No Mercy for Prabhakaran

“Prabhakaran deprives life to all communities. Take the 10 young people (the so called black tigers) in the photo with Prabhakaran who launched the attack on Vavunia base. They were sent to death bed by him. Look at the most beautiful girl in the middle of the back row. What a future she could have had! It is hard to comprehend how her parents bear the pain of her loss. Look at the rest. They look so young and energetic. Are they not wasted lives?” [Image: Liberation Tigers of Tamileelam (LTTE) Leader Velupillai Pirapaharan on Thursday paid his last respects to the ten Black Tiger commandos, who laid down their lives during the Tiger operation on the Vanni headquarters of the Sri Lankan forces (SF HQ) on Tuesday.]

by Helasingha Bandara

(September 13, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) Yet again Prabhakaran has proved by killing 7 innocent, unarmed and poor civilians that his struggle is racially motivated. The world should know that those racial victims are the poorest of the poor who struggle against all odds to provide for their families. Their lives are normally wasted in the jungles having no other means to survive. The fact is that like everyone else they are made of flesh and blood and have feelings. Those poverty stricken people have no options to provide for their loved ones other than to creep into the jungle for chena cultivation, firewood collection and the like although they are aware of the looming danger from a remorseless gang of terrorists.

Killing them in cold blood is the biggest sin one can ever imagine. Prabhakaran’s children do not face starvation or death threats. Therefore he cannot empathise with the families who fall destitute everyday when the bread winners of their families are killed by Prabhakaran’s killers for no particular gain. Some journalists, diplomats, NGOs, INGOs and other media personnel call the LTTE rebels. It is very difficult to fathom the logic behind such thinking as in the eyes of millions of ordinary people like this writer they are only racist murderers.

Prabhakaran deprives life to all communities. Take the 10 young people (the so called black tigers) in the photo with Prabhakaran who launched the attack on Vavunia base. They were sent to death bed by him. Look at the most beautiful girl in the middle of the back row. What a future she could have had! It is hard to comprehend how her parents bear the pain of her loss. Look at the rest. They look so young and energetic. Are they not wasted lives? What has Prabhakaran achieved by sending those people to graves and killing the Sinhalese skeletons living in the most remote areas?

It is apparent that that the killings in Sri Lanka will not end until Prabhakaran and his close network of cronies are eliminated. There won’t be peace in the minds of any race living in the island. Irrespective of the race every ones life is in danger. No one can have a peaceful night’s sleep. It is guaranteed that once Prabha and the gang are decimated all people in Sri Lanka will breathe a sigh of relief. The People wish the government did not show any mercy to the terrorists until they are gone off the face of the earth.
- Sri Lanka Guardian