhi programme. The TM programme is a simple, easily learned, non-religious meditation technique. Physicist and Vedic scholar Maharishi Mahesh Yogi revived these programmes from the ancient Vedic tradition. Over 600 scientific studies at scientific research institutions all over the world have been conducted on these programmes. This extensive research indicates that these programmes eliminate stress individually and collectively. [ii]
The Physics Behind the "Bomb of Silence"
Until the end of the 19th century, the most fundamental layer of creation that western physicists conceptually grasped was that of the atom (from Greek "a-tomos" = in-divisible). It was considered to be the building block of creation. Then came the conceptual quantum leap that the atom could be divided after all. This leap revealed, as if through a magical portal, a sub-microscopic and sometimes totally virtual landscape of subatomic particles, gauge fields, and the unified field. It was followed by the technical breakthrough of the atomic bomb.
Today, with nuclear technology being used by a large number of countries worldwide, the power advantage over other nations is no longer acquired through the quantity of nuclear warheads deployed. Another consideration is that it is probably just of matter of time before terrorists use nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction. Dwelling on these levels of technology prevents Sri Lanka's civilian and military leaders from taking the next step towards deploying an even more powerful and influential technology. Sri Lanka needs to make a similar epistemological leap that led to the conceptualization of the nuclear bomb. What is the nature of this leap?
When scientists deal with the finest level of physical existence (paramanu), they actually deal with an object that is intrinsically subjective, although it actually transcends the structure of cognition (paramanu = beyond the mind). A basic, but generally ignored, fact is that physicists themselves are made of matter: molecules, atoms, subatomic particles, gauge fields, and the unified field. When scientists investigate these levels, they eventually begin to explore the basic fabrics of their own physical being down to the finest subnuclear level-the unified field, an area of unlimited potential.
Modern biophysicists say that the matter of our body is constantly emerging from and returning to that field. Some theoretical physicists go as far as to claim that the unified field is a non-material field of pure intelligence. [iii] These physicists assert that modern science had opened access to a new objective reality. However, the very nature of the fragmented approach (fission technologies) of modern physics seems to shut the door to the direct experience and utilization of the unified field. [iv] In contrast, Maharishi and other scientists believe that the consciousness technologies of the Vedic tradition, in particular the TM and TM-Sidhi programme, provide the subjective experience of this reality. Heisenberg's and Einstein's attempts to bridge the gap between subject and object and to arrive at a holistic meaning of science had remained incomplete. This is likely due to these scientists' lack of a means for easily, naturally-and reproducibly the unified field within themselves. Maharishi and other scientists benefited from the leap in world consciousness to a new readiness for authentic experience in the early 60's. Hiroshima was the climax of the half-vision of the quantum scientists. In the 1970's, Maharishi felt the time was ripe to speak of dropping a "bomb of silence behind the enemy lines."
The objective cognition of the unified field outside the observer has no effect other than duly exciting him about his scientific achievement for a limited amount of time. On the other hand, the authentic experience of the field of pure consciousness within the observer creates a distinct mode of physiological and mental functioning. In this state, one finds a measurable easing of stress and structural distortions in the individual body and mind, and a heightening of awareness. Applying this awareness will enable the MoD of Sri Lanka to create a new evolutionary dimension of conflict resolution and prevention.
Humanity still has not taken a definite path at the nuclear crossroads. Down one path, we have a nuclear war technology disrupting the finest levels of matter. Down another path, we have an inner technology that creates a coherent and unifying influence, first in the individual mind and then, through a process of synergy, in collective consciousness, disallowing an enemy from arising. Research on the Maharishi Effect (discussed below) has shown this approach to be a very useful one.
A Sociological Quantum Leap
In 1974, the American sociologists Borland and Landrith [v] published a research paper in the United States on the effects of group meditation on collective consciousness. They claimed that in communities in which 1% of the population practiced the Transcendental Meditation technique, negative trends such as crime, traffic accidents, and hospital admissions decreased. [vi] On a larger scale, this was confirmed in the following years by research in war zones. [vii] The phenomenon was called the 1% Effect or the Maharishi Effect after the founder of the Transcendental Meditation programme. This trigger effect of small numbers is familiar to several branches of science: medicine, which acknowledges pacemaker cells that compose about 1% of an organism and assure the coherent contraction and relaxation of the heart muscles; and physics, where about 1% of phase-coherent light waves causes a transition to the laser effect.
The Transcendental Two-Pronged Approach
Two-pronged battle plans have a long history in the art of war. The battle against war and terrorism could likely be won in exactly the same way:
* On a tactical level, military personnel instructed in the simple technique of Transcendental Meditation in the course of their general training [vii i] can be deployed without any additional logistics. The immediate effect would be improved mental and physical stability, increased clarity of mind, and enhanced social intelligence of the "front line" personnel. (A paper published by India Defence Consultants summarizing research that documents such individual benefits is available at: http://www.invinciblemilitary.org/articles/idc1.html.)
* On a strategic level, long-term planning of a global peacebuilding force stationed in Sri Lanka itself would include a group of approximately 10,000 [ix] participants to be recruited from existing meditating military personnel, who would receive additional training in the TM-Sidhi programme. Performing the group dynamics of consciousness twice a day in a group, in one location, preferably in a place in central Sri Lanka, this group would produce a coherence-enhancing field effect not only in Sri Lanka, but also for the world's collective consciousness as a whole, preventing the accumulation of disorderly and weakening tendencies that destabilize national integrity and invite foreign aggression. [x] 10,000 participants are well over the square root of 1% of the world's population, which should induce the Maharishi Effect worldwide.
The additional cost for introducing the Transcendental Meditation Programme is approximately 500 Sri Lankan rupees per person, and an additional 1300 rupees per person for the TM-Sidhi Programme. This means approximately 18.25 million Sri Lanka rupees for teaching the entire group. But even at that relatively small cost, one should ask the question: What precisely can the MoD of Sri Lanka expect from this technology?
The results predicted on the basis of reduced trait anxiety, greater acuity of perception and more comprehensive cognition, increased field independence and stronger internal standards [xi] are:
* Significantly improved listening skills, leading to:
* More comprehensive decision-making, leading to:
* Enhanced cooperation with former adversaries, leading to:
* Improved cultural communication, and
* Trouble-free multi-purpose deployment of resources.
Improved listening skills alone will have enormous consequences in all areas of the armed forces of Sri Lanka and even on a national level. Should the technology be implemented, then whenever military, trade, or policy strategists are invited to describe Sri Lanka's new attitude, the answer will invariably be that Sri Lanka has learned to listen, and react in harmony with the global community.
The Sri Lankan government draws its decisions from the collective consciousness. The more coherent the collective consciousness, the more coherent the government.
Terrorist attacks will stop only when minds are freed from stress, are less cluttered with preconceived notions, and are ready for new input. Sri Lanka will listen to what it really needs when stress and incoherence in the collective consciousness is reduced. Listening also leads to greater coherence in action, reducing the aggression potential within the nation.
Living Up to the Vedic Ideal of Military Defence
Certainly, throughout its history, Sri Lanka has had internal squabble and conflict. Creating a new influence internally as well as globally with a technology that originates from the Vedic heritage (heyam duhkham anagatam - avert the danger that has not yet come) would have a unifying influence on the originator and help lift the shadow of Sri Lanka's current struggles.
The study of history reveals that promoters of innovations have one common trait: they flush the enemy of all armies out of its cover. The greatest threat to all militaries is the enemy within. The enemy within is the belief that greater quantities of known material or the intensification of established methods will result in victory. "Victory", wrote General Giulio Douhet in his then groundbreaking book on aerial warfare, The Command of the Air, "smiles upon those who anticipate the change in the character of war, not upon those who wait to adapt themselves after the changes occur." [xii] The Stone Age did not come to an end because of the lack of stones, but because something better entered the field of our awareness. If Sri Lanka acts now, the same will happen to the bomb age.
Today a pioneering international group of retired, reserve and active duty senior military officers and defence experts are anticipating another new change in the character of war, and providing all the world's militaries with a definitive defence strategy. [xii] This group includes Major General Kulwant Singh, Lieutenant General José Martà Villamil, Major General G.H. Israni, Major General D.D. Ghoshal, Major General K.K. Ganguly, Major General G.K. Sahney, Colonel S.P. Bakshi, Colonel Brian Rees, Lieutenant Colonel Gunter Chassé, Lieutenant Colonel Jitendra Jung Karki, Lieutenant Colonel Richard Neate and former military aide to President Ronald W. Reagan and President George H. Bush U.S. Coast Guard Captain Raymond Seebald. These experienced military leaders advocate the deployment of Prevention Wings of the Military to reduce collective social stress. Director Singh said, "A military response [to terrorism] is no response at all, because it does not get at the root cause of terrorism. Terrorism is a human problem, and it requires a human solution. Any retaliation will only make the terrorists harder. We cannot kill terrorism by any means other than prevention." [xiv] As directors of the programme, these leaders are charged with the responsibility for promoting this invincible defence strategy in the near future to prevent war, terrorism and political violence.
If they succeed, paradoxically, militaries will move forward by looking backward to ancient Vedic high culture whose principle military tenet was heyam duhkham anagatam - the prevention of suffering before it emerged. According to The Ramayana of Valmiki the city of "Ayodhya abounded in warriors undefeated in battle, fearless and skilled in the use of arms..." [xv] However, soon more military scientists of the new millennium may be arguing that a more enlightened interpretation of preventive defense is warranted. Vedic literature describes the righteous stress-free lifestyle of the inhabitants of ancient Ayodhya. Add this to the knowledge of the field effects of consciousness (gained from extensive modern scientific research conducted on the Maharishi Effect), and we see that Ayodhya's first line of preventive defense was likely created by the purity of the inhabitants' collective consciousness. This collective consciousness "...the brilliance of which…" according to Valmiki, "…spread for four miles…[made Ayodhya]…worthy of its name" ['The City none can challenge in warfare']. [xvi] Through the Maharishi Effect, Sri Lanka now has the opportunity to even surpass the city of Ayodhya. It could become the nation that none can challenge in warfare. Sri Lanka could create victory before war by preventing enemies from arising. Globally, in the future, this could change the character of war and terrorism to: no enemies - no war or terrorism.
Editor's Note: For more information about Invincible Defense Technology the author's request that readers view an online video by Dr. John Hagelin entitled: "An important message for all military leaders" on the International Center for Invincible Defense website. Video link: http://www.invincibledefense.org/videos/2007_04_11_hagelin.html A transcription with full-sized figures is available at: http://istpp.org/military_science/Hagelin_military_lecture.html .
Since this paper was written, Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) has received attention from the press in Sri Lanka. The Sri Lanka Guardian and The Bottom Line -- published an editorial about IDT entitled: "A Scientifically Verified Means to End Protracted Violence in Sri Lanka" by Major General Kulwant Singh (Indian Army, Retired), Dr. John Hagelin (the Harvard-trained quantum physicist who won the prestigious Kilby Award, and appeared in the feature films The Secret and What the Bleep Do We Know?) and Dr. David Leffler. Their editorial was based on Appendix C: of the 254 page US government-sponsored report "55 Trends Now Shaping the Future of Terrorism" which is available on the US Army War College website. The Sri Lankan Guardian article has been mentioned by: Defence Column, Sandeshaya Blogspot – Defense News Portal and Interactive Maps - Latest and Fast Breaking news and by Sinhala. Later the Sri Lanka Guardian published an exclusive interview about with IDT expert Lt. Col. Gunter Chassé, Retired German Air Force officer. For links to this information and updates in the future, see: (Link)
About the Authors
Dr. Michael Larrass received his Ph.D. from Heidelberg University (Germany) where he did his doctoral research on the topic of the relationship between poetry and the evolution of collective consciousness. He lived in France for 11 years teaching at different schools of commerce and management. He then moved to Germany where he worked as a promoter in the field of personal and corporate health. Michael was co-organizer of Germany's Social Phase Transition Stability Programme (SATTWA) from 15/09/1989 - 15/03/1990 during the reintegration of East and West Germany. At present, he operates a translation company in Ottawa, Canada.
Maj. Gen. (Dr.) Kulwant Singh, U.Y.S.M., (Retd.) received his Ph.D. and M.Sc. in Defence Studies from Chennai University. He also has a postgraduate diploma in Human Resource Development from Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) in New Delhi. Dr. Singh has a postgraduate diploma in Management from the Regional College of Management and Technology (RCMT). He qualified for the prestigious Higher Command Course at College of Combat and is a graduate of the Defence Service Staff Collage. He fought in combat and led India's fight against India's intransigent terrorism problem for nearly 30 years. Maj. Gen. Singh was awarded the Uttam Yudh Sewa Medal, the second highest decoration for senior officers during operations in Sri Lanka as part of IPKF (Indian Peace Keeping Force). Today he is leading an international group of generals and defense experts that advocates Invincible Defence Technology. Dr. Singh lives in New Delhi, India. His list of publications on the topic of Invincible Defense Technology are available by clicking here.
Dr. David R. Leffler received his Ph.D. in Consciousness-Based Military Defense from Union Institute & University. His other academic degrees include: a B.A. in Education, an M.A. in the Science of Creative Intelligence from Maharishi University of Management and an M.M. in Education from New Mexico State University. He was a member of the U.S. Air Force for eight years. Dr. Leffler is the Executive Director at the Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS). David served as an Associate of the Proteus Management Group at the Center for Strategic Leadership, US Army War College and is a member of the U.S. Naval Institute. He has given presentations about Invincible Defense Technology at the "5th Annual Countering IEDs - Assessing the IED Threat and its Evolution on the Battlefield and in the Homeland" conference in the Washington, D.C. and at the Korea Institute for Defense Analyses (KIDA). David has also given presentations at the Russian Air Force Academy, The Russian Academy of Sciences, and defense-related institutions in the U.S.A. Invincible Defense Technology News is edited by Dr. Leffler. He lives in Fairfield, Iowa, USA. Dr. Leffler's list of publications on the topic of Invincible Defense Technology are available by clicking here.
The authors very much appreciate Dr. R. I. Sujith, Dr. Michael C. Dillbeck, Rodney and Nadini Charles, and Lee M. Leffler for their contributions to this paper.
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End Notes
® Transcendental Meditation, TM, TM-Sidhi and Prevention Wing of the Military are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as service marks of the Maharishi Vedic Education Development Corporation and are used under license.
[i] "Preparing To Meet Challenges To National Security 'In The 21st Century: The Organisational Dimension" Defence Review Committee, Sri Lankan Ministry of Defence.
[ii] "Research - The Transcendental Meditation Program - Official Website"
[iii] Hagelin, J. S. (1987). Is consciousness the unified field? A field theorist's perspective. Modern Science and Vedic Science, 1, 29-87.
[iv] For more on this topic, see also: d 'Espagnat, B. (1979). The quantum theory and reality. Scientific American. 24. 158-181, and Stapp, H.P. (1993). Mind, Matter, and Quantum Mechanics. Berlin: Springer Verlag.
[v] Borland, C., Landrith, G. S. III. (1977). Improved quality of city life through the Transcendental Meditation program: Decreased crime rate. In D. W. Orme-Johnson, J. T. Farrow, (Eds.), Scientific Research on the Transcendental Meditation Program: Collected Papers, (Vol. 1, 639-651). Vlodrop, The Netherlands, Maharishi Vedic University Press. Also see: Assimakis, P. D. (1989). Change in the quality of life in Canada: Intervention studies of the effect of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program. Dissertation Abstracts International, 50(5), 2203B; Cavanaugh, K. L., & King, K. D. (1988). Simultaneous transfer function analysis of Okun's misery index: Improvements in the economic quality of life through Maharishi's Vedic Science and technology of consciousness. Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Business and Economics Statistics Section (pp. 491-496).
[vi] Dillbeck, M. C., Banus, C. B., Polanzi, C., & Landrith III, G. S. (1988). Test of a field model of consciousness and social change: The Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program and decreased urban crime. The Journal of Mind and Behavior, 94, 457-485. Dillbeck, M. C., Landrith III, G. S., & Orme-Johnson, D. W. (1981). The Transcendental Meditation program and crime rate change in a sample of forty-eight cities. Journal of Crime and Justice, 4, 25-45. Hatchard, G. D., Deans, A. J., Cavanaugh, K. L., & Orme-Johnson, D. W. (1996). The Maharishi Effect: A model for social improvement. Time series analysis of a phase transition to reduced crime in Merseyside metropolitan area. Psychology, Crime and Law, 2(3), 165-174.
[vii] Abou Nader, T. M., Alexander, C. N., & Davis, J. L. (1984). The Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field and reduction of armed conflict: A comparative, longitudinal study of Lebanese villages. Scientific Research on Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Program: Collected Papers, (Vol. 4, pp. 2623-2633). Davies, J. L., & Alexander, C. N. (2005). Alleviating political violence through enhancing coherence in collective consciousness: Impact assessment analysis of the Lebanon war. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 17, 285-338.
[viii] The TM technique is taught in a standardized seven-step program requiring the participation in seven sessions of approximately 90 minutes each, spread over ten days. See: http://www.tm.org/learn
[ix] With the advanced TM-Sidhi programme technology, the required number necessary for the global Maharishi Effect is equivalent to the square root of 1% of the world's population.
[x] Another version of this project would be to have a group of Sidhi experts in each province, equivalent to the square root of 1% of the population, ideally in association with one of the many emerging institutes for peace research for the implementation of practical, specific actions arising from the non-specific group practice. (see also: http://www.SquareRootOfOnePercent.org).
[xi] "Research - The Transcendental Meditation Program - Official Website"
[xii] Giulio Douhet, (1983.) The Command of the Air. (Translated by Dino Ferrari). Reprinted by USAF Office of History. Washington: Government Printing Office. (Original work translated in 1942), p. 30.
[xiii] Press Release (2001, September 11) "Army Generals Offer President Bush Alternative to Missile Defense Shield Top-Ranking Military Leader from India-Proposes 'Vedic Defense Shield' for Prevention of War."
[xiv] Press Conference Summary (2001, September 28) "John Hagelin Returns to Washington To Support Proposal for Permanent World Peace."
[xv] Ramayana of Valmiki. (1957). (Translated by Hari Prasad Shatri) London: Shanti Sadan. (Maharishi asserts that the original work was verbally passed on and later written down by the Vedic tradition for approximately the last 5,000 years.), p. 20.
[xvi] Ibid, p. 21.
I hope readers realize that these authors are NOT scientists who have any following, but are the "miracle fringe"
associated with Transcendental meditation" etc. They claim that when they had a sit in in Washington, the crime rate dropped by 40% !!!!!!
I am told by a US friend of mine that they do make a lot of money from collections
I participated in the project in Washington, DC the summer of 1993 in the group practice of the TM-Sidhi program. This was a real scientific study that was later published in the journal, Social Indicators Research. In order for such a study to be published, it must go through a strict review.
Here is a quote from http://www.mum.edu/m_effect/dc_md.html
. . . research has confirmed the existence and the universality of the Maharishi Effect. It has become possible to lodge a prediction in advance with the police and the Mayor of a city and then create the effect. This was put to the test under the careful scrutiny of a distinguished review board in 1993 in Washington, D.C. The maximum decrease in violent crimes was 23.3%. The statistical probability that this result could reflect chance variation in crime levels was less than 2 in 1 billion (p < .000000002).
Many studies have been published on the Maharishi Effect, including its ability to create peace. All have been subject to strict review. If this were not real science, publication would not be possible.
The fact that war cannot generate peace, is such an obvious concept, yet it has somehow eluded humanity for centuries. We cannot expect to eliminate war by using violence and nowhere has this become more apparent that Uganda, Sudan and the DRC, all of which have suffered terribly for generations. But it is our good fortune that a solution is here. The scientific evidence speaks very clearly, group practice of Transcendental Meditation and the TM-Sidhi program reduces stress in the individual and society as a whole, creating harmony increasing peaceful tendencies and decreasing violence. It is high time for the world to embrace these solutions. For additional information on TM and its ability to create a peaceful society click on Transcendental Meditation & World Peace, and http://www.truthabouttm.org/truth/SocietalEffects/Rationale-Research/index.cfm
What a good, well written and fascinating article. We have experienced over the last 35 years the devastating effects of conflicts all over the world, and the enormous cost these conflicts cause - both human and financial. If there is a solution that has been scientifically shown to reduce crime, conflict and other warlike tendencies in society, then it is time to use them for the good of mankind. The Transcendental Meditation is one such technology and needs to be given serious consideration by the military and governments of countries plagued with conflicts.
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