(May 24, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) The recent outbreaks of violence in Alexandra against the immigrant workers have left many innocent civilians dead and tens of thousands seeking refuge in shelters. Whilst these human violations are happening in your own door step, you have ventured to preach to Sri Lanka to stop violence. Fighting a war against a terrorist group is violence for you. As we all know, you made vigorous but unsubstantiated statements against Sri Lanka at the recent UN Human Rights Council elections.
Why didn't you at least acknowledge the atrocities committed by LTTE terrorists against the innocent civilians but harp only on Sri Lankan Government? Have you ever spoken a word against Zimbabwe's human rights violations by Mugabe's government against the Opposition leader and its supporters? When USA and its allies invaded Iraq to get rid of tyrant ruler Sadam Hussein in the name of democracy and killing hudrerds of thousands innocent civilians, where were you? You have created a doubt in our mind that you have been well looked after by LTTE and the Zimbabwe Government and your integrity is now questionable. To keep the sanctity of the robe you are wearing and Nobel Prize you won, you should stop your double standard on human rights violations and speak more sincerely. - Sri Lanka Guardian
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