Anti-national cacophony

"The government wisely decided to meet all local rupee expenses by printing money and the foreign money requirements by stepping up the export of much of the country's produce. The WB and the IMF are well known for sucking dry the developing countries of Asia. The state prints money not to subsidize, for such action would be self defeating, but to develop the economy. The developed economy will cough- up the money to satisfy the people’s desire for a better life."

by Ivor Samarasinghe

(July 05, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) Sri Lanka has been fortunate that despite the neglect of the politician, it has experienced some economic growth annually chiefly due to the village farmer and private entrepreneur. They had little assistance from government officials either.

The Western Province accounts for most of the growth recorded by the statistician as most government establishments and businesses are cluttered therein. The cry of 'Colombata kiri, and Gamata kekiri' was an apt slogan. It was to make growth more equitable that the 'Mahinda Chintanaya' was devised. The ideas and plans encased in that document are being plagiarized and used by the President's opponents and pro-opposition scribes as if the ideas originated in them.

Poverty reduction and development of the rural hinterland is the central theme of the Chintanaya. Uneven growth was to be rectified. To do this, both the state and private sectors had to be awakened. To develop the rural areas capital, human resources, and education have to penetrate the village. The bottle lamp that lit up the huts had to be replaced by electricity to take television and radio to the village for rapid cultural advancement. The disparity of the educated ramming into cities had to be rectified. To do that the village too had to carry the amenities that the city offered. Even the meagre economic growth recorded annually tended to increase the wants of the citizenary, and coupled with the greater longevity that good health offered, the produce of the country was insufficient to equitably go around, thereby pushing the prices of what was available upwards. The government of Sirimavo Bandaranaike, together with Dr. N. M. Perera as Finance Minister, faced with a similar situation, rationed food items, and price marked them all. Price Control inspectors were recruited with the expectation of satisfying all and sundry. In the scramble for the little that was available, the price control inspector made hay. They sought bribes at every stage, and together with the government ervant made life hell for the citizenry.

The Chintanaya economic policies sagaciously avoided skimming the surface of the problem but delved deep, and devised the plan named the 'Mahinda Chintanaya'. It called for mountains of money, but the government rightly avoided the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund that lend money at low interest, but slams conditions that cater to the needs of the Western countries that control those institutions. At present these institutions are enamoured of the LTTE which has successfully sold its subtle idea around the world - that it is oppression of the Tamil by the government of Sri Lanka.

The government wisely decided to meet all local rupee expenses by printing money and the foreign money requirements by stepping up the export of much of the country's produce. The WB and the IMF are well known for sucking dry the developing countries of Asia. The state prints money not to subsidize, for such action would be self defeating, but to develop the economy. The developed economy will cough- up the money to satisfy the people’s desire for a better life.

The bewildered political opposition that never envisaged the dawn of such a Chintanaya that embraced the all round development of the economy, boycotts everything connected with the Chintanaya to give the public the impression that it could do better. The'opposition politicians have successfully got the JVP trade unions to agitate for a salary increase of Rs. 5000/-, which if granted, will eat into the sum total of the money set aside to subdue the insurgency and simultaneously develop the economy on the lines laid out in the Chintanaya. The President invited the political Opposition to join the government to develop the motherland and simultaneously to lay lo the insurgency, but the request fell on deaf ears. The only political parties that see the danger to the country and offer cooperation to the government are the up country Indian Tamils, the JHU, the EPDP, the traditional Left and the newly formed NFF.

The UNP, led by the Leader of the Opposition, is disintegrating because of its 'dog in the manger' outlook and is unwittingly swelling the ranks of the government, that is wholeheartedly working to uplift the economy to its pristine glory.

Some scribes believe that to safeguard democracy is to yield to the demands of all ethnic groups and thereby, balkanize the country, dividing it into potential enemies, that may war with each other. Such will only impede development.

- Sri Lanka Guardian