Thank God, they are home

by Victor Karunairajan

(June 10, Toronto, Sri Lanka Guardian) On Sunday June 9, 2008, the Jaffna Diocese of the Church of South India enshrining a landmark event of a unique celebration of ordination also signaled its status as a national church in Sri Lanka. This expression in verse appreciates the spirit of the occasion and God’s guidance in tribute and gratitude.

Every dawn past few years
Without missing even a day
Farmer Ponnu kept his vigil
Sure he was, one day soon

His boys will return home
Never did he lose his hope
The sons he so much loved
Forsake him for all the gold
An evil force tempted them

To earn its might and clout
Using sheer alluring charm
Sham, guile and trickery
Piteously pursuing power
To achieve its dominance

And trashed a generation
American dollars aplenty
Dutch guilders and shekels
Bit of Euros even the liras
Whatever could be had
The force coveted it all.

Enthralled by such a life
That this would ordain
Even if that really mean
Wearing a bogus garb
To defraud and deceive.

How long can one hold
A life of bamboozle bilk
When the dominators
Craft them suckers all
Of those they exploit?

Time for home said one
A home awaits yonder
Famished and hungry
Betrayed and swindled
What else can we do?

A home of generations
Given up for really what!
Dirty dollars filthy lucre
Cloudy images dreamt
And what a mess it is?

Agreed the other readily
Let’s go to our own home
And our father awaits us
From dawn to the dusk
Sure his sons will return.

From the distant horizon
The excited father did see
What he had waited long
And sure will be realized
His boys were truly home
- Sri Lanka Guardian