LTTE is no excuse for killing Vanni civilians


An Introductory Note

(April 17, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) A young mother is injured and her three-month-old baby killed by shell fragments as she breastfeeds the child in the government declared no fire zone.

Parents hide their children in roughly dug bunkers to escape LTTE press gangs who comb the no-fire zone for conscripts.

A woman loses her husband to sniper fire and the toddler he was carrying too drowns when they attempt to wade across a lagoon to escape the no-fire zone.

A father is shot in the head by LTTE members as he attempted to flee with his family.

We seldom receive independent accounts of current developments in the Vanni. The information provided in this bulletin is an exception. Given below are some cross-checked facts drawn from persons who recently escaped from the Vanni, which give the lie to the Government’s claims that it does not fire on the civilians and show clearly the LTTE’s cynical use of civilians as bargaining chips. They also speak to the impotence of the international community and India to stop the carnage. What we have learned:

Read Full text of the Report
-Sri Lanka Guardian
Dayaa said...

This was expected.Under the disguise of eliminating terrorism, its the innocents who gets killed either by the LTTE or the Srilankan Army.

Being a avid reader of most newspapers, who report Independantely, my view is that mostly, the tamils in the so called no-fire zone are getting killed ,maimed by the SLA.Perhaps the GOSL knows very well that there are no independant reporters in the war zone, therefore they can do what they want.We have seenm this in other countries as well.But where do these people draw these so called peace lines.

MR visits Killinochchi, wheree only Srilankan Army is there, no civillians.Isnt this a election ( WPC) gimmick?

Perhaps the following proverb suits the occassion.