by Mahendran Sakthikumar
(May 17, London, Sri Lanka Guardian) The Indian Government under late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was instrumental in bringing the Indo-Lanka Accord (1987) and merging the North and Eastern provinces in Sri Lanka by urging the Sri Lankan Government at that time that this would bring a long lasting final peace settlement to the ethnic conflict that had divided the country since Independence from the British in 1948.
All the Tamil Nationalist revolutionary movements (EROS, PLOTE, EPRLF etc) including the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) accepted this solution and we were all given assurances by the Indian and Sri Lankan Governments respectively that the North and Eastern provinces will remain merged and that the North-East would be recognized as the traditional homelands of the Tamil speaking people (Eelavar's).
The North-East Provincial Council administration broke down due to lack of support from the then UNP led administration under President Premadasa and the clandestine relationship that President Premadasa had with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). Thereafter future administrations under the SLFP's (Peoples Alliance) made no efforts to revive the North-East Provincial Council and give the Tamil speaking people what they rightfully deserved, nor did they honestly think about resolving the grievances of the Tamil speaking people (Eelavar's).
After President Mahinda Rajapakse came to power following the controversial Presidential and Parliamentary election in 2005 things looked promising however later on the situation in Sri Lanka drastically began to change for the Tamil speaking people of the North-East. On one hand you had both the Government of Sri Lanka and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam (LTTE) violating the Ceasefire Agreement (CFA) brokered by the Norwegian Government and on the other you had countries like India simply urging both parties to cease violations without practically involving themselves any further with the intension of resolving the ethnic violence’s and mass killings.
In 2001, when the Twin Towers in New York were destroyed by Al-Queda and over 5,000 lives were lost. International Governments opposed to terrorism were very concerned and took appropriate action, however with Sri Lanka where over 80,000 lives have been lost over 3 decades, the total losses of lives means nothing. If the Jews suffered under the persecution of the Nazi's or if the Kurd's suffered under the persecution of Saddam Hussein, why are the Tamils or Sinhalese any different? This is yet another example to which, many peace loving Sri Lankan’s perceive as “Double-Standards”.
Because the Sri Lankan Freedom Party (SLFP) was backed by more nationalist parties such as the JVP and JHU, President Mahinda Rajapakse and his administration began to display more hostility towards the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and the Tamil speaking people living in the North-East to please their coalition partners. Under those circumstances the JVP manipulated the situation and filed a petition at the Supreme Court against the merger of the North-East under the Indo-Lanka Accord claiming that it was illegal.
It is important to note that the Tamil speaking people (Eelavar's) of the North -East unanimously accepted the merger of the North-East under the Indo-Lanka Accord that met the aspirations of of the Tamil speaking people. We had evrey right to have our homelands officially recognized by the Sri Lankan state and the JVP and other chauvinist nationalists chose to break that by approaching the Supreme Court.
Law makers in Sri Lanka and around the world who have assisted Governments in the E.U, USA and Canada in proscribing the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) as a terrorist organization failed to challenge the JVP and the Government of Sri Lanka over the de-merger of the North-East knowing perfectly well that it would be a betrayal to the Tamil speaking people of the North-East and escalate the violence and killings in Sri Lanka. This is what the Tamil speaking people percieve as "Double-Standards". The Palestinians, the Kurd's and the Sri Lankan Tamils have all had to endure the same fate. Note that the Kurds are the largest population of a people that do not have a homeland. The Tamils are second. A small section of chauvinist Sinhalese nationalists have weakened the Tamil national movement using the `Karuna factor'.
EROS openly rejects India's involvement in Sri Lanka's internal affairs unless or otherwise it makes its position very clear to the Sri Lankan Tamil speaking people. India has betrayed the Tamil speaking people of Sri Lanka and it is going to cost them dearly unless or otherwise they seriously consider making amends. India is playing a very dirty double-standards game at the cost of many innocent lives in Sri Lanka both from the Tamil speaking and Sinhalese communities. India has a moral responsibility to clean up its own mess.
Until the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) are militarily weakened and forced into negotiations with other Tamil political parties and the Government of Sri Lanka there can never be lasting peace. The LTTE’s supreme Prabhakaran is never going to settle for anything less than "Eelam", any solution will be deemed interim and therefore it is imperative that the LTTE are put into a position whereby there is no other alternative other than to accept a full and final peace settlement. EROS proposes that the North-East and up-country should be merged into one singular Tamil State and this state should be officially endorsed and recognized as the traditional homelands of the Tamil speaking people (Eelavar's). The state should function as a federal state similar to the state of Tamil-Nadu in India, only then there will be a final end to the ethnic violence and killings in Sri Lanka. The creation of a state does not mean separation or independence. We will always stand by a united Sri Lanka so long as the aspirations and the rights of the Tamil speaking people are accepted and respected. Our Sinhalese brethren in the South need to realize and accept that this solution will resolve over 30 years of ethnic violence and killings that has raped our country out of economic progression and prosperity.
(The Writer Central Committee member of the EROS) .
- Sri Lanka Guardian
(May 17, London, Sri Lanka Guardian) The Indian Government under late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was instrumental in bringing the Indo-Lanka Accord (1987) and merging the North and Eastern provinces in Sri Lanka by urging the Sri Lankan Government at that time that this would bring a long lasting final peace settlement to the ethnic conflict that had divided the country since Independence from the British in 1948.
All the Tamil Nationalist revolutionary movements (EROS, PLOTE, EPRLF etc) including the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) accepted this solution and we were all given assurances by the Indian and Sri Lankan Governments respectively that the North and Eastern provinces will remain merged and that the North-East would be recognized as the traditional homelands of the Tamil speaking people (Eelavar's).
The North-East Provincial Council administration broke down due to lack of support from the then UNP led administration under President Premadasa and the clandestine relationship that President Premadasa had with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). Thereafter future administrations under the SLFP's (Peoples Alliance) made no efforts to revive the North-East Provincial Council and give the Tamil speaking people what they rightfully deserved, nor did they honestly think about resolving the grievances of the Tamil speaking people (Eelavar's).
After President Mahinda Rajapakse came to power following the controversial Presidential and Parliamentary election in 2005 things looked promising however later on the situation in Sri Lanka drastically began to change for the Tamil speaking people of the North-East. On one hand you had both the Government of Sri Lanka and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam (LTTE) violating the Ceasefire Agreement (CFA) brokered by the Norwegian Government and on the other you had countries like India simply urging both parties to cease violations without practically involving themselves any further with the intension of resolving the ethnic violence’s and mass killings.
In 2001, when the Twin Towers in New York were destroyed by Al-Queda and over 5,000 lives were lost. International Governments opposed to terrorism were very concerned and took appropriate action, however with Sri Lanka where over 80,000 lives have been lost over 3 decades, the total losses of lives means nothing. If the Jews suffered under the persecution of the Nazi's or if the Kurd's suffered under the persecution of Saddam Hussein, why are the Tamils or Sinhalese any different? This is yet another example to which, many peace loving Sri Lankan’s perceive as “Double-Standards”.
Because the Sri Lankan Freedom Party (SLFP) was backed by more nationalist parties such as the JVP and JHU, President Mahinda Rajapakse and his administration began to display more hostility towards the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and the Tamil speaking people living in the North-East to please their coalition partners. Under those circumstances the JVP manipulated the situation and filed a petition at the Supreme Court against the merger of the North-East under the Indo-Lanka Accord claiming that it was illegal.
It is important to note that the Tamil speaking people (Eelavar's) of the North -East unanimously accepted the merger of the North-East under the Indo-Lanka Accord that met the aspirations of of the Tamil speaking people. We had evrey right to have our homelands officially recognized by the Sri Lankan state and the JVP and other chauvinist nationalists chose to break that by approaching the Supreme Court.
Law makers in Sri Lanka and around the world who have assisted Governments in the E.U, USA and Canada in proscribing the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) as a terrorist organization failed to challenge the JVP and the Government of Sri Lanka over the de-merger of the North-East knowing perfectly well that it would be a betrayal to the Tamil speaking people of the North-East and escalate the violence and killings in Sri Lanka. This is what the Tamil speaking people percieve as "Double-Standards". The Palestinians, the Kurd's and the Sri Lankan Tamils have all had to endure the same fate. Note that the Kurds are the largest population of a people that do not have a homeland. The Tamils are second. A small section of chauvinist Sinhalese nationalists have weakened the Tamil national movement using the `Karuna factor'.
EROS openly rejects India's involvement in Sri Lanka's internal affairs unless or otherwise it makes its position very clear to the Sri Lankan Tamil speaking people. India has betrayed the Tamil speaking people of Sri Lanka and it is going to cost them dearly unless or otherwise they seriously consider making amends. India is playing a very dirty double-standards game at the cost of many innocent lives in Sri Lanka both from the Tamil speaking and Sinhalese communities. India has a moral responsibility to clean up its own mess.
Until the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) are militarily weakened and forced into negotiations with other Tamil political parties and the Government of Sri Lanka there can never be lasting peace. The LTTE’s supreme Prabhakaran is never going to settle for anything less than "Eelam", any solution will be deemed interim and therefore it is imperative that the LTTE are put into a position whereby there is no other alternative other than to accept a full and final peace settlement. EROS proposes that the North-East and up-country should be merged into one singular Tamil State and this state should be officially endorsed and recognized as the traditional homelands of the Tamil speaking people (Eelavar's). The state should function as a federal state similar to the state of Tamil-Nadu in India, only then there will be a final end to the ethnic violence and killings in Sri Lanka. The creation of a state does not mean separation or independence. We will always stand by a united Sri Lanka so long as the aspirations and the rights of the Tamil speaking people are accepted and respected. Our Sinhalese brethren in the South need to realize and accept that this solution will resolve over 30 years of ethnic violence and killings that has raped our country out of economic progression and prosperity.
(The Writer Central Committee member of the EROS) .
- Sri Lanka Guardian

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