UN Charter on terrorism!

- The Sudar Oli Editorial

(August 02, Colombo, Sri Lank Guardian) It is learnt that a resolution calling upon the UN to chalk out a charter on terrorism is to be passed at the current SARRC summit. It is also revealed that a standing committee has prepared a draft of the resolution. We fully endorse the need for such a charter, since it is the need of the hour that we arrive at an internationally acceptable definition of terrorism that is spelt out by the UN. Today's reality is that parties in power are striving to justify their oppressive measures defining it in the manner that suits them and their purposes. They use the word terrorism in a way favourable to them.

Furthermore, in the absence of an appropriate and internationally accepted and a UN recognized definition for terrorism, oppressive regimes interpret the term 'terrorism' to even justify 'state terrorism' unleashed to put down freedom struggles.

In fact, such state terrorism is made to appear as just and legitimate exercises. This is the real concern of the Lankan Tamil people, who are a party to the ethnic problem.

It is apt here to note that the LTTE leader V.Prabaharan had expressed this concern two and a half years ago in 2005, when he delivered his address on the Heroes' Day speech.

"In the absence of an internationally recognized and acclaimed definition for the world terrorism, legitimate and just struggles of the people based on dharma are misinterpreted as terrorism. In this way freedom struggle of the oppressed are tainted as terrorism. Following the international commitment against terrorism, it is striking that military terrorism of states, that is oppressive in nature, takes cover behind word terrorism.

"However, those who rise against state terrorism are branded as terrorists. Today our freedom fight also faces such an unfortunate situation." - thus he expressed his views on that occasion.

This is an internationally vexed issue. Super powers such as America define the term terrorism on the basis of its friendly and unfriendly forces.

For example, America, which brands the attacks by Islamic militants particularly by Palestine fighters, as terrorism, does not see the attacks by Israel on innocent Islamic people, as acts of terrorism.

Even in the case of Sri Lanka, Britain, America and other countries that have banned the LTTE as terrorists, fail to see the atrocious attacks on innocent Tamils as terrorist attacks. They do not even condemn them. It is an irony of fate.

In this back drop, it is essential that international organizations such as UN address their minds to terrorism, state terrorism and genocide and spell out an apt definition on terrorism.

(An English translation of the Editorial in The Sudar Oli, a Tamil daily, based in Colombo)
- Sri Lanka Guardian