by Durga Velautham in New Delhi
(December 08, New Delhi, Sri Lanka Guardian) Our investigations in Chennai, Tamilnadu and the numerous interviews we have had with people who participated in the pro-LTTE demonstrations against the Government of Sri Lanka have unearthed the shocking information that funds were generously showered on certain Tamilnadu political leaders by the Tamil Diaspora in Toronto, Canada to encourage and enable such an activity. It was not begun as a spontaneous reaction to the way the Government of Sri Lanka was handling the ethnic issue especially the bombing of civilian targets in the country.
No doubt the Sri Lankan government was turning a blind eye to how the Armed Forces especially the country’s Air Force was causing a great deal of civilian killing and devastation to infrastructures and properties. Surely, there was a great deal of cause for alarm and it was just and proper that the people of a neighbouring state to express their concern.
But the pro-Tamil Sri Lankans demonstration was a cover used to support the LTTE and bring about an end to attacks against the Tigers who had come to a breakpoint and their survival was all that mattered at this stage. There is no sympathy for the Tigers in India and but there is a great deal of it for the Tamils and the Indian populace have separated the Tamil cause from that of the Tigers.
They also recognize that the greatest danger to the Tamils surviving in Sri Lanka comes from the LTTE and not from the Government of Sri Lanka. If at all the Tamils want any help from India, it is to get rid of Prabhakaran and his gang and liberate them from the death grip the LTTE has on them. The more the LTTE survives, the less the Tamils will endure as Sri Lankans. The Tamil Diaspora is not concerned about this danger at all.
When the LTTE assassinated a former Indian Prime Minister, they earned the ire of the Indian people except for such politicians as Vaiko, Thirumavalavan, Nedumaran and company whose patriotism has always been suspect and challenged. It has also been widely understood that the LTTE has kept them well funded, rather well oiled to dance to their tunes. They are just another breed like the Sri Lankan TNA Members of Parliament.
Strangely enough two prominent members of the Communist Party of Sri Lanka, now known as “formers” of the party, played the cardinal role in transferring funds from Toronto to Chennai. One of them is a Canadian citizen now and the other, a Sri London don presently in Chennai generally operating an anti-Sri Lankan activity under cover of pro-Sri Lankan Tamil sentiments.
The Canadian ex-Sri Lankan is no less a person than Premji Gnanasunderam, a former Central Committee Member of the Community of Sri Lanka who was also, before migrating to Canada, one of the directors of the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation. He was appointed by the then President Chandrika Kumaranatunge in the good faith she had in him as a member of the minority community and also his liberal views on government and development.
The other person, the kingpin of this operation and stationed in Chennai is the pro-LTTE university don, Professor Sivathamby. He was a former member of the Communist Party of Sri Lanka too and considered an opportunist feather seeker for himself.
The contact person in Tamilnadu, India obviously came from the Communist Party of India and that was Mr T Pandian, popularly called Tha Pandyan. He is not merely a state leader of the Communist Party but also has a national clout in India. Premji Gnanasunderam was persuaded but not much persuasion was needed to go on a mission from Canada to India by the LTTE bigwigs in North America and make contacts with Professor Sivathamby who had already set the stage by assuring funds for the demonstration.
Support with generous funds was clearly the demand of people like Tha Pandian and the demonstration was conditional to it. After discussions with Professor Sivathamby, Premji Gnanasunderam and the professor met Tha Pandyan to give the final go ahead for the demonstration. It was only afterwards other politicians worked up the masses to participate in the demonstration. The actual amount of funds that were transferred is not public knowledge and never will be because LTTE funds are managed in various ways by various sources but it is generally believed nearly all that were given to Tha Pandian and probably a few others were from Canada.
Persuading the film community to participate in the demonstration was a major achievement of Tha Pandian and his people. Evidently they succeeded in getting the film people to make it a big event to establish good rapport with their fans and that was how it turned out in the end. Although they carried anti-Sri Lankan Government placards and wore pro-Sri Lankan Tamil badges and buttons, the demonstrators loved being with their film idols and that was the end result of the demonstration. For the Tamil masses, Indian film heroes are next to gods if not gods themselves.
Once the funds from Canada expended, the demonstrators went home not knowing whether their demonstration was pro-Sri Lankan Tamil or anti-Sri Lankan Government. What they did not know and also did not care about knowing was whether it was an LTTE instigated one sparked by politicians who were bought with Tamil Diaspora funds from North America from Canadian sources.
This is clearly a matter for the RCMP in Canada and the Intelligence authorities in India to investigate especially in the light of the terrible attacks in Mumbai. What the terrorists did to Mumbai could be done by the LTTE to Chennai for after all, the Tigers assassinated Rajiv Gandhi on Indian soil. How is it possible for any Indian politicians to have truck with terrorists of any kind? - Sri Lanka Guardian
(December 08, New Delhi, Sri Lanka Guardian) Our investigations in Chennai, Tamilnadu and the numerous interviews we have had with people who participated in the pro-LTTE demonstrations against the Government of Sri Lanka have unearthed the shocking information that funds were generously showered on certain Tamilnadu political leaders by the Tamil Diaspora in Toronto, Canada to encourage and enable such an activity. It was not begun as a spontaneous reaction to the way the Government of Sri Lanka was handling the ethnic issue especially the bombing of civilian targets in the country.
No doubt the Sri Lankan government was turning a blind eye to how the Armed Forces especially the country’s Air Force was causing a great deal of civilian killing and devastation to infrastructures and properties. Surely, there was a great deal of cause for alarm and it was just and proper that the people of a neighbouring state to express their concern.
But the pro-Tamil Sri Lankans demonstration was a cover used to support the LTTE and bring about an end to attacks against the Tigers who had come to a breakpoint and their survival was all that mattered at this stage. There is no sympathy for the Tigers in India and but there is a great deal of it for the Tamils and the Indian populace have separated the Tamil cause from that of the Tigers.
They also recognize that the greatest danger to the Tamils surviving in Sri Lanka comes from the LTTE and not from the Government of Sri Lanka. If at all the Tamils want any help from India, it is to get rid of Prabhakaran and his gang and liberate them from the death grip the LTTE has on them. The more the LTTE survives, the less the Tamils will endure as Sri Lankans. The Tamil Diaspora is not concerned about this danger at all.
When the LTTE assassinated a former Indian Prime Minister, they earned the ire of the Indian people except for such politicians as Vaiko, Thirumavalavan, Nedumaran and company whose patriotism has always been suspect and challenged. It has also been widely understood that the LTTE has kept them well funded, rather well oiled to dance to their tunes. They are just another breed like the Sri Lankan TNA Members of Parliament.
Strangely enough two prominent members of the Communist Party of Sri Lanka, now known as “formers” of the party, played the cardinal role in transferring funds from Toronto to Chennai. One of them is a Canadian citizen now and the other, a Sri London don presently in Chennai generally operating an anti-Sri Lankan activity under cover of pro-Sri Lankan Tamil sentiments.
The Canadian ex-Sri Lankan is no less a person than Premji Gnanasunderam, a former Central Committee Member of the Community of Sri Lanka who was also, before migrating to Canada, one of the directors of the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation. He was appointed by the then President Chandrika Kumaranatunge in the good faith she had in him as a member of the minority community and also his liberal views on government and development.
The other person, the kingpin of this operation and stationed in Chennai is the pro-LTTE university don, Professor Sivathamby. He was a former member of the Communist Party of Sri Lanka too and considered an opportunist feather seeker for himself.
The contact person in Tamilnadu, India obviously came from the Communist Party of India and that was Mr T Pandian, popularly called Tha Pandyan. He is not merely a state leader of the Communist Party but also has a national clout in India. Premji Gnanasunderam was persuaded but not much persuasion was needed to go on a mission from Canada to India by the LTTE bigwigs in North America and make contacts with Professor Sivathamby who had already set the stage by assuring funds for the demonstration.
Support with generous funds was clearly the demand of people like Tha Pandian and the demonstration was conditional to it. After discussions with Professor Sivathamby, Premji Gnanasunderam and the professor met Tha Pandyan to give the final go ahead for the demonstration. It was only afterwards other politicians worked up the masses to participate in the demonstration. The actual amount of funds that were transferred is not public knowledge and never will be because LTTE funds are managed in various ways by various sources but it is generally believed nearly all that were given to Tha Pandian and probably a few others were from Canada.
Persuading the film community to participate in the demonstration was a major achievement of Tha Pandian and his people. Evidently they succeeded in getting the film people to make it a big event to establish good rapport with their fans and that was how it turned out in the end. Although they carried anti-Sri Lankan Government placards and wore pro-Sri Lankan Tamil badges and buttons, the demonstrators loved being with their film idols and that was the end result of the demonstration. For the Tamil masses, Indian film heroes are next to gods if not gods themselves.
Once the funds from Canada expended, the demonstrators went home not knowing whether their demonstration was pro-Sri Lankan Tamil or anti-Sri Lankan Government. What they did not know and also did not care about knowing was whether it was an LTTE instigated one sparked by politicians who were bought with Tamil Diaspora funds from North America from Canadian sources.
This is clearly a matter for the RCMP in Canada and the Intelligence authorities in India to investigate especially in the light of the terrible attacks in Mumbai. What the terrorists did to Mumbai could be done by the LTTE to Chennai for after all, the Tigers assassinated Rajiv Gandhi on Indian soil. How is it possible for any Indian politicians to have truck with terrorists of any kind? - Sri Lanka Guardian
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