Another bluff of the LTTE front

(October 08, London, Sri Lanka Guardian) The UK based LTTE front British Tamil Forum (BTF) in its press release today falsely claimed over six thousand Tamils gathered outside UK Parliament on 6 October 2008 to demand action against indiscriminate bombing of Tamils by Government of Sri Lanka. Contrary to their claim only about 1,500 people had turned up for the event.

The LTTE group which does not tolerate the independent voices of the wider Tamils has claimed ‘age, religion, language or gender were no barrier as from grand parents to babies in push chairs, Christians, Buddhists, Muslims and Hindus to Tamils, Sinhalese were all present at the scene.’ The sources said violent elements of the LTTE were present to deal with anyone not subscribing to the LTTE cause turning up at the event.

BTF ensured prominent LTTE activists to in the forefront of the demonstration.

The BTF invited British parliamentarians to take part in the event. But their requests were largely ignored by the MP’s. Some parliamentarians made inquiries about the bona fides of the BTF and when they realized organizers links to the LTTE, they decided to ignore the invitation.

BTF which claims it is a representative and democratic organisation and that over 80 Tamil organizations are affiliated members, have not revealed the names of these organizations. BTA which is not a registered organisation, raises large amounts of funds by coercion from the Tamil businesses and community organizations.
- Sri Lanka Guardian