Wake up Sri Lanka! Wake up now!

by Victor Karunairajan

[September 24, Toronto, Sri Lanka Guardian]

A land blest with four great religions

Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity

And the Islamic faith of the Moslems

What great spiritual roots they are?

Yet a nation ensnared in aggression

Too long, too fierce and too deadly.

Do we have no end to these hostilities?

Do we not desire peace and harmony?

Do we have no heart for our children,

To bestow on them a legacy of accord,

Among their fellow folks and citizens

Irrelevant what racial origin they are?

What great lessons our faith did teach?

What great values they imparted on us?

What great traditions we valued much?

What kind of visions we have treasured?

Have our nation gone bad and bankrupt?

Have our much loved folks no hope at all?

Wake up Sri Lanka! Wake up Government

Wake up politicos and terror factions too

You’ve done the worst and harmed us all

Blinded of visions, crooked and corrupt.

Our right to live in peace is just and sacred

No people or state should ever maltreat it.

- Sri Lanka Guardian